Principles and Practice of Management 2013 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Question Papers]

Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2013 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students

In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2013 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students. This question paper is now highly relevant for Gauhati University FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2013, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar. We recommend reading this question paper thoroughly for better preparation.

Principles and Practice of Management 2013 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Question Papers]

Gauhati University BCom Question Papers

Principles and Practice of Management 


Full Marks: 80

Human resource management courses

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Answer either in English or Assamese

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Choose the correct option from the following:                          1x10=10

a)  Leadership is associated with which of the following skills of a manager?

1)  Conceptual skill.

2)  Interpersonal skill.

3)  Technical skill.

4)  Political skill.

b)  Henri Fayol’s contribution to the science of management is regarded as

1)  Scientific Management.

2)  General Administrative Theory.

3)  Human Relation.

4)  Behavioural Theory.

c)   Plans which establish overall objectives and position of an organisation in terms of its environment is known as –

1)  Specific plan.

2)  Short term plan.

3)  Tactical plan.

4)  Strategic plan.

d)  An organisational structure that groups similar occupational specialties together is known as

1)  Simple structure.

2)  Divisional structure.

3)  Project structure.

4)  Functional structure.

e)  Which of the following does not constitute sexual harassment at work place?

1)  Participation in a debate on sexual harassment.

2)  Passing sexual remark.

3)  Unwanted touching.

4)  Sexual advance.

f)   Which one of the following barriers to communication is responsible for misleading disclosure by a corporate house?

1)  Filtering.

2)  Selective perception.

3)  Information overload.

4)  Jargon.

g)  Which one of the following needs of Maslow’s motivation theory has a resemblance with the “Recognition need” of Herzberg?

1)  Physiological need.

2)  Safety needs.

3)  Social needs.

4)  Esteem needs.

h)  Management by exception is an important principle of

1)  Management.

2)  Control.

3)  Performance appraisal.

4)  Management by objective.

i)    Who introduced the concept of value chain in management?

1)  Michael Porter.

2)  Tom Peter.

3)  Peter F. Druker.

4)  H. Simon.

j)    Which of the following is not within the formal process of communication?

1)  Encoding.

2)  Interpreting.

3)  Decoding.

4)  Feedback.

2. Answer the following questions: (each answer not to exceed 50 words)                       2x5=10

a)  State the essence of Howthorne studies made upon workers of Western Electric Company.

b)  State two major distinctions between Management by objectives and Traditional Goal Setting Plan.

c)   Enumerate the step in decision making process.

d)  What additional divisions do you suggest for the marketing department of a modern corporate house having large production?

e)  List out a few of the non-monetary benefits which could motivate employees.

3. Answer any five of the following questions:               4x5=20

a)  How planning premises are useful in formulation of plans?

b)  What are the limits of authority?

c)   How to select a suitable medium of Communication?

d)  What are the human aspects in effecting a change?

e)  Explain carrot and stick approach in motivation.

f)   State the problem in appointing staff authority in organisational control.

4. What are the two approaches of the Neo-classical era of management? How would you distinguish between them? 5+5=10


Explain briefly the fundamental contribution of Herbert Simon to the science of management. Also state the basic tenets of Tom Peter’s Excellent Management theory.                              5+5=10

5. Explain four basic principles of decision making. Also state the approach in decision making.                6+4=10


Discuss the planning process of a large manufacturing organisation. Also state the limitation of planning.       6+4=10

6. In what way authority can be distinguished from responsibility? Also state the source of authority. 6+4=10


What do you mean by span of management? Explain in this connection the factors that determine an ideal span of control.

7. Distinguish between formal and informal communication. What are the essential elements of a good communication system?                                           5+5=10


Enumerate the assumptions of McGregor’s theory X with theory Y. Also identify three distinctions between them.  6+4=10

8. State the major areas which require managerial control in an undertaking. Also discuss the limitations of control system.                                             5+5=10


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