If you are preparing for the HS First Year English exam, using the ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2019 can be very useful. Solved question papers help you understand how the exam is set and what kinds of questions might come. In this article, we will explain how the HS First Year English Solved Question Paper 2019 can help you and why it is important for Assam Board Class 11 English students.
Full Marks: 90
Time: Three hours
The figures in the Margin Indicate full marks for The Questions
SECTION – A (Reading)
1. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:
According to a survey, over 26 million people in India defecate in the open. Around 60 per cent of Indians do not have access to safe and private toilets. Such overwhelming majority of those without access to sanitation facilities poses a formidable obstacle in the development of the nation.
In 1999, the Union Government rolled out the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC). Its objective was to spread awareness among the rural people and generation of demand for sanitary facilities. The scheme was implemented with emphasis on community-led initiatives. The government provided financial incentives to the families which were Below Poverty Line (BPL). The government assistance was also extended for construction of toilets in the primary schools, the Anganwadi Centre’s and the Community Sanitary Complexes (CSC).
The Government of India also launched the Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) to recognize contributes in this field. NGP became a success which prompted the Government to rename CSC as the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA). Its objective was to accelerate the sanitation coverage in the rural areas. This scheme was handled by the Ministry or Rural Development.
Under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan, the government adopted the community-centric strategies. The demand driven approach continued highlighting awareness creation and demand generation for sanitary facilities in houses, schools. It also emphasized on a cleaner environment.
On October 2, 2014, the campaign was renamed and launched as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Mission (SBM) to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of ‘Clean India’. SBM has two sub-Missions: Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural) and Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). The focus now is to achieve a clean, defecation-free India by October 2, 2019, i.e., Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary. It would be a fitting tribute to the Father of the Nation on his 150th Birth Anniversary, if we can improve the levels of cleanliness in the country and make it Open Defecation Free.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has become a ‘Jan Andolan’ receiving tremendous support from the people. Citizens too have turned out in large numbers and pledged for a neat and cleaner India. Taking the broom to sweep the streets, cleaning up the garbage, focusing on sanitation and maintaining a hygienic environment have become a practice after the launch of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. People have started to take part and are helping spread the message of ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’.
(a) (1) What was the objective of TSC? 1
Answer: The objective of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) was to spread awareness among rural people and generate demand for sanitary facilities.
(2) How was CSC renamed? 1
Answer: CSC was renamed as Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA).
(3) What is the present focus of SBM? 1
Answer: The present focus of SBM is to achieve a clean, defecation-free India by October 2, 2019, which marks Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary.
(4) What is the message of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan? 1
Answer: The message of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
(5) What causes a formidable obstacle to the nation? 2
Answer: The formidable obstacle to the nation is that over 26 million people in India defecate in the open, and around 60% of Indians do not have access to safe and private toilets.
(6) How was the Total Sanitation Campaign carried out? 2
Answer: The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) was carried out by emphasizing community-led initiatives. The government provided financial incentives to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families and assistance for constructing toilets in primary schools, Anganwadi Centers, and Community Sanitary Complexes (CSC).
(7) Write how SBM is receiving support from the citizens 2.
Answer: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is receiving support from citizens as it has become a 'Jan Andolan' (people's movement). Citizens are participating in large numbers, taking the broom to sweep streets, cleaning garbage, focusing on sanitation, and maintaining a hygienic environment. They are also helping to spread the message of cleanliness.
(b) Pick out words from the passage that mean the following: 1×2=2
(1) Difficult to deal with.
(2) A solemn promise or undertaking.
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1) How does television affect our lives? It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the shows that they watch. Television can increase our knowledge of the outside world; there are high quality programs that help us understand many fields of study, science, medicine, the arts, and so no. Moreover, television benefits very people, who cannot often leave the house as well as patients in hospitals. It also offers non-native speakers the advantages of daily informal language practice. They can increase their vocabulary and practice learning.
2)On the other hand there are several serious disadvantages of television. Of course, it provides us with a pleasant way to relax and spend our free time, but in some countries, people watch the ‘boob-tube’ for an average six hours or more a day. Many children stare at a television screen for more hours each day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping. It’s clear that the tube has a powerful influence on their lives and that its influence is often negative.
