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If you are a student of Assam University: Silchar B.Com 2nd (odd) sem and looking for Assam University: Silchar General English Question Paper 2019 Bcom 2nd Sem CBCS then you are in right place here in this page we have Shared Assam University General English Question Paper 2019 Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming examinations.
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Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
Assam University B.Com 2nd sem Question Papers, CBCS Pattern General English' 2019,
Assam University B.Com Question Papers TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam., 2019
(2nd Semester)
Course No.: ENGL – 201T
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 28
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any four questions: 1x4=4
a) When was the poem, Upon Westminster Bridge composed?
b) How many flowers did Wordsworth see at a glance?
c) Who is Tom Dacre?
d) When was The Chimney Sweeper from The Songs of Innocence published?
e) How do we know that the poet is all alone in the poem, The Daffodils?
2. Answer any one question:
a) What was the dream of the chimney sweeper?
b) Name the river and the city referred to in the poem, Upon Westminster Bridge.
3. Answer any one question:
a) Attempt a critical appreciation of William Wordsworth’s poem, The Daffodils.
b) Describe the theme of the poem, The Chimney Sweeper from The Songs of Experience.
Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
4. Answer any four questions: 1x4=4
a) What does Shelly mean by the term ‘blithe spirit’?
b) Who/What is a Maenad?
c) Why is autumn called the ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’?
d) What is meant by ‘If winter comes can spring be far behind’?
e) When was the poem, Ode to Autumn published?
5. Answer any one question: 2
a) Write two instances of the poem, Ode to Autumn which refer to the harvesting season.
b) Does the briefly any image that you find in the poem, To a Skylark.
6. Answer any one question: 8
a) Give after John Keats a description of the sights and sounds of autumn as you find in Ode to Autumn.
b) Describe the central theme of the poem, Ode to the West Wind.
Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
7. Answer any four questions: 1x4=4
a) Who is Vera?
b) Who is Mrs. Sappleton?
c) What was the breed of the god that the Sappleton family had?
d) Where was the girl going to in The Eyes are not Here?
e) At which station did the girl get in the railway compartment?
8. Answer any one question: 2
a) Why did Frampton Nuttel come to the Sappleton household?
b) Which time is the best to visit Mussoorie according to the narrator and why?
9. Answer any one question: 2
a) Assess the central theme of the short story, The Open Window.
b) What is the significance of the title of the story, The Eyes are not Here by Ruskin Bond?
Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
10. Answer any four questions: 1x4=4
a) What was the time when the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?
b) Who discovered the Pere David’s deer?
c) Who is Marcel Junod?
d) From which work is The First Atom Bomb extracted?
e) What is a white-tailed gnu?
11. Answer any one question: 8
a) What happened to the hospital in Hiroshima?
b) Which animals are referred to as extinct or on the verge of extinction in The Vanishing Animals?
12. Answer any one question: 8
a) Discuss the author’s concern for wildlife as reflected in The Vanishing Animals.
b) Give a description of Hiroshima after the dropping of the atom bomb.
Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
13. Answer any four questions: 1x4=4
a) What is the actual name of George Orwell?
b) In which place was George Orwell posted as a police officer?
c) Who first informed Orwell about the ravages caused by the elephant?
d) How many shots did Orwell fire at the elephant?
e) What does Orwell say about the worth of the elephant?
14. Answer any one question: 8
a) How does the author describe the dead Indian coolie?
b) Where did Orwell first see the elephant and what was it doing?
15. Answer any one question: 8
a) Give a description of the shooting of the elephant till it died.
b) Attempt a critical appreciation of the prose piece, Shooting an Elephant.
Assam University Silchar TDC 2nd Sem General English Question Paper 2019
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