GU Indirect Tax Laws Solved Question Paper 2022 | Gauhati University | Bcom 6th Semester Hons.

In this post you will get to see Gauhati University Indirect Tax Laws Solved Question Paper 2022.

GU Indirect Tax Laws Solved Question Paper 2022 | Gauhati University |  Bcom 6th Semester Hons.

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Gauhati University Indirect Tax Laws Solved Question Paper 2022
Paper: COM-HC-6026
(Indirect Tax Laws)
Full Marks: 80 Time: 
Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1.Answer any ten of the following questions as directed: 1×10=10

(i) Central excise duty is levied and collected by_______.

(Fill in the blank with appropriate word/words)

Ans: Central Government/Union Government.

(ii)The Assam VAT Act, 2003 came into effect from the 1st day of May, 2005. (State whether the statement is true or false) 



(iii) One of the objectives of the Customs Act, 1962 is to protect the domestic industries. (State whether the statement is true or false) 

Ans: True.

(iv) GST has removed the _____effect of taxes. (Fill in the blank with appropriate word/ words)

Ans: Cascading effect.

(v)A person without GST registration can collect tax.(State whether the statement is true or false) 

Ans: False.

N.B: No, a person without GST registration can neither collect GST from his customers nor can claim any input tax credit of GST paid by him.

(vi) Indirect taxes are imposed on _______and services. (Fill in the blank with appropriate word/words)

Ans: Goods.

(vii) Customs duty is levied on the manufacture of excisable goods in India. (State whether the statement is true or false) 

AnsFalse. Customs duty is levied on the import and export of goods.

(viii) ______area means the area of a custom station.(Fill in the blank with appropriate word/words)

Ans: Customs Area.

(ix) GST was introduced in India with effect from______.(Fill in the blank with appropriate word/words)

Ans: 1st July 2017

(x) GSTIN is a unique 10-digit number. (State whether the statement is true or false)

Ans: False, GSTIN is a unique 15-digit number.

(xi) Customs duty is levied by the Government of India. (State whether the statement is true or false)


(xii) France was the first country to implement GST in the year_____. (Fill in the blank with the appropriate year)

Ans: 1954

(xiii) The name of the first Chairperson of the GST Council was______.

(Fill in the blank with appropriate word/words)

Ans: Shri Arun Jaitley.

(xiv) GST network is a non-government organization. 

(State whether the statement is true or false)

Ans: True.

( xv) GST has been projected as 'One Nation, One Tax'.

(State whether the statement is true or false)

Ans: True.

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