Dibrugarh University Yoga Question Paper 2024 [2nd Semester Fyugp Value Added Courses]

Get Dibrugarh University Yoga Question Paper 2024 [2nd Semester Fyugp Value Added Courses] which is helpful in your exams preparation.
Dibrugarh University, one of the premier institutions in Assam, offers a wide range of courses, including Value-Added Courses (VAC) under the FYUGP (Four-Year Undergraduate Programme). Among these, the Yoga Paper (VAC4) in the 2nd Semester is a significant inclusion aimed at promoting physical and mental well-being. This article provides an overview of the 2024 Yoga question paper for VAC4, along with its structure and key highlights.

Yoga Question Paper Details

Course: FYUGP (2nd Semester)
Paper: VAC4 (Yoga) – Theory
Maximum Marks: 25
Time Duration: 1½ hours

The question paper is designed to test students’ theoretical knowledge of Yoga, its principles, and its practical implications. Below is the detailed Yoga question paper of 2024:

Dibrugarh University BCOM 2nd SEM FYUGP
(Value Added Courses)
Paper: VAC4 (Theory)
[Yoga Question Paper]
Full Marks: 25
Time: 1½ hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions as directed:    1x3=3

(a) The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit word _______. [Fill in the blank]

(b) Pranayama is the combination of Prana and _______. [Fill in the blank]

(c) Name one ‘Yoga’ education institute in India.

2. Write short notes on (any three):         2x3=6

(a) Pranayama.

(b) Mudra.

(c) Gyan Yoga.

(d) Sattvik food.

3. Answer any two of the following questions:     8x2=16

(a) Discuss the importance of ‘Yoga’ as science.

(b) Explain different types of ‘Kriya’ and its effects.

(c) Discuss ‘Dhyana’ and its significance in human life.

(d) Discuss the importance of ‘Yoga’ in physical and mental well-being of humankind. 


Why This Yoga Paper Matters

The inclusion of Yoga as a Value-Added Course under Dibrugarh University’s FYUGP program emphasizes its relevance in today’s lifestyle. By integrating Yoga into the curriculum, the university aims to:

Promote a healthier lifestyle among students.

Foster mindfulness and stress management techniques.

Equip students with tools for personal and professional growth.

Final Words

In summary, the Dibrugarh University Yoga Question Paper 2024 emphasizes the importance of understanding Yoga's principles and its practical applications. By integrating Yoga into academics, the university promotes holistic well-being, equipping students with tools for a healthier and more mindful life.

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