Class 11 Education: Chapter 4 - Psychology and Education MCQs with Answers

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Chapter 4: Psychology and Education


1)    What is psychology primarily concerned with?

a.    A. Study of human society

b.    B. Study of human mind and behavior

c.     C. Study of economic systems

d.    D. Study of physical structures
Answer: B

2)    Who is known as the father of modern psychology?

a.    A. Sigmund Freud

b.    B. John Dewey

c.     C. Wilhelm Wundt

d.    D. Jean Piaget
Answer: C

3)    Educational psychology is primarily the study of:

a.    A. Teaching methods

b.    B. How students learn and behave in an educational setting

c.     C. Development of physical abilities

d.    D. History of education systems
Answer: B

4)    What is the main focus of educational psychology?

a.    A. Examining teachers' performance

b.    B. Understanding and improving the teaching-learning process

c.     C. Conducting laboratory experiments

d.    D. Comparing different education systems
Answer: B

5)    Which of the following is a branch of psychology?

a.    A. Social psychology

b.    B. Clinical psychology

c.     C. Educational psychology

d.    D. All of the above
Answer: D

6)    What is the term for the process of acquiring knowledge and skills through study or experience?

a.    A. Behavior

b.    B. Development

c.     C. Learning

d.    D. Adaptation
Answer: C

7)    Which branch of psychology deals with classroom behavior and learning difficulties?

a.    A. Social psychology

b.    B. Developmental psychology

c.     C. Educational psychology

d.    D. Cognitive psychology
Answer: C

8)    Who proposed the theory of "Classical Conditioning"?

a.    A. Sigmund Freud

b.    B. B.F. Skinner

c.     C. Ivan Pavlov

d.    D. Jean Piaget
Answer: C

9)    What is the primary goal of psychology in education?

a.    A. To predict and control behavior

b.    B. To study societal norms

c.     C. To improve economic efficiency

d.    D. To design school infrastructures
Answer: A

10) Which psychologist introduced the concept of "Operant Conditioning"?

a.    A. Ivan Pavlov

b.    B. B.F. Skinner

c.     C. Carl Rogers

d.    D. Abraham Maslow
Answer: B

11) Which factor does NOT directly influence learning?

a.    A. Motivation

b.    B. Physical environment

c.     C. Intelligence

d.    D. Height
Answer: D

12) What is the study of changes in behavior over the lifespan called?

a.    A. Cognitive psychology

b.    B. Developmental psychology

c.     C. Behavioral psychology

d.    D. Social psychology
Answer: B

13) What is the term for a student's ability to understand and retain knowledge?

a.    A. Intelligence

b.    B. Learning capacity

c.     C. Cognitive development

d.    D. Behaviorism
Answer: C

14) Which theory focuses on the role of rewards and punishments in learning?

a.    A. Social learning theory

b.    B. Behaviorism

c.     C. Constructivism

d.    D. Gestalt theory
Answer: B

15) Who developed the "Hierarchy of Needs"?

a.    A. Abraham Maslow

b.    B. Erik Erikson

c.     C. B.F. Skinner

d.    D. Carl Rogers
Answer: A

16) Which level of Maslow's hierarchy includes safety and security?

a.    A. Physiological needs

b.    B. Safety needs

c.     C. Esteem needs

d.    D. Self-actualization
Answer: B

17) Which approach to education emphasizes "learning by doing"?

a.    A. Behaviorism

b.    B. Constructivism

c.     C. Humanism

d.    D. Psychoanalysis
Answer: B

18) Which psychologist is associated with cognitive development stages?

a.    A. Sigmund Freud

b.    B. Jean Piaget

c.     C. Erik Erikson

d.    D. Lev Vygotsky
Answer: B

19) What is "Zone of Proximal Development" (ZPD)?

a.    A. The level of performance a child can achieve independently

b.    B. The difference between what a learner can do independently and with guidance

c.     C. The maximum level of knowledge a learner can attain

d.    D. A measure of intelligence quotient (IQ)
Answer: B

20) Which of the following is NOT a stage in Piaget's cognitive development theory?

a.    A. Sensorimotor

b.    B. Pre-operational

c.     C. Formal operational

d.    D. Self-actualization
Answer: D

21) What is the primary method used in psychoanalysis?

a.    A. Reward systems

b.    B. Free association and dream analysis

c.     C. Direct teaching

d.    D. Observational learning
Answer: B

22) Which psychologist is known for the theory of psychosocial development?

a.    A. Abraham Maslow

b.    B. Erik Erikson

c.     C. Jean Piaget

d.    D. Carl Jung
Answer: B

23) What is intrinsic motivation?

a.    A. Motivation driven by external rewards

b.    B. Motivation arising from internal satisfaction or interest

c.     C. Motivation enforced through punishments

d.    D. Motivation based on fear
Answer: B

24) What is the primary focus of cognitive psychology?

a.    A. Emotional responses

b.    B. Mental processes like memory, perception, and problem-solving

c.     C. Group behavior

d.    D. Social interactions
Answer: B

25) What is the role of reinforcement in learning?

a.    A. To punish undesirable behavior

b.    B. To strengthen desired behaviors

c.     C. To eliminate instincts

d.    D. To discourage curiosity
Answer: B

26) Which learning theory emphasizes observation and imitation?