3)Recent studies show that after only thirty seconds of television, a person’s brain ‘relaxes’ the same way that it does just before the person falls asleep. After effect of television on the human brain is that it seems to cause poor concentration. Children who view a lot of television can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes. They can pay attention only for the amount of time between commercials.
4)Another disadvantage is that television often causes people to become dissatisfied with their own lives. Real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the life of an actor in the screen. To many people, television becomes more real than reality and their own lives seem boring. Also many people get upset or depressed when they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as television actors seem to.
5) Before a child is fourteen years old, he or she views eleven thousand murders on the tube. He or she begins to believe that there is nothing strange about fight, killings and other kinds of violence. Many studies show that people become more violent after certain programme. They many even do the things that they see in a violent show.
6)The most negative effect of ‘boob-tube’ might be people’s addition to it. People often feel a strange and powerful need to watch television even when they don’t enjoy it. Addiction to a television screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction. People almost never believe that they are addicted.
a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it, using recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Add a suitable title to it. 5
Title: Effects of Television on Life
Advantages of TV
1.1. Increases knowledge
- Fields: Science, arts, medicine, etc.
1.2. Helps housebound people & patients
1.3. Language learning
- Improves vocab & informal practiceDisadvantages of TV
2.1. Excessive watching
- Avg. 6+ hrs/day in some countries
- Children watch more than they study/sleep
2.2. Effects on brain
- Brain relaxes like sleep after 30 sec
- Poor concentration: 15-20 min spans
2.3. Dissatisfaction
- Real life seems boring compared to TV
- Upset when problems aren't solved quickly
2.4. Promotes violence
- Children see 11,000 murders by age 14
- Increased violent behavior after certain shows
2.5. Addiction
- Similar to drug/alcohol addiction
- People feel compelled to watch
b) Make a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3
Summary: Television has both advantages and disadvantages. It increases knowledge, aids language learning, and helps housebound individuals. However, excessive watching leads to poor concentration, dissatisfaction with real life, and violent behavior, especially in children exposed to frequent violence. Television often creates addiction similar to drugs, making people watch even without enjoyment. Real life seems dull in comparison to television, and viewers may struggle to solve problems as easily as portrayed on screen. Its overuse negatively impacts mental and emotional health.
3. Describe your preparations for a week-long Educational Tour to Sivasagar in the last week of April. 6
Our preparations for the week-long educational tour to Sivasagar in the last week of April are in full swing. We have finalized the itinerary, covering historical landmarks like Rang Ghar, Talatal Ghar, and Shiva Dol. Permission slips from parents have been collected. Transport arrangements, accommodation, and meals have been booked. A list of essential items has been shared with all participants. Teachers have planned engaging activities for the tour. Medical kits and safety measures are ready. Everyone is excited to explore the cultural heritage of Assam during this educational trip.
Describe the observation of “World Environment Day” on 5th June in your school/college. 6
Our school observed “World Environment Day” on 5th June with great enthusiasm. The event began with a plantation drive where students planted saplings around the campus. A rally was organized to create awareness about environmental conservation, with students carrying placards and chanting slogans. Guest speakers highlighted the importance of protecting nature. A drawing and essay competition was also held on the theme of “A Greener Future.” The event concluded with a pledge to keep the environment clean and green. It was an inspiring day for everyone involved.
4. Write a speech on the topic, “Books are our best companions.” 6
Good morning, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, I want to talk about how “Books are our best companions.” Books are like true friends who guide us, comfort us, and enrich our minds. They never judge or betray us. They introduce us to new ideas, cultures, and experiences. From textbooks to novels, books provide knowledge and entertainment. They help us dream, inspire us to achieve, and teach us life lessons. In this digital age, let’s not forget the joy of reading a good book. So, let’s make reading a daily habit. Thank you.
