AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2024 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper]

Here you will get Assam Board Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper 2024

Are you looking for the AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Question Paper 2024 English Medium? Here we have provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Question Paper 2024 English Medium under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper 2024 For students preparing for ASSEB DIVISION -II board exams, Assam HS Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2024 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Paper]


(For New Course Students)
Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 24

Full Marks: 100

(Part-I: 40 + Part-II: 40 + Part-III: 20)
Pass Marks: 30

Time: Three Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

For New Course

PART-I (Geography)

Total Marks: 40

1. Find out the correct answer from the following questions: (1×4 = 4)
(a) In which year was coal discovered in Assam?
(i) 1865 (ii) 1857 (iii) 1700 (iv) 1847

(b) As per the 2011 Census, the literacy rate of Assam is:
(i) 74.2% (ii) 73.3% (iii) 70.8% (iv) 72.2%

(c) What is the type of climate in Assam?
(i) Wet Sub-Tropical (ii) Tropical
(iii) Arid (iv) Hot and Humid

(d) Recent satellite imagery has shown that the percentage of forest cover in Assam is:
(i) 17% (ii) 27% (iii) 21% (iv) 37%

2. Answer the following questions in short: (2×3 = 6)
(a) Write two major physiographic divisions of Assam.
(b) Mention two causes of water pollution.
(c) What is skill development?

3. Answer any two of the following questions in short: (3×2 = 6)
(a) Write three causes of migration.
(b) What is surveying?
(c) What are the types of map scales?
(d) Write a note on the red soil of Assam.

4. Answer the following questions (any four): (6×4 = 24)
(a) Discuss the influence of Monsoon winds on the economy of Assam.
(b) Define sustainable development and explain its goals.
(c) Explain how Geographical Information System (GIS) helps in geographical studies.
(d) Write a note on the need for biodiversity conservation and explain the present status of Assam's biodiversity.
(e) Classify map projections into different types and explain any one in detail.
(f) Write a note on the Bell and Brass-Metal industry of Assam.

PART-II (History)

Total Marks: 40

1. Find out the correct answers from the following: (1×4 = 4)
(a) Which of the following environmental movements was organized against the destruction of tropical evergreen forests?
(i) Chipko Movement (ii) Silent Valley Movement
(iii) Appiko Movement (iv) Bishnoi Movement

(b) From where was Arunodoi published?
(i) Sivasagar (ii) Guwahati (iii) Kolkata (iv) Tezpur

(c) What is Roh used for?
(i) Wood gum (ii) Water purification
(iii) Lac production (iv) Gunpowder preparation

(d) In which year did the Phulaguri revolt take place?
(i) 1947 (ii) 1861 (iii) 1857 (iv) 1950

2. Answer the following questions in short (any three): (2×3 = 6)
(a) Who was Gomdhar Konwar?
(b) What is Tribal Belt?
(c) What is Inner Line?
(d) Classify land into different types.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in short: (3×2 = 6)
(a) Explain the provisions of the Treaty of Yandaboo.
(b) Write a note on the Paik system.
(c) Discuss the changes initiated by British rule in Assam.
(d) Write a note on the Tea Industry of Assam.

4. Answer the following questions (any four): (6×4 = 24)
(a) Write a note on the Non-Cooperation Movement.
(b) Discuss the causes and impact of environmental changes in Assam after 1947.
(c) Write a note on the beginning of the petroleum industry in Assam.
(d) Discuss the historical background of the migration of East Bengal farmers to Assam.
(e) Explain in detail the Quit India Movement in Assam.
(f) Write about silkworm rearing, spinning, and weaving in Assam.
(g) Explain the causes and consequences of the Peasant Uprising at Phulaguri.


(For Old Course Students in lieu of Project Works)

Total Marks: 20

1. Answer the following questions (any five): (4×5 = 20)
(a) Explain why Majuli Island is so important.
(b) Give a short description of the Brahmaputra river course after entering India.
(c) Explain the concept of remote sensing and its use in geographical studies.
(d) State five causes of low population density in the hilly districts of Assam.
(e) Write briefly about the background of the Treaty of Yandaboo.
(f) Discuss briefly the importance of bamboo and cane craft in Assam.
(g) Explain the role of women in the freedom movement in Assam.
(h) Give a brief description of the land policy of the Ahoms in Assam.


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