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If you are a student of Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th sem and looking for Dibrugarh University Business Cost Accounting paper 2014 Bcom 4th Sem (Hons.) CBCS then you are in right place here in this page we have Shared Dibrugarh University Bcom 4th Sem Cost Accounting Question paper 2014 Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming examinations.
Reading previous year question papers have great advantage not only in semester exam but for any examinations student must familiar with the question asked in previous year and prepare accordingly. In this page Dibrugarh University Cost Accounting Question paper 2014 can help you in Better Analysis of Questions and Question Paper Patterns.
If you want to read in detail Dibrugarh University BCom Cost Accounting Question paper 2014 TDC 4th Semester as per CBCS Pettern read this Post from top to bottom and try to solve this question paper if you have any problem regarding to the solution of question paper you can also follow our solution.
Cost Accounting Question Paper 2014 (May)
Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th Sem CBCS Pattern
Commerce (General/Speciality)
Course: 401
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. (a) Fill in the blanks : 1x5=5
(i) LIFO method is suitable in times of ____ prices.
(ii) Material control aims at achieving effective material ____.
(iii) Cost audit is concerned with the ____ of Cost Accounts.
(iv) When actual loss is more than the estimated loss, then the difference is considered to be ____.
(v) Depreciation is ____ expenses in cost.
(a) Select the appropriate answer for each of the following questions : 1x3=3
(i) Which of the following is not a method of costing?
(ii) Specify the method of costing suitable to a toy-making unit
(4) Multiple Operating Costing
(iii) In which of the following contracts Contract Costing is applied as a specialized system of Job Costing?
(4) Continuous processes
2. Write short notes on (any four) : 4x4=16
(d) Time and motion study
3. (a) Define costing. Discuss the essentials of an Ideal Cost Accounting System. 4+8=12
(b) Following details relate to ATEACO Ltd. for the year ending 31.03.2013 :
Expenses during the year in Rs.
Selling and Distribution expenses Rs. 1 per unit. Units manufactured during the year are 96000 Finished stock is valued at current cost. Prepare Cost Sheet showing the following : 2x6=12
4. (a) Sunshine Electronics manufactures picture tubes for TV. Details of their operation during the year are given below :
Average monthly market demand – 2000 tubes
Ordering cost – Rs. 100 per order
Inventory carrying cost – 20% per annum
Cost of tubes – Rs. 500 per tube
Normal usage – 100 tubes per week
Minimum usage – 50 tubes per week
Maximum usage – 200 tubes per week
Lead time to supply – 6 to 8 weeks.
(i) Compute economic order quantity. If the supplier is willing to supply quarterly 1500 units at a discount of 5%, is it worth accepting. 5
(ii) Compute the following : 2x3=6
(1) Maximum level of stock
(2) Minimum level of stock
(b) What do you mean by material control? Discuss its objectives. 4+7=11
5. (a) A workman has taken 15 hours in performing a job. The standard hours fixed for the job are 20 hours. He is paid hourly payment @ Rs. 4. He is allowed to be paid 40% of the time saved. In addition, he also gets a dearness allowance of Rs. 2 a day of 8 hours. Calculate his total earnings under:
(ii) Rawan Premium Plan; 5½+5½=11
(b) What do you mean by labour turnover? What steps should be taken to check the increasing rate of labour turnover? Discuss. 4+7=11
6. (a) Assam Engineering Works has three production departments A, B, C and one service department S. From the following particulars, calculate labour hour rate for each of the production departments. Expenses for the period of 12 months :
Working days – 200 days of 8 hours each. Service rendered by service department S to production departments A, B and C are 30%, 20% and 50% respectively.
(b) Define overhead, How are overheads classified? State four reasons of over-absorption or under-absorption of overheads. 2+5+4=11
7. (a) From the following particulars, prepare Contract Account for the year ended on 31st December, 2013 : 11
General plant costing Rs. 1,20,000 was used for 3 months. Depreciation on that is to be provided at 15 % p.a.
(b) What do you mean by ‘Cost Audit’ and ‘Cost Management’? Discuss the functions of a Cost Auditor. 3+3+5=11