Class 11 Education: Chapter 2 - Stages of Human Development MCQs with Answers

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Chapter 2: Stages of Human Development


  1. What is the first stage of human development?
    1. A. Adolescence
    2. B. Infancy
    3. C. Childhood
    4. D. Adulthood
      Answer: B
  2. Which stage is described as the foundation stage of human life?
    1. A. Adolescence
    2. B. Infancy
    3. C. Late childhood
    4. D. Adulthood
      Answer: B
  3. Who made the first comprehensive division of human development stages?
    1. A. Rousseau
    2. B. John Dewey
    3. C. Sigmund Freud
    4. D. Pestalozzi
      Answer: A
  4. Which stage is characterized by the rapid development of motor abilities like sitting and walking?
    1. A. Childhood
    2. B. Adolescence
    3. C. Infancy
    4. D. Adulthood
      Answer: C
  5. What is the typical age range of childhood according to Rousseau?
    1. A. Birth to 5 years
    2. B. 5 to 12 years
    3. C. 12 to 15 years
    4. D. 15 to 20 years
      Answer: B
  6. What is the term used to describe the increase in size, height, and weight?
    1. A. Development
    2. B. Growth
    3. C. Maturation
    4. D. Transmission
      Answer: B
  7. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic elements of development?
    1. A. Growth
    2. B. Maturation
    3. C. Social transmission
    4. D. Discipline
      Answer: D
  8. What is the focus of development during adolescence according to Ryburn?
    1. A. Physical growth
    2. B. Mental growth
    3. C. Emotional growth
    4. D. Social growth
      Answer: B
  9. At what age does late childhood occur according to Earnest Jone’s division?
    1. A. Birth to 5 years
    2. B. 5 to 12 years
    3. C. 12 to 18 years
    4. D. 18 and above
      Answer: B
  10. Which characteristic is associated with infancy?
    1. A. Emotional maturity
    2. B. Dependence on others
    3. C. Ability to make logical decisions
    4. D. Self-sufficiency
      Answer: B
  11. Why is infancy known as the "questioning age"?
    1. A. Infants rely on instinct.
    2. B. Infants explore their environment with curiosity.
    3. C. Infants imitate their elders.
    4. D. Infants are physically dependent.
      Answer: B
  12. What is the primary motor ability developed during infancy?
    1. A. Logical reasoning
    2. B. Standing and walking
    3. C. Problem-solving skills
    4. D. Abstract thinking
      Answer: B
  13. What is the role of play in infancy?
    1. A. It develops physical strength only.
    2. B. It helps in physical, mental, and social development.
    3. C. It teaches discipline.
    4. D. It prepares children for formal education.
      Answer: B
  14. What is "animism" as observed in children during infancy?
    1. A. Imagining all objects as alive
    2. B. Logical understanding of surroundings
    3. C. Development of moral values
    4. D. Abstract thinking
      Answer: A
  15. What does "narcissism" refer to in the context of infancy?
    1. A. The tendency to imitate others
    2. B. Self-love and body satisfaction
    3. C. Dependency on parents
    4. D. Love for nature
      Answer: B
  16. Which need is vital for emotional security in infants?
    1. A. Play
    2. B. Love and affection
    3. C. Nutrition
    4. D. Discipline
      Answer: B
  17. What is a significant characteristic of early adolescence?
    1. A. Strong logical thinking
    2. B. Rapid physical growth
    3. C. Emotional stability
    4. D. Career planning
      Answer: B
  18. What is the main developmental focus during childhood?
    1. A. Physical growth
    2. B. Mental growth
    3. C. Social relationships
    4. D. Professional training
      Answer: B
  19. Who divided human development into six stages, including a transition period?
    1. A. Rousseau
    2. B. Ryburn
    3. C. Freud
    4. D. Jone
      Answer: B
  20. Which factor does NOT influence human development?
    1. A. Heredity
    2. B. Environment
    3. C. Discipline
    4. D. Social transmission
      Answer: C
  21. What distinguishes growth from development?
    1. A. Growth is qualitative, while development is quantitative.
    2. B. Growth is physical, while development includes mental and emotional aspects.
    3. C. Growth occurs only during infancy, while development stops at adulthood.
    4. D. Growth happens randomly, while development is planned.
      Answer: B
  22. Which factor plays a significant role in human development?
    1. A. Discipline only
    2. B. Heredity and environment
    3. C. External appearance
    4. D. Social status
      Answer: B
  23. What is the primary focus of the stage of adolescence?
    1. A. Emotional stability
    2. B. Logical reasoning
    3. C. Identity formation
    4. D. Physical dependency
      Answer: C
  24. Who stated that "adolescence and adulthood are recapitulations of infancy and childhood"?
    1. A. Rousseau
    2. B. Earnest Jone
    3. C. Ryburn
    4. D. Freud
      Answer: B
  25. Which stage is referred to as the period of "mental growth and physical transition" by Ryburn?
    1. A. Early childhood
    2. B. Transition period
    3. C. Late adolescence
    4. D. Adulthood
      Answer: B
  26. What marks the beginning of the adulthood stage?
