Every year the AHSEC Assam Board revises the class 12 syllabus to keep the knowledge of the students fresh. Therefore, students should read the AHSEC Assam Board Class 12 Salesmanship and Advertising Syllabus 2023 to study in class 12 and score higher in the Assam Board Class 12th exam.
The syllabus not only helps them to gather knowledge but also helps them track their studies and exam preparation.
AHSEC Class 12 Salesmanship and Advertising Syllabus 2023
Unit-1: Sales Organisation:
Methods of Sales, selling through own organization or Agents, their control, organization of sales de partment, sales routine, other departments, control of salesman, sales reports, its analysis and utility, evaluation of salesman's performance.
Unit-2: Selection of Salesman :
Methods of selection, traits, training of salesman
Unit-3: Salesman's authority/Consumer Protection:
Limits, allocation of territory, fixation of quota, sales conference. Importance of Consumer protection, consumer rights, responsibilities, ways and means of consumer protection. Consumer awareness and legal redressal with special reference to consumer protection Act. Role of consumer organization and NGO's.
Unit-4: Remuneration:
Remuneration of Salesman
Unit-5: Preparation of Advertisement:
Definition of copy, its theme, essentials, size, feature, classification of lay-out, elements of lay-out.
Unit-6: Organization:
Organization of Advertising department, functions, publicity programme, Media selection, planning and policy, budget, market research, competitor's product advertising, stock for sale, adequacy of finance, object, cost relation with other departments, evaluation of effectiveness of advertisement.
Unit-7: Appeal in Advertising:
Study of buying motive, their uses.
Unit-8: Advertising Agency and Clients:
Agency-Need, organization, evolution, obtaining business, benefit and cost to advertisers, relation with clients. Departments, creation of advertising materials, media, checking.
Unit-9: Market Research :
Meaning importance and needs, Market research process, techniques and methods. Identification of target groups in relation to a product.
Also Read :
Salesmanship and Advertising Question papers