GU Principles of Marketing Important Questions 2025 [Gauhati University BCom 2nd Semester NEP FYUGP]

Prepare for GU BCom 2nd Semester NEP FYUGP Principles of Marketing 2025 exam with important questions, solved papers, and study material.
Are you preparing for the Principles of Marketing exam in your 2nd semester (NEP FYUGP) at Gauhati University? This blog post will help you! We’ve listed the important questions from each chapter in the Principles of Marketing subject. These questions will help you study and prepare better for the 2025 exam.

GU Principles of Marketing Important Questions 2025 - [Gauhati University BCom 2nd Semester NEP FYUGP]

Why These Questions Are Important?

  • Based on past papers: We have taken questions from past years (2014-2024).
  • Follows NEP FYUGP syllabus: All questions are as per the updated syllabus.
  • Focused on important topics: These are the key topics that have come in the exam before and might come again.

How to Use This Guide?

  • Read the questions chapter by chapter.
  • Revise key points from your textbook and class notes.
  • Try to answer the questions without looking at the answers. This will help you practice for the exam.

Unit-Wise Important Questions

Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing

In this unit, you learn about what marketing is, its scope, and why it’s important. Topics like the marketing mix, functions of marketing, and marketing environment are covered.

1. Define market and marketing? State its objectives and importance in today’s world. (2017, 2021, 2023, 2024 FYUGP)

2. Explain the nature and scope of marketing. (2018)

3. Explain the various functions of marketing. (2014, 2015)

4. Distinguish between marketing and selling. (2016, 2019)

5. Write a note on the traditional and modern concept of marketing and also distinguish between them. Briefly discuss the five different concepts of marketing. (2016, 2019)

6. What is Marketing Mix? What are the elements of marketing mix? Explain them briefly. (7 P’s) (2016, 2019, 2022)

7. What is Marketing Mix? What are the factors affecting Marketing Mix? Discuss. (2018)

8. What do you mean by marketing environment? What are the different kinds of marketing environment? Explain the various forces which influence the marketing environment. (2014, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022)

9. Explain the growth and future of marketing in India. (2015, 2017, 2023)

10. Write briefly on affiliate marketing. (2021)

11. What is Social Marketing? Write advantages of social marketing. (2021, 2022)

12. Distinguish between selling and marketing. (2021)

13. What is rural marketing? Role, function, and advantages, significance of rural marketing in modern day. (2022)

14. State two importances of marketing. (2024 FYUGP)

15. Mention the 4Ps of the marketing mix. (2024 CBCS)

16. Explain the functions of marketing. (2024 FYUGP)

17. State the nature of marketing and elucidate the philosophy pertaining to the marketing concept. (2024 CBCS)

18. What are the components of the marketing environment? (2024 CBCS)

19. Discuss the major functions of marketing. (2023, 2024 CBCS)

20. Discuss the growth and future of marketing in India. (2023)

21. What is the importance of marketing? (2023)

22. The starting point of any marketing activity is the...? (2023)

23. Who is the father of modern marketing? (2023)

Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Segmentation

This unit is about understanding consumer behavior and how businesses divide markets into different groups. You should focus on the consumer buying process, market segmentation, and product positioning.

1. What is consumer behaviour (Consumer Buying Behaviour)? State its characteristics. Explain the importance of consumer behaviour. Explain the various factors that influence consumer behaviour. (2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022)

2. What are various stages in Consumer Buying Process? What are the Personal, Psychological and Social factors that influence consumer behaviour? (2014, 2017, 2018, 2019)

3. What do you mean by market segmentation? Discuss its objectives and importance to a marketer in a big country like India.

4. What is Market Segmentation? Explain the importance of market segmentation. What factors are involved in market segmentation? (2018, 2021, 2022)

5. What are the bases of market segmentation? (2014, 2016, 2019, 2021)

6. Distinguish between product differentiation and market segmentation. (2017)

7. Define target marketing, test marketing and product positioning.

8. What is product positioning? Explain its importance and bases.

9. Explain the significance of the study of consumer behaviour. (2022)

10. What do you understand by buying motives? (2024 FYUGP)

11. Write two differences between product differentiation and market segmentation. (2024 FYUGP)

12. What is product positioning? (2024 CBCS)

13. Explain the significance of the study of consumer behaviour. (2024 FYUGP)

14. State the stages of the consumer adoption process. (2024 CBCS)

15. Define market segmentation and discuss its importance for a firm. (2023, 2024 CBCS)

16. What is product line? (2023)

17. What is the importance of consumer behaviour? Discuss the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour. (2024 CBCS)

18. Discuss the importance of product positioning. (2023)

Unit 3: Product Planning and Pricing

In this unit, you will study about products, their life cycle, and pricing strategies. Focus on topics like product development, branding, and pricing methods.

1. What do you mean by product? State the characteristics of a product. Discuss the various stages of a new product development. (2015, 2016, 2019, 2021, 2022)

2. What do you mean by product planning and development? What are its objectives? State the factors to be considered while developing a new product. (2021)

3. What is the product life cycle? Explain the different stages of the product life cycle (PLC). What is the marketing strategy at each stage? (2016, 2018, 2021, 2022)

4. What is Packaging? Explain its role and functions. Mention its features, advantages of packaging. (2015, 2018, 2022)

5. What is a brand name and trademark? Explain their relative merits and demerits. (2022)

6. Describe in brief the various components of product planning. Distinguish between product standardization and product simplification. (2017)

7. Write short notes on:

(a) Brand Name

(b) Trade Mark (2018, 2021)

(c) After Sales Service

(d) PLC

(e) Brand Name vs. Trade Mark (2018)

