Service Marketing Question Paper 2024 [Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester CBCS]

In this post, we have provided the Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester Service Marketing Question Paper 2024.This paper can be very helpful in exam
In this post, we have provided the Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester Service Marketing Question Paper 2024. This question paper can be very helpful for your preparation, whether you're preparing for sessional exams or final exams.

Dibrugarh University BCom 6th Semester Service Marketing Question Paper 2024

Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem.
Service Marketing Question Paper 2024

(Discipline Specific Elective)
(For Honours and Non-Honours)
Paper: DSE-601 (Gr-III)
(Service Marketing)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following as directed: (1×8=8)

(a) Which country has the maximum presence of GDP attributed to the service sector?
(b) Is employee dress an element of physical evidence? (Write Yes/No)
(c) Write one element of people.
(d) Write the full form of SST.
(e) Charging customers different prices for the same service is called ________.
 (Fill in the blank)

(f) Is computer software a service? (Write Yes/No)

(g) Give any one example of a TATA service product.

(h) Who wrote the statement, “Every business is a service business”?

2. Write short notes on any four of the following: (4×4=16)

(a) Components of the service marketing triangle
(b) Features of the financial service sector
(c) Distribution of service
(d) Service provider
(e) Service consumer perception
(f) Service and technology

3. Answer any one of the following: (4+10=14)

(a) Discuss the recent trends in service marketing.


(b) What is the service marketing triangle? Explain the different types of marketing involved in the service triangle.

4. Answer any one of the following: (4+10=14)

(a) What do you mean by customer service? Discuss the importance of understanding customer service.


(b) What do you understand by market segmentation? Explain the significance of market segmentation in service marketing.

5. Answer any one of the following: (4+10=14)

(a) What is marketing mix? Explain the different elements of the service marketing mix.


(b) What are branding and packaging of service? Discuss the importance of branding and packaging of service.

6. Answer any one of the following: (14)
(a) Discuss the role of people, process, and physical evidence in promoting the financial service sector.


(b) Give a clear picture of the recent trends in hospitality and education services in India.


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