Write an article for your school/college magazine on the role of students in keeping our environment clean and green. 6
Role of Students in Keeping Our Environment Clean and Green
Students play a vital role in protecting the environment. They can promote awareness about issues like pollution and deforestation. Small actions like planting trees, reducing plastic use, and recycling can make a big difference. Students should actively participate in cleanliness drives and encourage others to keep their surroundings tidy. By conserving water and electricity and adopting eco-friendly practices, they can set an example for society. Together, students can build a cleaner, greener future for everyone.
5. Write an application for the post of an Assistant Teacher in a L.P. School in Silchar. 8
Address: [Your Address]
Date: [Insert Date]
The Headmaster
[Name of L.P. School]
Silchar, Assam
Subject: Application for the Post of Assistant Teacher
I am writing to apply for the position of Assistant Teacher as advertised in The Assam Tribune. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Education and have two years of teaching experience. My dedication to teaching and passion for nurturing young minds align with the school’s goals. Enclosed is my CV for your consideration.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Name: Nitin
Address: [Your Address]
Qualification: B.Ed., [Your University]
Experience: 2 years
Skills: Communication, Classroom Management
Write a letter to the Editor of “The Sentinel” about the lack of a bus-stop in your locality. 8
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
Date: [Insert Date]
The Editor
The Sentinel
Guwahati, Assam
Subject: Lack of Bus-Stop in [Locality Name]
Through your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of authorities to the inconvenience faced by residents of [Locality Name] due to the absence of a bus-stop within a 2-kilometer radius. Commuters, including students and elderly individuals, struggle daily to find public transport. This issue demands immediate action to install a bus-stop for the convenience and safety of all residents.
I request you to publish this letter and urge the concerned authorities to address this matter urgently.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
6.(a) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:
There is still _____ milk in the jug. (some/little)
Kamal received _____ encouragement from his teachers. (many/much)
There is still some milk in the jug.
Kamal received much encouragement from his teachers.
(b) Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of the verb given in brackets:
I wish I (listen) to my parents’ advice.
I (study) in this college for the last two years.
I wish I had listened to my parents’ advice.
I have been studying in this college for the last two years.
(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries (the sense of the sentence is indicated in the bracket):
When I was young, I _____ run faster. (ability)
All candidates _____ bring their admit cards on the day of the examination. (compulsion)
When I was young, I could run faster.
All candidates must bring their admit cards on the day of the examination.
(d) Correct the following:
He is one of the best boy in the class.
Neither Ram nor Rahim are present in the meeting.
He is one of the best boys in the class.
Neither Ram nor Rahim is present in the meeting.
7.(a) Complete the following piece of conversation by choosing the correct alternative from the brackets:
I said to John, “_____ (How/What) is your business going at this moment?” Johan replied, “Shall we meet later tonight to discuss it over _____?” (lunch/dinner)
I said to John, “How is your business going at this moment?” Johan replied, “Shall we meet later tonight to discuss it over dinner?”
(b) Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
He confessed his crime. (Make it a complex sentence)
No other girl in the class is as good as Sita. (Use the superlative degree of ‘good’)
He confessed that he had committed the crime.
Sita is the best girl in the class.
8. Rearrange the words in the following to form meaningful sentences: 1×2=2
Want do me see you at to the airport off?
The an truth honest speaks man always.
Do you want to see me off at the airport?
An honest man always speaks the truth.
(Textual Question)
9. (a) Read the stanza and answer the questions:
The cardboard shows me how it was
When the two girl cousins went paddling,
Each one holding one of my mother’s hands,
And she the big girl – some twelve years or so.
All three stood still to smile through their hair
At the uncle with the camera.
What does the cardboard show the poet?
Answer: The cardboard shows the poet an old photograph of her mother as a child with her two cousins, enjoying their time on the beach.Who was ‘the big girl’?
Answer: The poet's mother was ‘the big girl’.How old was the poet’s mother when the photograph was clicked?
Answer: The poet’s mother was about twelve years old when the photograph was clicked.Who clicked the photograph?
Answer: The poet’s uncle clicked the photograph.Write briefly what the girls did on the sea beach.
Answer: The three girls were paddling in the sea, holding hands and smiling at the camera while their hair blew across their faces.
(b) Read the stanza and answer the questions:
When did my childhood go?
Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,
Was it the time I realized that Hell and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography,
And therefore could not be,
Was that the day.
