Human Resource Management 2024 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom CBCS Pattern]

Get Gauhati University B.Com 4th Semester Human Resource Management Question Paper 2024 which is very useful if you are preparing for HRM Examination.

Get Gauhati University B.Com 4th Semester Human Resource Management Question Paper 2024 which is very useful if you are preparing for HRM Examination.

GU B.Com Human Resource Management Question Paper 2024

Gauhati University
B.Com 4th Semester (CBCS)
Honours Core – HC 3 (HRM)

(Honours Core)
Paper: COM-HC-4036
(Human Resource Management)
Full Marks: 80
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer as directed: (1×10=10)

(a) Which of the following is not a managerial function of a human resource manager?

(i) Planning
(ii) Motivation
(iii) Organising
(iv) Controlling

(Choose the correct answer)

(b) Which among the following is not a technique of job analysis?

(i) Questionnaire
(ii) Job performance
(iii) Training
(iv) Interview

(Choose the correct answer)

(c) Projective test is a type of selection test. (State True or False)

(d) Provident fund is an example of _______. (Fill in the blank)

(e) Seniority is a base of promotion. (State True or False)

(f) Which of the following is not an involuntary separation?

(i) Downsizing
(ii) Dismissal
(iii) Transfer by request
(iv) Termination

(Choose the correct answer)

(g) Critical incident method is a method of performance appraisal. (State True or False)

(h) Rowan premium plan was developed by D. Rowan in the year:

(i) 1910
(ii) 1911
(iii) 1901
(iv) 1921

(Choose the correct answer)

(i) Hobbies are included in work-life balance. (State True or False)

(j) In which Act are the provisions relating to the health of the workers stated?

2. Write very short answers:  (2×5=10)

(a) Write two characteristics of human resource management.

(b) What is recruitment?

(c) State two objectives of performance appraisal.

(d) What is induction?

(e) State two causes of demotion.

3. Answer any four of the following: (5×4=20)

(a) Explain in brief the qualities of a human resource manager.

(b) Write a note on fringe benefits.

(c) Explain in brief the factors affecting the quality of work life.

(d) State briefly the objectives of social security.

(e) State the difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management.

(f) Write a note on job description.

4. Answer any four of the following: (10×4=40)

(a) What is performance appraisal? Explain any two techniques of performance appraisal.

(b) What is job analysis? Explain the process of job analysis.

(c) Explain the importance of human resource planning. What are the objectives of human resource planning?

(d) What is human resource accounting? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of human resource accounting.

(e) What is human resource management? Explain how the concept of employees is undergoing changes in recent times.

(f) Describe the methods of the executive development program.

(g) Explain the concept of employee redeployment. What are the advantages and disadvantages of employee redeployment?

(h) Explain the methods of wage payments.


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