Computerised Accounting System Syllabus 2022-23 5th sem As Per new CBCS Pettern | Gauhati University

In this page you will get computerised Accounting system syllabus for 5th sem

Guahati University Computerised Accounting System Syllabus 2022-23 5th sem As Per new CBCS Pettern


Marks: 100 

Credit: 6 

Lectures: 52, 

Practical Lab: 52

Objectives: This course seeks to enhance the skills needed for computerized accounting system and to enable the students to develop simple accounting applications.

Unit-1: Computerized Accounting: Using Generic Software (12 Lectures, 12 Practical Lab)

Taxation: TDS, VAT and Service Tax

Auditing in Computerized Accounting system: Statutory Audit, Voucher verification, Verification of related party transaction, CAAT: Various Tools

Unit-2: Designing Computerised Accounting System (24 Lectures, 24 Practical Lab)

Designing Computerised Accounting System using a DBMS Package Creating a voucher entry Form,Preparing ledgers with SQL, Form, and Report Preparing Trial Balance with SQL and Report

Unit-3: Designing Accounting Support System (16 Lectures, 16 Practical Lab)

Designing Supplier and customers System for Accounting using Form, Query, Module, and Report; Designing Payroll System for Accounting using Form, Query, Module, and Report


1. The General Purpose Software referred in this course will be notified by the University Departments every three years. If the specific features, referred in the detailed course above, is not available in that software, to that extent it will be deemed to have been modified.

2. There shall be a practical examination of 100 Marks (Practical - 80 Marks, Viva-10 Marks and Work Book- 10 Marks) and duration of Examination shall be 3 Hrs.

3. Teaching arrangements need to be made in the computer Lab

4. There shall be Four Lectures per class and 4 Practical periods per batch to be taught in computer Lab.

Suggested Readings:

The suggested readings and guidelines shall be notified by the university department at least once in three years based on the selected software.

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