SEBA Class 9: Important Amplification Solutions [Assam Board Solution]

ASSAM Board SEBA Class 9: Important Amplification Solutions: If you're a Class 9 SEBA student, mastering amplifications is essential.

ASSAM Board SEBA Class 9: Important Amplification Solutions: If you're a Class 9 SEBA student, mastering amplifications is essential. Amplification means elaborating on a proverb or saying by explaining its meaning and giving examples. Here, we provide simple and practical solutions for important proverbs that will help you succeed in your exams.

SEBA Class 9: Important Amplification Solutions [Assam Board Solution]

1. Self-help is the best help

This means relying on oneself is the best way to solve problems. When we work hard and take responsibility for our own needs, success becomes achievable. For example, a student who studies on their own will perform better than someone who waits for others' help.

2. United we stand, divided we fall (Union is strength)

Teamwork brings strength. When people work together, they can overcome any challenge. For instance, a group of friends can finish a school project faster by cooperating, while working alone might delay the task.

3. A stitch in time saves nine

Solving a problem early prevents bigger troubles. If a small tear in a cloth is fixed on time, it won’t turn into a large hole. This teaches us the importance of timely action.

4. All that glitters is not gold

This reminds us that appearances can be deceptive. For example, a shiny apple might be rotten inside. It’s important to judge people and things based on their true qualities.

5. Example is better than precept

Actions speak louder than words. A teacher who practices honesty inspires students better than just preaching about it. People follow examples more than advice.

6. Empty vessels make much noise

People with less knowledge often talk a lot to appear wise. A truly knowledgeable person remains humble and speaks only when needed.

7. A rolling stone gathers no moss

This means a person who keeps changing jobs or places cannot achieve stability. To grow in life, one must stay focused and committed to a single goal.

8. Slow and steady wins the race

Patience and consistency lead to success. The story of the tortoise and the hare teaches us that moving steadily towards a goal is better than rushing and making mistakes.

9. Fortune favours the brave

This means success comes to those who take risks. For example, an entrepreneur who starts a new business might face challenges but can achieve great rewards with courage.

10. Variety is the spice of life

Life becomes more interesting when we try different things. For instance, exploring new hobbies, foods, or cultures can make life enjoyable and exciting.

11. Look before you leap

Think carefully before making decisions. For example, buying expensive gadgets without checking reviews might lead to regret later.

12. Prevention is better than cure

It’s better to stop a problem before it starts. For instance, regular exercise and a healthy diet can prevent illnesses rather than spending on costly treatments later.

13. Morning shows the day

A good start to the day sets the tone for success. If you study and plan your morning well, your entire day becomes productive.

14. Knowledge is power

Education and knowledge give us the power to solve problems and make wise decisions. A knowledgeable person earns respect and contributes to society.

15. Honesty is the best policy

Being truthful is the key to trust and success. An honest person earns the respect of others and builds strong relationships.

16. Rome was not built in a day

Great achievements require time and hard work. For example, scoring well in exams needs consistent study and practice over months, not overnight effort.

17. A friend in need is a friend indeed

A true friend helps in difficult times. For example, a classmate who shares notes during exams shows true friendship.

18. No pains, no gains

Success requires hard work. Athletes who train daily achieve medals, while those who avoid effort fail to perform.

19. Failures are the pillars of success

Failures teach us important lessons and help us improve. For example, if a student fails a test, it motivates them to study harder for better results next time.

20. Necessity is the mother of invention

When people face problems, they find creative solutions. For instance, the invention of electricity came from the need for better lighting.

These amplifications not only prepare you for exams but also teach valuable life lessons. Practice writing similar paragraphs to improve your skills and secure good marks.

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