Where do these lines occur?
Answer: These lines occur in the poem Childhood by Markus Natten.When does the poet think that he lost his childhood?
Answer: The poet thinks he lost his childhood when he stopped being eleven and realized that Hell and Heaven do not exist in reality.Find the synonym of ‘stopped’ in the stanza.
Answer: The synonym of ‘stopped’ in the stanza is ceased.What does the poet learn about Hell and Heaven?
Answer: The poet learns that Hell and Heaven are not physical places and cannot be located in Geography; they exist only in human imagination.How does the poet describe the process of being grown up?
Answer: The poet describes growing up as a process of losing innocence and questioning previously held beliefs. It involves a realization of reality, such as understanding that abstract concepts like Hell and Heaven are not real. It marks a shift from naive childhood to mature thinking, bringing a sense of detachment and introspection.
10. Answer any two of the following questions: 3×2=6
(a) Write in your own words what the rain speaks about itself?
Answer: The rain introduces itself as eternal and cyclical. It says it rises from the earth, transforms into clouds, and falls back as rain, nurturing life and cleansing the earth. It symbolizes continuity and interconnectedness, claiming its purpose is to purify and sustain life on the planet.
(b) Briefly evaluate the poet’s attitude towards life as seen in the last stanza of the poem, ‘A Photograph’.
Answer: In the last stanza of A Photograph, the poet reflects on loss and the passage of time with quiet acceptance. She contrasts her mother’s grief over lost childhood with her own grief over her mother’s death. The poet’s attitude is contemplative, finding solace in memories while acknowledging the inevitability of change and mortality.
(c) Why does the poet say that his childhood “went to some forgotten place”?
Answer: The poet says his childhood “went to some forgotten place” because it signifies a phase of innocence and simplicity that cannot be retrieved. It was lost as he grew older and began to understand the complexities and realities of life, leaving his childhood behind as a distant memory.
(d) Whom do you hold responsible for the atmosphere of mutual distrust that prevails between the father and the son? Give a reasoned answer.
Answer: The mutual distrust between the father and son can be attributed to both. The father’s authoritative and unyielding attitude alienates the son, while the son’s rebellion and lack of communication deepen the rift. A lack of mutual understanding and dialogue exacerbates their strained relationship.
11. Answer any five of the following questions: 2×5=10
(a) Why have the sparrows refused to eat the crumbs of the bread on the death of the author’s grandmother?
Answer: The sparrows refused to eat the crumbs of bread because they seemed to mourn the author’s grandmother’s death. Their silent and collective mourning was an expression of respect and grief, indicating a deep, spiritual connection with her.
(b) What are ‘Yang’ and ‘Yin’?
Answer: ‘Yang’ and ‘Yin’ are Chinese philosophical concepts representing opposing yet complementary forces in nature. Yang symbolizes light, positivity, and masculinity, while Yin represents darkness, negativity, and femininity. Together, they maintain balance in the universe.
(c) How are the Earth’s principal biological systems useful to us?
Answer: The Earth’s principal biological systems, such as forests, grasslands, oceans, and croplands, provide essential resources like food, water, and raw materials. They regulate the climate, support biodiversity, and maintain ecological balance, which is crucial for human survival.
(d) What role does Industry have to play in the new Era of Responsibility?
Answer: In the new Era of Responsibility, industries must adopt sustainable practices to minimize environmental damage. They should focus on reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting eco-friendly technologies to ensure a balance between development and ecological preservation.
(e) What is the difference between the Game Sanctuaries of Africa and India?
Answer: The game sanctuaries in Africa are vast open areas where animals roam freely, providing a natural setting for wildlife. In India, sanctuaries are usually smaller, often enclosed, and require more human intervention to manage and protect wildlife from threats like poaching and habitat destruction.
(f) “You have a great treasure there.” What treasure is Verrier Elwin referring to and what is his suggestion about the treasure?
Answer: Verrier Elwin refers to the rich cultural heritage and traditions of India as the treasure. He suggests that this treasure should be preserved and respected, as it embodies the essence of India’s identity and offers valuable insights into a harmonious and sustainable way of life.
