Trade and Commerce in India Question Paper 2024 [Gauhati University NEP 2nd Sem]

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the Trade and Commerce in India question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the Trade and Commerce in India question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester (2024). Whether you're looking for the paper pattern, key topics, or helpful insights to prepare effectively. This Previous Year question paper will help 2nd-semester students understand the exam pattern, focus on important topics, and prepare effectively for scoring better in the Gauhati University Trade and Commerce in India subject under the BCom 2nd Sem FYUGP NEP Exam.

Trade and Commerce in India Question Paper 2024 [Gauhati University NEP 2nd Sem]

Gauhati University NEP BCom 2nd Semester Question Papers

1 (Sem-2) VAC 03



Paper Code: VAC0200302

(Trade and Commerce in India)

Full Marks: 30

Time: 1½ hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions as per direction: 1×5=5

(a) Give two examples of secondary sector industries.

(b) What is cropland and pasture?

(c) The tertiary sector is also called______sector.

(Fill in the blank)

(d) What is non-renewable resources?

(e) Anil Ambani is the founder of Reliance Industries. (Write whether the statement is True/False)

2. Answer any five questions from the following (answer should be in about 50 words): 2×5=10

(a) Give the meaning of commence.

(b) Mention two nature of trade and commerce.

(c) Write a note on trade during Vedic age.

(d) Mention any two characteristics of entrepreneur.

(e) Write a note on solar energy.

(f)Explain any two major problems faced by the tourism industry of Assam.

(g) Mention any two objectives of industrial policy in the post 1991 period.

(h) What are the commercial food crops?

(i) Write any two roles of entrepreneurship in economic development of a nation.

(j) What are the different types of land?

3. Answer any three questions from the following (answer should be in about 300 words): 5×3=15

(a) Elaborate the significance of trade and commerce.

(b) Write a note on rubber plantation in Assam. 

(c) What are the uses of land? Explain it. 

(d) Explain the functions performed by entrepreneur. 

(e) Discuss the institutional arrangement for promotion of agro-based industries. 

(f) Write a note on Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata (JRD Tata), the great industrialist of India.


Must Explore: GU B.Com 2nd Semester FYUGP Notes, Question Papers, Solved Papers (PDFs)

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