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If you are a student of Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th sem and looking for Dibrugarh University Business Cost Accounting paper 2019 Bcom 4th Sem (Hons.) CBCS then you are in right place here in this page we have Shared Dibrugarh University Bcom 4th Sem Cost Accounting Question paper 2019 Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming examinations.
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If you want to read in detail Dibrugarh University BCom Cost Accounting Question paper 2019 TDC 4th Semester as per CBCS Pettern read this Post from top to bottom and try to solve this question paper if you have any problem regarding to the solution of question paper you can also follow our solution.
Cost Accounting Question Paper 2019 (May)
Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th Sem CBCS Pattern
Commerce (General/Speciality)
Course: 401
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 Hours
1. (a) Choose the correct answer: 1x4=4
1) Prime cost includes
a) Direct material + Direct labour + Works expenses.
b) Direct material + Direct labour + Chargeable expenses.
c) Direct material + Direct labour + Office expenses.
2) Purchase budget should be prepared by the
a) Financial Manager.
b) Production Manager.
c) Purchase Manager.
3) Depreciation is a
a) Fixed expenses.
b) Variable expenses.
c) Semi-variable expenses.
4) In process costing, the abnormal loss is treated as
a) Period cost.
b) Unit cost.
c) Future cost.
(b) Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4
1) Fixed cost per unit _______ with rise in output.
2) Re-order quantity may be measured in _______.
3) Fixed overhead cost is a _______ cost.
4) The need of reconciliation arises in _______ accounting system.
2. Write short notes on (any four): 4x4=16
a) Techniques of costing.
b) ABC analysis.
c) Rowan premium bonus plan.
d) Manufacturing overheads.
e) Abnormal process loss.
3. (a) Discuss in detail the advantages and limitations of Cost Accounting. 8+6=14
(b) Following data are taken from the Cost Accounts of a manufacturer in respect of the month of March 2019:
Prepare a Statement of Cost and Profit showing the following: 2x7=14
1) Cost of materials consumed.
2) Prime cost.
3) Works cost.
4) Cost of production.
5) Cost of goods sold.
6) Cost of sales.
7) Profit for the month.
4. (a) A statement of materials received and issued in March 2019 is given below:
From the above statement, prepare Stores Ledger by applying –
1) First-in-first-out method;
2) Last-in-first-out method; 7+7=14
(b) (1) What is idle time? What are its causes? 6
(2) A worker takes 12 hours to complete a work on daily wages and 8 hours on a scheme of payment by results. Worker’s daily rate is Rs. 6 per hour. The cost of material of the product is Rs. 20 and the overheads are recovered at 200% of the total wages. Calculate the Factory Works Cost of the product under:
1) Rowan plan;
2) Halsey scheme; 4+4=8
5. (a) Define overhead. How are overheads classified? Explain four reasons of over-absorption and under-absorption of overheads. 4+5+5=14
(b) From the following information, work out the production hour rate of recovery of overhead in department P1, P2 and P3: 14
Expenses of service departments S1 and S2 are apportioned as under:
6. (a) (1) What is process costing? What are its features? Name any three industries in which process costing is used. 2+5+3=10
(2) Distinguish between normal process loss and abnormal process loss. 4
(b) A company’s Trading and Profit & Loss Account was as follows:
The profit as per Cost Accounts was only Rs. 19,770. Reconcile the financial and cost profits using the following information: 14
1) Cost accounts value of closing stock Rs. 4,280.
2) The works expenses in the Cost Accounts were taken as 100% of direct wages.
3) Selling and administration expenses were charged in the Cost Accounts at 10% of sales and Rs. 0.10 per unit respectively.
4) Depreciation in the Cost Accounts was Rs. 800.
Pass Marks: 32
1. (a) Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4
1) _______ is defined as ‘the technique and process of ascertaining costs’.
2) A _______ provides a complete record of all materials received and the quantity thereof.
3) The rate of change in the composition of labour force in an organization is termed as _______.
4) _______ is the aggregate of indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses.
(b) Choose and write the correct answer: 1x4=4
1) Unit costing / Job costing is employed in paper mill industries.
2) In case of rising prices, LIFO / FIFO method of pricing material issues reports higher income.
3) Cost of normal idle time is always controllable / uncontrollable.
4) Fixed overheads per unit is reduced / increased when volume of output is increased.
2. Write on the following (any four): 4x4=16
a) Elements of cost.
b) Scope of Cost Accounting.
c) ABC analysis.
d) Apportionment of overheads.
e) Cost audit.
f) Cost sheet.
3. (a) Prepare a Cost Sheet from the following: 11
(b) Distinguish between the following: 6+5=11
1) Direct cost and Indirect cost.
2) Fixed cost and Variable cost.
4. (a) XYZ Ltd. manufactures a product A and provides you the following particulars:
Compute from the above: 11
1) Re-order quantity.
2) Re-order level.
3) Minimum level.
4) Maximum level.
5) Average stock level.
(b) Explain the meaning and purpose of the following documents: 4+3+4=11
1) Purchase Requisition.
2) Bin Card.
3) Stores Ledger.
5. (a) From the following particulars, you are required to work out the earning of worker for a week under –
1) Straight piece rate;
2) Halsey premium scheme (50% sharing);
3) Rowan premium scheme. 3+4+4=11
(b) What is idle time? Explain its causes. How is idle time treated in Cost Accounts? 3+4+4=11
6. (a) Compute the machine hour rate from the following data: 12
The machine occupies one-fourth of total area of the shop. Supervisor denotes one-third of his time for the machine.
(b) What are the causes of under-absorption and over-absorption of overheads? How will you deal with them in Cost Accounts? 7+5=12
7. (a) A product of XYZ Ltd. Co. possesses through two processes A and B. 10,000 units at a cost of Rs. 1.10 were issued to process A. Other direct expenses were as follows:
Wastage of process A was 5% and in process B 4%.Wastage of process A was sold at 0.25 per unit and that of process B at 0.50 per unit. Overhead charges were 160% of direct labour. Prepare Process – A A/c and Process – B A/c. 11
(b) (1) Explain the special features of contract costing. 5
(2) How does cost audit differ from financial audit? 6