a.    A. Behaviorism

b.    B. Social learning theory

c.     C. Psychoanalysis

d.    D. Humanism
Answer: B

27) What is an example of positive reinforcement in a classroom?

a.    A. Giving extra homework for late submission

b.    B. Praising a student for completing an assignment

c.     C. Ignoring a disruptive student

d.    D. Punishing a student for poor behavior
Answer: B

28) What does the term "constructivism" emphasize in education?

a.    A. Knowledge is passively received from teachers

b.    B. Learners actively construct their own knowledge

c.     C. Focus on rote memorization

d.    D. Strict discipline for effective learning
Answer: B

29) Which psychologist introduced the concept of "multiple intelligences"?

a.    A. Jean Piaget

b.    B. Howard Gardner

c.     C. Erik Erikson

d.    D. Abraham Maslow
Answer: B

30) What is the main purpose of educational psychology in teaching?

a.    A. To analyze cultural trends

b.    B. To improve teaching strategies and student learning outcomes

c.     C. To focus on physical fitness

d.    D. To reduce examination schedules
Answer: B

31) Which of the following best describes psychology?

a.    A. Study of the brain’s physical structure

b.    B. Scientific study of the mind and behavior

c.     C. Study of cultural evolution

d.    D. Study of historical development
Answer: B

32) What does educational psychology primarily deal with?

a.    A. Curriculum development

b.    B. Teacher evaluation

c.     C. Student behavior and learning processes

d.    D. Examination systems
Answer: C

33) Who proposed the theory of psychosocial development with eight stages?

a.    A. Abraham Maslow

b.    B. Jean Piaget

c.     C. Erik Erikson

d.    D. B.F. Skinner
Answer: C

34) What is "Classical Conditioning"?

a.    A. A theory of motivation

b.    B. A learning process where a stimulus elicits a response

c.     C. A method of problem-solving

d.    D. A cognitive approach to learning
Answer: B

35) Which psychologist is associated with the concept of "trial and error learning"?

a.    A. Thorndike

b.    B. Pavlov

c.     C. Skinner

d.    D. Freud
Answer: A

36) What is "cognitive development"?

a.    A. Physical growth

b.    B. Emotional stability

c.     C. Development of mental processes like thinking and reasoning

d.    D. Social interaction
Answer: C

37) Which learning theory emphasizes reinforcement?

a.    A. Behaviorism

b.    B. Humanism

c.     C. Constructivism

d.    D. Psychoanalysis
Answer: A

38) What is the primary focus of developmental psychology?

a.    A. Study of human lifespan changes

b.    B. Analysis of cultural norms

c.     C. Examination of brain structures

d.    D. Study of group behavior
Answer: A

39) Which of the following is NOT a goal of psychology?

a.    A. Describe behavior

b.    B. Predict behavior

c.     C. Analyze physical structures

d.    D. Modify behavior
Answer: C

40) What is "constructivism" in learning?

a.    A. A teacher-centered approach

b.    B. Students actively building their own knowledge

c.     C. Memorization of facts

d.    D. Reinforcement through rewards
Answer: B

41) Which psychologist introduced the "Stages of Cognitive Development"?

a.    A. Sigmund Freud

b.    B. Jean Piaget

c.     C. B.F. Skinner

d.    D. Abraham Maslow
Answer: B

42) What is the meaning of "learning readiness"?

a.    A. Being physically fit to learn

b.    B. Being mentally and emotionally prepared to learn

c.     C. Completing previous assignments

d.    D. Understanding all subjects equally
Answer: B

43) Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation?

a.    A. Studying because you enjoy learning

b.    B. Completing homework to earn a reward

c.     C. Reading books for personal satisfaction

d.    D. Participating in sports for fitness
Answer: B

44) Which theory is associated with "learning through observation"?

a.    A. Behaviorism

b.    B. Social Learning Theory

c.     C. Humanism

d.    D. Constructivism
Answer: B

45) What does "Operant Conditioning" focus on?

a.    A. Observational learning

b.    B. Learning through rewards and punishments

c.     C. Logical reasoning

d.    D. Emotional development
Answer: B

46) What does "intrinsic motivation" refer to?

a.    A. Motivation influenced by external rewards

b.    B. Motivation driven by internal satisfaction

c.     C. Motivation enforced through punishments

d.    D. Motivation from societal pressure
Answer: B

47) What is the focus of humanistic psychology in education?

a.    A. Developing cognitive skills

b.    B. Focusing on the whole person and their potential

c.     C. Encouraging rote memorization

d.    D. Using strict discipline for learning
Answer: B

48) Which psychologist introduced the concept of "Cognitive Learning"?

a.    A. Jean Piaget

b.    B. Lev Vygotsky

c.     C. Carl Rogers

d.    D. Sigmund Freud
Answer: A

49) What is the role of educational psychology in teaching?

a.    A. To develop teaching materials only

b.    B. To analyze classroom behavior and improve learning techniques

c.     C. To focus on curriculum design exclusively

d.    D. To evaluate teachers’ salaries
Answer: B

50) Which level of Maslow's hierarchy emphasizes personal growth and self-fulfillment?

a.    A. Safety needs

b.    B. Esteem needs

c.     C. Self-actualization

d.    D. Physiological needs
Answer: C


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