In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2017 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students. This question paper is now highly relevant for Gauhati University FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2017, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar. We recommend reading this question paper thoroughly for better preparation.
Gauhati University BCom Question Papers
Principles and Practice of Management
Full Marks: 80
Human resource management courses
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Answer either in English or Assamese
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Choose the correct answer from the following questions: 1x10=10
a) Who of the following is the father of modern strategy?
1) Henry Fayol.
2) Chester Barnard.
3) Michael Porter.
4) William Churchman.
b) To which theory ‘if’ and ‘then’ approach to management is associated with?
1) Operational Theory.
2) System Theory.
3) Contingency Theory.
4) Quantitative Theory.
c) Strategic plans are:
1) Long term.
2) Medium term.
3) Short term.
4) Single use.
d) In decision making by whom bounded rationality is introduced?
1) Herbert Simon.
2) Elton Mayo.
3) Peter F. Drucker.
4) Tom Peter.
e) Organisation chart shows:
1) Communication channel.
2) Leadership styles.
3) Span of control.
4) Structure of relationship.
f) In which organisation of the following the principle of unity of command is violated?
1) Project organisation.
2) Line organisation.
3) Functional organisation.
4) Line and staff organisation.
g) Leaders who create a shared vision with their followers are:
1) Laissez faire leaders.
2) Transformational leaders.
3) Transactional leaders.
4) Formal leaders.
h) Select the true one:
1) Vertical communication spread information across the hierarchical level.
2) Horizontal communication spread information across the hierarchical level.
3) Grapevine communication is a formal of formal communication channel.
4) Informal communication is an impersonal form of communication.
i) Control exercised by lower level managers are:
1) Strategic level control.
2) Tactical level control.
3) Operating level control.
4) None of the above.
j) What stages of planned change make people realise the need of change?
1) Unfreezing stage.
2) Moving for new ways stage.
3) Refreezing stage.
4) All of the above stage.
2. Write short answers of the following questions: (any five) 2x5=10
a) State two similarities in Taylor’s and Fayol’s theories of management.
b) Mention two limitations of Weber’s Bureaucracy theory of management.
c) Give two differences between single use plans and standing plans.
d) State two resolutions of line and staff conflict.
e) Give two differences between hygiene factors and motivational factors of motivation.
f) State two main characteristics of laissez faire style of leadership.
g) Write the meaning of zero base budgeting.
3. Answer any five of the following: 4x5=20
a) What the activities of business are as divided by Henry Foyal?
b) State briefly the Five Force Analysis of Michael Porter as his contribution to management thought.
c) Explain any two types of planning premises.
d) State the circumstances of launching a project organisation.
e) Explain four principles of delegation of authority.
f) What is grapevine communication? Explain its two characteristics.
g) What are the guidelines for implementation of change?
4. Discuss the techniques of Taylor’s Scientific Management. 10
Explain the features of modern management theories. Also, state the merits of system theory. 5+5=10
5. Discuss the prerequisite considerations for installation of management by objectives. What are the benefits of management by objectives? 6+4=10
What are the steps involved in forecasting? Distinguish between forecasting and planning. 5+5=10
6. Describe the various basis of departmentation with relative merits and limitations. 10
What do you mean by authority? Discuss the sources of authority. 3+7=10
7. State the assumptions of Douglass McGregor’s theory X and theory Y of motivation. Give a critical analysis of his theory. 10
State the characteristics of autocratic and participative leadership respectively. Also, compare between formal and informal leadership. 5+5=10
8. “Planning without control is meaningless and control without planning is a waste.” On the basis of this statement, discuss the relationship between control and planning. What are the behavioural problems of control? 6+4=10
Explain Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) technique of managerial control. What are advantages of both the techniques? 6+4=10