    1. A. 15 years
    2. B. 18 years
    3. C. 21 years
    4. D. 25 years
      Answer: B
  27. What is the characteristic emotional trait of infants?
    1. A. Anger and love
    2. B. Logical reasoning
    3. C. Emotional detachment
    4. D. Abstract thinking
      Answer: A
  28. During infancy, what helps children adjust to their environment?
    1. A. Logical skills
    2. B. Curiosity and imitation
    3. C. Academic learning
    4. D. Physical independence
      Answer: B
  29. Which stage is considered as the "questioning age"?
    1. A. Late childhood
    2. B. Infancy
    3. C. Early adolescence
    4. D. Adulthood
      Answer: B
  30. What does the term "egocentrism" mean in the context of infancy?
    1. A. Self-awareness
    2. B. Focus on oneself without regard for others
    3. C. Respect for authority
    4. D. Ability to work in groups
      Answer: B
  31. At what age does early childhood typically end according to Ryburn?
    1. A. 3 years
    2. B. 6 years
    3. C. 8 years
    4. D. 12 years
      Answer: B
  32. What type of play is most beneficial during infancy?
    1. A. Group games
    2. B. Competitive sports
    3. C. Exploratory and free play
    4. D. Structured activities
      Answer: C
  33. What is one major need during the infancy stage?
    1. A. Academic preparation
    2. B. Physical independence
    3. C. Love and emotional security
    4. D. Career guidance
      Answer: C
  34. What characterizes the transition period as defined by Ryburn?
    1. A. Emotional growth
    2. B. Shift from physical to mental development
    3. C. Gradual maturity of social skills
    4. D. Onset of abstract thinking
      Answer: B
  35. Which factor is NOT crucial for a child's development at home?
    1. A. Financial wealth
    2. B. Emotional security
    3. C. Cultural influences
    4. D. Discipline and care
      Answer: A
  36. Which stage involves "rapid physical growth and hormonal changes"?
    1. A. Infancy
    2. B. Early adolescence
    3. C. Late childhood
    4. D. Adulthood
      Answer: B
  37. What role does imitation play during infancy?
    1. A. It hinders personal development.
    2. B. It is a primary method of learning.
    3. C. It promotes independence.
    4. D. It is irrelevant during this stage.
      Answer: B
  38. What is the role of curiosity during infancy?
    1. A. Encourages imaginative play
    2. B. Promotes critical thinking
    3. C. Helps explore the environment
    4. D. Improves motor skills
      Answer: C
  39. How does home influence the moral development of a child?
    1. A. By strict punishment
    2. B. Through imitating parents and elders
    3. C. By forcing discipline
    4. D. By emphasizing academic learning
      Answer: B
  40. What does "nurturing play" achieve for infants?
    1. A. Builds motor and social skills
    2. B. Focuses on intellectual growth only
    3. C. Limits emotional development
    4. D. Encourages independence prematurely
      Answer: A
  41. What is the typical age range for late adolescence according to Ryburn?
    1. A. 12 to 14 years
    2. B. 14 to 18 years
    3. C. 15 to 20 years
    4. D. 18 to 25 years
      Answer: B
  42. Which stage is defined by dependency on parents for basic needs?
    1. A. Adulthood
    2. B. Infancy
    3. C. Late childhood
    4. D. Adolescence
      Answer: B
  43. Why is discipline important in the early stages of development?
    1. A. It helps instill respect for authority.
    2. B. It promotes independence early.
    3. C. It reduces physical growth.
    4. D. It prepares children for adulthood.
      Answer: A
  44. Which emotion is most dominant during early childhood?
    1. A. Fear and curiosity
    2. B. Anger and jealousy
    3. C. Love and anxiety
    4. D. Guilt and shame
      Answer: A
  45. What marks the transition from infancy to early childhood?
    1. A. Development of motor skills
    2. B. Onset of logical thinking
    3. C. Ability to express emotions clearly
    4. D. Academic readiness
      Answer: A
  46. What developmental aspect is emphasized in adolescence?
    1. A. Career selection
    2. B. Self-identity and independence
    3. C. Physical dependency on parents
    4. D. Instinct-driven behavior
      Answer: B
  47. What is the significance of the emotional security provided at home?
    1. A. It encourages academic growth.
    2. B. It ensures mental and emotional stability.
    3. C. It reduces the need for discipline.
    4. D. It develops social relationships.
      Answer: B
  48. What is a key characteristic of late childhood?
    1. A. Dependency on caregivers
    2. B. Development of social skills
    3. C. Focus on logical reasoning
    4. D. Physical independence
      Answer: B
  49. Which is NOT a characteristic of adolescence?
    1. A. Rapid physical growth
    2. B. Abstract thinking development
    3. C. Complete emotional stability
    4. D. Hormonal changes
      Answer: C
  50. What does social transmission contribute to development?
    1. A. Enhances physical growth
    2. B. Promotes cultural and social learning
    3. C. Reduces dependency on parents
    4. D. Limits emotional expression
      Answer: B
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