Business Economics Question Paper 2024 [Gauhati University BCom NEP 2nd Sem]

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the Business Economics question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester (2024)

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the Business Economics question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester (2024). Whether you're looking for the paper pattern, key topics, or helpful insights to prepare effectively. This Previous Year question paper will help 2nd-semester students understand the exam pattern, focus on important topics, and prepare effectively for scoring better in the Gauhati University Business Economics subject under the BCom 2nd Sem FYUGP NEP Exam.

Business Economics Question Paper 2024 [Gauhati University BCom NEP 2nd Sem]

1 (Sem-2) MDC 09



Paper Code: MDC0200903

(Business Economics)

Full Marks: 45

Time: 2 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Choose the correct answer of the following: 1×5=5

(a) Which of the following is not a part of microeconomics?

(i) Factor pricing

(ii) National income

(iii) Demand analysis

(iv) Market analysis

(b) An inferior good is a commodity whose with an increase in income.

(i) demand falls

(ii) demand rises

(iii) supply falls

(iv) supply rises

(c) The shape of the TFC curve is

(i) U-shaped Uৰ দৰে

(ii) rectangular hyperbola 

(iii) straight line parallel to X-axis 

(iv) straight line parallel to Y-axis 

(d) Which of the following can be used to control credit creation in the economy?

(i) Bank Rate 

(ii) Statutory Liquidity Ratio 

(iii) Both (i) and (ii) 

(iv) None of the above 

(e) Which of the following is an example of market form where the firms are price- makers?

(i) Perfect competition 

(ii) Monopoly 

(iii) Oligopoly 

(iv) Monopolistic competition

2. Answer the following questions (any five): 2×5=10

(a) State the use of economics in business.

(b) Define an oligopoly form of market.

(c) "Change in demand and change in quantity demanded are the same." Comment.

(d) State any two exceptions to the law of demand.

(e) Mention any two advantages of demand forecasting.

(f) Define money supply.

(g) How does increase in GDP help in capital formation?

(h) If X and Y are complimentary goods, how does rise in the price of Y affect the demand for XP

(i) Differentiate between long-run production and short-run production.

(j) Define 'constant returns to scale'.

3. Answer the following questions (any four):5×4=20

(a) Describe the features of monopoly.

(b) Explain the procedure of price determi- nation under perfect competition.

(c) Discuss the various properties of an isoquant.

(d) A consumer spends 1,000 on a good at a price of 10. When its price falls by 20%, he spends 800. Calculate elasticity of demand (ED) using percentage method.

(e) Explain the various types of price elasticity of demand.

(f) Describe the various tools used for monetary policy in India.

(g) Discuss the shape of the MC curve with reference to the MP curve by showing the relationship between them.

(h) Elucidate the various characteristics of business economics.

4. Answer the following questions (any one): 10

(a) Explain producer's equilibrium through the use of isoquants and isocosts.

(b) State and explain the law of demand.

(c) Explain 'total expenditure method' and 'geometric method' of measuring price elasticity of demand. 5+5=10

(d) Define perfect competition. Explain the characteristics of perfect competition. Give any, one example that is close to perfect competition in the real world. 2+7+1=10


Must Explore: GU B.Com 2nd Semester FYUGP Notes, Question Papers, Solved Papers (PDFs)

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