In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2016 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students. This question paper is now highly relevant for Gauhati University FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2016, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar. We recommend reading this question paper thoroughly for better preparation.
Gauhati University BCom Question Papers
Principles and Practice of Management 2016
Full Marks: 80
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Human resource management courses
Answer either in English or Assamese
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Choose the correct answer from the following questions: 1x10=10
a) Henry Fayol’s contribution to the science of management is regarded as
1) General Administrative Theory.
2) Scientific Management Theory.
3) Human Relation Theory.
4) Behavioural Theory.
b) Who suggested equitable division of work and responsibility between management and labour?
1) Henry Fayol.
2) F. W. Taylor.
3) P. F. Drucker.
4) G. E. Mayo.
c) Plans which establish overall objectives and position of an organization in terms of its environment is known as
1) Specific plan.
2) Short-term plan.
3) Tactical plan.
4) Strategic plan.
d) Management by results in also known as
1) MBO (Management by Objective)
2) Management by Exception.
3) Management by Change.
4) None of the above.
e) An organizational structure that groups similar occupational specialty together is known as
1) Simple structure.
2) Divisional structure.
3) Project structure.
4) Functional structure.
f) Organization that denies teamwork is known as
1) Matrix organization.
2) Project organization.
3) Virtual organization.
4) Learning organization.
g) Z-theory is propounded by
1) Ouchi.
2) Maslow.
3) McGregor.
4) Herzberg.
h) In Herzberg’s two-factor theory, which one of the following factors is not included in hygiene factors?
1) Supervision.
2) Working condition.
3) Salary and wages.
4) Recognition.
i) Which one of the following techniques is not a modern technique of controlling?
1) Financial statements.
2) Return of investment.
3) PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique)
4) CPM.
j) A plan of expected result expressed in numerical terms is known as
1) Project.
2) Policy.
3) Budget.
4) Strategy.
2. Write short answers on the following: 2x5=10
a) What is the meaning of policy?
b) What do you mean by programmed decision?
c) What is budgetary control technique?
d) Define management of change.
e) List out at least two areas where managerial control is considered necessary.
3. Answer any five of the following questions: 4x5=20
a) Write in brief the Human Relation Theory.
b) State the limitations of scientific management.
c) What are the causes of conflict between line and staff organizations?
d) State the barriers to effective delegation.
e) Write explanatory notes on carrot and stick approach.
f) Explain the limitations of ratio analysis.
g) Explain the stages of planned change.
4. Explain Elton Mayo’s Human Relation Theory. 10
Describe the contribution of Peter F. Drucker to the development of management thought. 10
5. What do you mean by decision-making? Explain various steps involved in decision making. 4+6=10
Discuss the planning process of a large manufacturing organization. Also state the limitation of planning. 10
6. What do you understand by formal and informal organizations? Distinguish between the two. 4+6=10
What do you mean by span of management? Explain in this connection the factors that determine an ideal span of control. 10
7. Explain the steps of needs in A. H. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation. Also enumerate the merits and limitations of the theory. 6+4=10
Describe various barriers of communication. What measures would you suggest to overcome such barrier? 10
8. Describe the causes of resistance to change. Explain the measures to overcome the resistance. 6+4=10