Principles and Practice of Management 2024 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom NEP 2nd Sem]

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the Principles and Practice of Management question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the Principles and Practice of Management question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester (2024). Whether you're looking for the paper pattern, key topics, or helpful insights to prepare effectively. This Previous Year question paper will help 2nd-semester students understand the exam pattern, focus on important topics, and prepare effectively for scoring better in the Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management subject under the BCom 2nd Sem FYUGP NEP Exam.

Principles and Practice of Management 2024 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom NEP 2nd Sem]

1 (Sem-2) BCM 02



Paper: BCM0200204

(Principles and Practice of Management)

Full Marks: 60

Time: 2½ hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Answer either in English or in Assamese.

1. Choose the correct answers of the following questions: 1×8=8

(a) Henry Fayol's contribution to Management is regarded as

(i) Scientific Management Theory.

(ii) General Administrative Theory

(iii) Human Relation Theory

(iv) Behavioural Theory

(b) Strategic plans are:

(i) Long Term 

(ii) Medium Term 

(iii) Short Term

(iv) Single Use

(c) MBO (Management by Objective) is also known as:

(i) MBE (Management by Exception)

(ii) Management by Results

(iii) Management of Change

(iv) Professional Management

(d) Leadership Continuum Theory was evolved by______.(Fill in the blank)

(e) In Herzberg's Two-Factor theory, which one of the following factors is not included in hygiene factors ?

(i) Working Condition.

(ii) Salary and Wages

(iii) Recognition

(iv) Supervision

(f)Who suggested equitable division of work and responsibility between management and labour ?

(i) Henry Fayol

(ii) F. W. Taylor

(iii) P. F. Drucker

(iv) G. E. Mayo

(g) Leaders who create a shared vision with their followers:

(i) Laissez faire Leaders

(ii) Transformational Leaders

(iii) Transactional Leaders

(iv) Formal Leaders

(h) Automation increases cost of production of goods and services. (Write true or false)

2. Write short answers on the following: (any six) 2×6=12

(a) State two similarities in Taylor's and Fayol's theories of Management.

(b) Mention two limitations of Weber's Bureaucracy Theory of Management.

(c) What do you mean by Management by Exception ?

(d) What do you mean by Automation ?

(e) State two main characteristics of Laissez faire style of leadership.

(f) Mention two limitations of Hawthrone Experiments.

(g) Give two differences between single use plan and standing plan.

(h) Give two differences between Hygiene factors and Motivational factors of motivation.

(i) Mention two challenges faced by business in 21st century.

(j) Mention two barriers of Effective Planning.

3. Write short answers on the following: (any four) 5×4=20

(a) Explain the features of Weber's Bureaucratic Model of Management Thought.

(b) Mention the types of Planning Premises.

(c) Discuss the role of CSR in Environmental Protection.

(d) Explain the Free-rein or Laissez faire style of Leadership.

(e) State the assumptions of McGregor's Theory X and Theom

(e) State the assumptions of McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y.

(f) Discuss the qualities of a good leader.

(g) Explain five demerits of Scientific Management.

(h) Discuss the advantages of Work force Diversity.

4. Answer any two of the following questions: 10×2=20

(a) Discuss the technique of Taylor's Scientific Management.

(b) Discuss the various types of challenges faced by management in 21st century.

(b) Discuss the various types of challenges faced by management in 21st century.

(c) State the characteristics of autocratic and participative leadership respectively. Also, compare between formal and informal leadership.

(d) Explain Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation. Discuss the role of non-financial incentives in motivating people of an organisation.

(e) What are the various types of plans ? Also state the characteristics of good plan.


Must Explore: GU B.Com 2nd Semester FYUGP Notes, Question Papers, Solved Papers (PDFs)

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