Auditing Question Paper 2024' May [Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester CBCS]

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If you're a student pursuing your BCom under the CBCS curriculum at Dibrugarh University, the Auditing Question Paper May 2024 is a valuable resource. Understanding its structure and pattern can help you prepare effectively. Below, we’ve provided a detailed the question paper:

Auditing Question Paper 2024' May [Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester CBCS]

Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester Auditing Question paper 2024 

Exam Details:

University: Dibrugarh University 

Subject: Auditing

Semester: BCom 6th Semester

Paper Code: C-613

Maximum Marks: 80

Passing Marks: 32

Duration: 3 hours

Program Name: BCom (Bachelor of Commerce)

Question Paper: 


2024 (May)


Paper: C-613


Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

Q.1. (a). State whether the following statements are True or False: 1×4= 4 Marks

(i) Remuneration of the internal auditor is fixed by shareholders.

(ii) Carbon copy of sales invoices is an example of a primary voucher.

(iii) Under Section 5 of the Companies Act, 2013, every company is required to have an Articles of Association.

(iv)  CARO 2016 is applicable to the banking companies also.

(b). Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1×4= 4 Marks

(i) When financial transactions are examined at the time of happening, it is called _____audit.

(ii) Preliminary expenses are of ____nature.

(iii) No company shall have more than _______ directors.

(iv) Violation of any of the provisions of Sections 139, 143, 144 and 145 of the Companies Act implies a fine which shall not be less than _______.

Q.2. Write short notes on (any four)  4×4= 16 Marks

(a) Statutory audit

(b) Vouching of ledger

(c) branch auditor

(d) joint auditor

(e)features of good audit report

Q.3. (a). "An audit is not a complete safeguard and insurance against all financial ills." Discuss. 14 Marks


(b). What is meant by internal check? Describe the system of internal check with regard to stores (stock) of a manufacturing concern. 4+10= 14 Marks

4. (a). What is a voucher? Discuss the duties of an auditor in respect of verification of purchase and sales ledger. 2+6+6= 14 Marks


(b).What are the duties of an auditor regarding the valuation of intangible assets? Distinguish between verification and valuation. 10+4=14 Marks

5. (a). Discuss the provisions Companies Act, 2013 regarding qualification, disqualification of the and removal of an auditor. 14 Marks


(b). Describe the various sources from which the dividend be paid by a company. Mention the auditor's duties with regard to payment of dividends. 7+7= 14 Marks

6. (a). What do you mean by audit report? Explain the provisions of the Companies Act regarding audit reports.


7. Write notes on the following: 14 Marks

(i). Elements of audit report

(ii). Qualified audit report

(iii) Importance of audit report

(iv) Specimen of clean report


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