AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2022 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper]

Here you will get Assam Board Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper 2022

Are you looking for the AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Question Paper 2022 English Medium? Here have provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Question Paper 2022 English Medium under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper 2022 For students preparing for ASSEB DIVISION -II board exams, Assam HS Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2022 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper]


Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
Time: Three Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.



1. Find out the correct answers from the following:

(a) In Assam, under which sector of economic activities the highest number of people have been engaged?
(i) Primary
(ii) Secondary
(iii) Agriculture Sector
(iv) Quaternary

(b) In which year Sikkim was included as one of the states of North Eastern Region of India?
(i) 1947
(ii) 1963
(iii) 1972
(iv) 2002

(c) How many Sustainable Development Goals have been adopted by United Nations General Assembly in 2015?
(i) 11
(ii) 15
(iii) 17
(iv) 21

(d) In which year the availability of petroleum crude in Assam was first detected?
(i) 1822
(ii) 1889
(iii) 1921
(iv) 1953

(e) In which type of map scale the units like centimeter, inch, feet, etc. are not mentioned?
(i) Statement Scale
(ii) Graphical Scale
(iii) Representative fraction
(iv) Ordinal Scale

(f) Area-wise, which one of the following National Parks of Assam is the smallest?
(i) Manas
(ii) Orang
(iii) Nameri
(iv) Dibru-Saikhowa

2. Write short answers to the following questions: (Any four)

(a) Name two types of biodiversity.

(b) Name two places of Assam where petroleum refineries are there.

(c) Which two foreign countries share international boundaries with Assam?

(d) Write the names of two wildlife sanctuaries of Karbi Anglong district.

(e) Name two major types of pollution.

3. Answer the following questions: (Any five)

(a) Distinguish between biotic and abiotic resources.

(b) Discuss briefly the demographic characteristics of Assam.

(c) Explain why Majuli island is so important.

(d) Discuss the problems caused due to population migration to Assam.

(e) Give a short description of the Brahmaputra river course after entering India.

(f) Discuss briefly the biodiversity indices.

4. What do you understand by map projection? Mention the basic difference between the major types of map projections.
Discuss the importance of remote sensing in geographical studies. Write briefly about the application of Geographical Information System (GIS) in map making.



5. Find out the correct answers from the following:

(a) In which year did the Sipoy Mutiny in India break out against the Britishers?
(i) 1833
(ii) 1838
(iii) 1853
(iv) 1857

(b) Who discovered tea plants in Assam?
(i) C. A. Bruce
(ii) Robert Bruce
(iii) Krishnaram Nayabagish
(iv) David Scott

(c) The Bishnoi religious sect is an inhabitant of:
(i) Uttarakhand
(ii) Kerala
(iii) Western Thar Desert
(iv) North of Himachal Pradesh

(d) In which state of India the ‘Chipko’ movement was started?
(i) Rajasthan
(ii) Uttarakhand
(iii) Kerala
(iv) Bihar

(e) In which year did the peasants of Phulaguri in Nowgong revolt against the British Tax Policy?
(i) 1828
(ii) 1857
(iii) 1861
(iv) 1893

(f) In which book is Assam called “The land of rearing silkworms”?
(i) Ramayan
(ii) Mahabharat
(iii) Rigveda
(iv) Bhagawata Purana

6. Write short answers to the following: (Any four)

(a) Mention two places of Assam famous for the bell-metal industry.

(b) Mention two types of human immigration.

(c) In which years did the two major earthquakes with a magnitude above 8 Richter scale occur in Assam?

(d) Mention two types of land classified during the Ahom rule in Assam.

(e) Name two items made of ivory.

7. Answer the following questions: (Any five)

(a) Write briefly on the background of the Treaty of Yandaboo.

(b) Mention the important steps taken by the Assam Association.

(c) Write briefly on the ‘Quit India’ movement in Assam.

(d) Discuss briefly the importance of Bamboo and Cane craft in Assam.

(e) Explain briefly the development of railway transport in Assam.

(f) Give a brief description of the Land Policy of Ahoms in Assam.

8. Explain the impacts of immigration on Assamese culture and life.
Briefly explain the causes of environmental degradation in Assam. Mention the major movements to protect the environment that occurred in India.


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