Human Resource Management (HRM) Question Paper'2014 | B.Com 3rd Sem Non CBCS Pattern | Dibrugarh University

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 Human Resource Management (HRM )  Question Paper'2014 | B.Com 3rd Sem Non CBCS Pattern | Dibrugarh University

In this page we have shared Dibrugarh University Human Resource Management (HRM ) Question Paper'2014, B.Com 3rd Sem Non CBCS Pattern which can be very useful in your Exams.

Dibrugarh University Human Resource Management (HRM)  Question Paper'2014, B.Com 3rd Sem Non CBCS Pattern
Commerce (General/Speciality)
Course: 301
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32

Answer the following questions briefly:

a) Write down two functions of Human Resource Development (HRD) manager.               2

b) Mention two points of distinction between recruitment and selection.                             2

Write true or false:                                          1x4=4

c) Human Resource is a resource like any other natural resource.

d) Job analysis means a process of obtaining all pertinent job facts.

e) Job Rotation refers to change the position of an executive horizontally for increasing the skills and knowledge.

f) Promotion means decrease in rank and demotion means increase in rank.

2. Write short notes on:                                                4x4=16

a) Need for scientific selection

c) Importance of “Health and Safety measures”

3. (a) What do you understand by Human Resource Management (HRM)? Explain its significance.  4+7=11

(b) Discuss in brief the evolution of Human Resource Management in India.                                     11

4. (a) Explain the importance of Human Resource Planning (HRP) to ensure effective utilisation of manpower in an organisation.                                                      11

(b) What is “Job Analysis”? Discuss the various steps involved in the preparation of job analysis.     4+7=11

5.  (a) Critically discuss the various sources of recruitment of employees.                                          11

(b) Describe in brief the significance of proper selection of personnel in a large organisation.             11

6. (a) Define the term ‘career’ and explain the steps in career development.                      4+7=11

(b) Explain the essential steps of a good training programme.                                     11

7. (a) Discuss the concept of “Compensation”. What are the factors which affect compensation of employees in an industrial organisation?         5+7=12

(b) What do you mean by “compensation management”? Explain its importance.                    4+8=12


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