12. (a) Give a description of the author’s grandmother after your reading of “The Portrait of a Lady”. 6
Answer: The author’s grandmother in The Portrait of a Lady is depicted as a dignified, old woman with a serene personality. She is described as short, slightly bent, and clad in spotless white clothes. Her silver hair was neatly tucked into a bun, and her face bore wrinkles of age and wisdom. Despite her old age, she was a picture of resilience and spirituality, spending most of her time in prayer and reading holy scriptures. She was deeply affectionate toward the author and played a significant role in his upbringing. Her simple, austere life symbolized timeless values and unshakable faith.
(b) Discuss why it has been pertinently said that “forests precede mankind; deserts follow”. 6
Answer: The statement highlights the critical role forests play in sustaining life on Earth. Forests existed long before humans and provided the ecological balance necessary for life to flourish. They regulate the climate, conserve water, and support diverse species. However, human activities such as deforestation, industrialization, and unsustainable exploitation of resources disrupt this balance, leading to desertification and ecological degradation. Deserts symbolize the consequences of humanity’s disregard for nature, serving as a grim reminder that nature's destruction leads to the decline of life and civilization.
13. Narrate the events leading to Ranga’s marriage. 6
Answer: In Ranga’s Marriage by Masti Venkatesha Iyengar, Ranga, a young and educated boy, initially did not want to marry as he believed in choosing a partner based on compatibility. The narrator, a close acquaintance, decided to arrange Ranga’s marriage to Ratna, a beautiful and cultured girl from the village. He cunningly orchestrated a meeting between Ranga and Ratna, which left Ranga impressed by her qualities. Later, the narrator used clever storytelling and a staged prediction by a soothsayer to convince Ranga that Ratna was his ideal match. Eventually, Ranga agreed to the marriage, which turned out to be a happy union.
“I think it’s not facts that matter, but ideas.” Evaluate briefly Albert Einstein’s concept of real education in the light of this statement. 6
Answer: Albert Einstein believed that real education goes beyond rote learning and memorizing facts. He emphasized that education should foster critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity. For him, ideas and imagination were more important than mere accumulation of information. Einstein argued that learning should inspire students to think independently and solve real-world problems rather than passively absorb knowledge. His philosophy promotes holistic development, enabling students to contribute meaningfully to society. By focusing on ideas, education can nurture innovation and help individuals achieve their full potential.
14. Answer any two of the following questions in brief: 2×2=4
(a) What was the Mathematics teacher Koch’s opinion about Albert’s mathematical knowledge?
Answer: Mr. Koch, Albert’s Mathematics teacher, admired Albert’s extraordinary mathematical abilities. He believed Albert was a genius and far ahead of the curriculum. He even acknowledged that Albert could teach him, which reflects his high regard for Albert’s talent and deep understanding of mathematics.
(b) What is highlighted as the basic difference between the idea of learning as advocated by Elsa and Albert during their short conversation?
Answer: Elsa believed that learning was about memorizing facts and passing exams, even if one didn’t understand them. Albert, on the other hand, argued that education should be about understanding ideas and gaining meaningful knowledge rather than rote memorization. This highlights the contrasting views on the purpose of education.
(c) Describe the quality of mangoes of Hosahalli village.
Answer: The mangoes of Hosahalli village were described as extremely delicious and unique in flavor. They were praised for their exceptional taste, which the narrator claimed could not be matched by mangoes from any other place. This highlighted the distinct charm and pride of Hosahalli’s produce.
Also Read PYQs Solutions:
What Topics Are in the Solved Paper?
- Reading Comprehension: Understanding a passage and answering questions about it.
- Writing Skills: Writing letters, articles, essays, and more.
- Literature: Questions about the stories, poems, and plays you studied.
- Grammar: Questions on English grammar, like tenses and sentence structure.
Why Are Solved Question Papers Helpful?
- The ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2019 is useful because it shows you what the exam will be like. By solving these papers, you can practice answering different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-answer questions.
- The HS First Year English Solved Question Paper 2019 also helps you understand the exam pattern and how to manage your time. Solving these papers makes you feel more confident and helps you improve your writing skills.