(f) Various types of Products

(g) Sales forecasting

(h) Product simplification

8. Briefly explain the role of packaging. (2024 FYUGP)

9. State what specialty goods are, citing examples. (2024 CBCS)

10. Explain the various product support services available to consumers. (2024 FYUGP)

11. What is the role of labeling? Explain the stages of the product life cycle. (2024 CBCS)

12. What is a new product? Explain the various steps involved in the new product development process. (2024 FYUGP)

13. Importance of product as a component of marketing mix. (2023)

14. Advantages of product branding. (2023)

15. What is a new product? Explain the various steps involved in the new product development process. (2024 FYUGP)

16. Importance of product as a component of marketing mix. (2023)

17. Advantages of product branding. (2023)

Unit 4: Pricing, Distribution Channels, and Physical Distribution

This unit explains pricing strategies, distribution channels, and physical distribution. Key topics include the role of retailers, wholesalers, and the importance of e-retailing.

1. What do you mean by price? What are the various objectives of pricing? Explain the importance of pricing. (2017, 2022)

2. Write a detailed note on various pricing methods. (2015, 2018)

3. What are the factors affecting the price of a product or service? (2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022)

4. What do you mean by distribution channel? What are the different factors that need to be considered while selecting a distribution channel? (2014, 2016, 2019, 2021, 2022)

5. What are various types of distribution channels? Explain them with examples. Explain the role of distribution channels and how it can be improved. (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021)


Explain the significance of channels of distribution in marketing. (2022)

6. What is physical distribution of goods? Explain its significance. Discuss various components of transportation mix.

7. What is retailing and e-retailing? What are its various types?

8. Explain the role of retailer and wholesalers in marketing management.

9. Explain the distribution policies which are generally adopted by manufacturers. (2022)

10. What is the skimming price? (2022)

11. What is an advertising agency? (2023)

12. What is personal selling? (2024 FYUGP)

13. What is the importance of pricing? (2023, 2024 CBCS)

14. Explain various types of distribution channels with examples. (2024 FYUGP)

15. Distinguish between advertising and public relations. (2024 CBCS)

16. State two distinctions between marketing and selling. (2023)

17. What is E-tailing? (2024 FYUGP)

18. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of E-tailing. (2023)

19. Explain the various pricing policies available to a firm in making its pricing decision. (2024 FYUGP, 2024 CBCS)

20. Explain the various methods to measure the advertising effectiveness. (2023)

21. Discuss the various factors which affect promotion mix decision of an organization. (2023)

Unit 5: Promotion and Recent Developments in Marketing

This unit is all about promotion through advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling. It also covers new trends in marketing like online marketing, green marketing, and social marketing.

1. What do you mean by promotion? Explain the need for promotional activities. What are the various methods/components of promotion? Distinguish between advertisement and publicity. (2019, 2022)

2. Discuss the various elements of the promotion mix. How is a sales promotion program designed? (2017)

3. What is promotion mix? What are their importances? Explain the factors influencing promotional mix. (2021)

4. What are the commonly used media in advertising? State their advantages and disadvantages. (2014)

5. Explain the concept of personal selling. What are its advantages and disadvantages? (2015, 2019)

6. What is sales promotion? Discuss objectives and importance of sales promotion. Distinguish between personal selling and advertisement. (2018, 2022)

7. Distinguish between ‘sales promotion’ and ‘advertising’. Describe the various methods of sales promotion. (2014, 2016)

8. Write a brief note on recent developments in marketing:

  • Social marketing (2021)

  • Online marketing

  • Direct marketing (2022)

  • Services marketing

  • Green marketing (2021, 2022)

  • Rural marketing

  • Consumerism (2024 FYUGP)

9. Highlight the importance of advertising. In this context, explain how marketing goals are met with advertising campaigns. (2021)

10. Explain the advantages of direct marketing. (2022)

11. What is advertising agency? (2023)

12. What is personal selling? (2024 FYUGP)

13. What is sales promotion? (2024 FYUGP)

14. What are the commonly used media in advertising? (2024 CBCS)

15. State two distinctions between marketing and selling. (2023)

16. Discuss the various elements of the promotion mix. How is a sales promotion program designed? (2024 FYUGP)

17. Explain the concept of personal selling. What are its advantages and disadvantages? (2024 FYUGP)

18. Discuss the various methods of sales promotion. (2024 FYUGP)

19. Write a brief note on recent developments in marketing (including social marketing, online marketing, green marketing, rural marketing, and consumerism). (2024 FYUGP)

Where to Find Solutions and Notes?

All the answers and solutions to these important questions are available on our Gauhati University BCom 2nd Semester page. You can also get PDF notes, solved question papers, and unit-wise notes for Principles of Marketing and other subjects as per the NEP FYUGP syllabus.

So, if you want ready-to-use solutions, notes, and solved papers to make your exam preparation easier, make sure to visit our page and grab your copy today!

Tips for Exam Preparation

  1. Focus on Important Topics: Pay special attention to the topics that have come in previous exams.
  2. Understand the Concepts: Don’t just memorize; try to understand the concepts. This will help you write better answers.
  3. Practice Answer Writing: Write your answers without looking at the solutions. This will improve your writing speed and confidence.
  4. Revise the Marketing Mix: The 7Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical Evidence) is a key topic in marketing.
  5. Keep Updated with New Trends: Make sure to study the latest developments like online marketing and green marketing.

Final Words

The Principles of Marketing paper is an important part of your Gauhati University BCom 2nd Semester exam. By using the important questions in this post and practicing well, you can score better. Visit our Gauhati University BCom 2nd Semester page to get notes, solved papers, and study material for all subjects according to the NEP FYUGP syllabus.

Good luck with your exam preparation!

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