Principles and Practice of Management 2014 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Question Papers]

Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2014 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students

In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2014 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students. This question paper is now highly relevant for Gauhati University FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2014, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar. We recommend reading this question paper thoroughly for better preparation.

Principles and Practice of Management 2014 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Question Papers]

Gauhati University BCom Question Papers

Principles and Practice of Management


Full Marks: 80

Human resource management courses

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Answer either in English or Assamese

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Choose the correct option from the following:                          1x10=10

a)  Organisation that denies team work is known as

1)  Learning organisation.

2)  Virtual organisation.

3)  Project organisation.

4)  Matrix organisation.

b)  Name the author who is not associated with human resource approach to motivation:

1)  Douglas Megregor.

2)  A. H. Maslow.

3)  Rensis Likert.

4)  Elton Mayo.

c)   The power, which necessitates business organisations to assume social responsibility is:

1)  Political power.

2)  Social power.

3)  Ethical power.

4)  Legal power.

d)  Informal Communication is characterised by which of the following distinctiveness.

1)  Task oriented.

2)  People oriented.

3)  Position oriented.

4)  Structure oriented.

e)  The plan to achieve overall organisational goal is called

1)  Strategic plan.

2)  Tactical plan.

3)  Operational plan.

4)  Standing plan.

f)   A plan for job design which satisfies employees’ need for recognition is known as:

1)  Job simplification.

2)  Job rotation.

3)  Job enrichment.

4)  Job enlargement.

g)  Who suggested equitable division of work and responsibility between management and labour?

1)  Henri Fayol.

2)  F. W. Taylor.

3)  P. F. Druker.

4)  G. E. Mayo.

h)  Which one of the following is not an element of Fiedler’s contingency theory?

1)  Leader-Member relation.

2)  Task-Structure.

3)  Position-Power.

4)  Perception.

i)    Cash flow is an example of

1)  Operational control.

2)  Managerial control.

3)  Financial control.

4)  Strategic control.

j)    Which of the following aspects of human life may be adversely affected owing to over dependence upon electronic tools?

1)  Personal life.

2)  Family life.

3)  Mental health.

4)  All of the above.

2. Write short answers on the following:                           2x5=10

a)              Give two reasons why Fayol’s theory has wider applicability compared to Taylor’s Scientific management.

b)              Name two strategies suggested by Michael Porter to counter Competitive forces.

c)               Give two examples of tangible and Non-tangible planning premises.

d)              Mention the problem of dual accountability in matrix organisation.

e)              State two driving forces of change in the organisation.

3. Answer any five of the following:                                    4x5=20

a)  Programmed and Non-programmed decision.

b)  Refreezing as a process of planned change.

c)   Forms and Merits of diagonal communication.

d)  Four advantages of project organisation.

e)  Four ways to overcome barriers to delegation.

f)   Distinguish between planning and forecasting.

g)  In what way do psychology and sociology contribute towards management process?

4. Explain the process of Management by objectives. How does it work for the benefits of individuals and the organisation?                                                             10


Outline the contribution of Peter F Drucker in the development of management thought.

5. Draw a chart showing functional departmentation and outline the advantages and limitations of such department.   10


What are the possible grounds of conflict between line and staff in a Line & Staff organisation? How would you resolve such conflicts?

6. Explain the four styles of leadership developed by Rensis Likert and recommended the style you consider the best and why.                                                  10


Discuss Frederick Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation and critically analyse the limitations of the theory.

7. Explain the terms Feed forward control and Feedback control. Also specify areas of their application.                             10


Explain Zero Based Budgeting and Standard Cost as techniques of modern day controlling system.


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