Class 11 Education: Chapter 7 - Primary Education in India and Assam MCQs with Answers

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Chapter 7: Primary Education in India and Assam

1. Which act laid the foundation for state education in India?

a. Charter Act of 1813

b. Woods Despatch of 1854

c. Macaulay's Minute

d. Hunter Commission

Answer: a) Charter Act of 1813

2. Who introduced the concept of Basic Education in India?

a. Lord Curzon

b. Mahatma Gandhi

c. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

d. Thomas Munro

Answer: b) Mahatma Gandhi

3. In which year was the Assam Primary Education Act passed?

a. 1920

b. 1926

c. 1937

d. 1945

Answer: b) 1926

4. Which programme was launched to achieve universalisation of primary education?

a. Mid-Day Meal Scheme

b. District Primary Education Programme (DPEP)

c. National Literacy Mission

d. Digital India Initiative

Answer: b) District Primary Education Programme (DPEP)

5. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees free and compulsory education?

a. Article 21

b. Article 45

c. Article 14

d. Article 32

Answer: b) Article 45

6. What was the focus of the Hunter Commission (1882) regarding primary education?

a. Expansion of secondary education

b. Emphasis on practical subjects in primary schools

c. Reduction in tuition fees

d. Free education for girls

Answer: b) Emphasis on practical subjects in primary schools

7. What was the primary aim of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)?

a. To establish universities

b. To improve higher education

c. To universalize elementary education

d. To provide technical education

Answer: c) To universalize elementary education

8. Who conducted the first survey of indigenous education in Madras?

a. Lord Curzon

b. Thomas Munro

c. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

d. William Bentinck

Answer: b) Thomas Munro

9. What was the primary objective of the Wardha Scheme?

a. Industrial education

b. Basic education through crafts

c. Establishment of new universities

d. Secondary education reform

Answer: b) Basic education through crafts

10. Which missionary is associated with the spread of education in Assam?

a. Nathan Brown

b. Alexander Duff

c. Henry Martyn

d. William Carey

Answer: a) Nathan Brown

11. Which act is referred to as the Magna Carta of Indian Education?

a. Hunter Commission

b. Woods Despatch of 1854

c. Charter Act of 1813

d. Curzon's Educational Policy

Answer: b) Woods Despatch of 1854

12. What is the primary goal of Total Literacy Campaign (TLC)?

a. Increase college enrollment

b. Eradicate illiteracy among adults

c. Promote vocational education

d. Improve technical education

Answer: b) Eradicate illiteracy among adults

13. Which system was introduced by Dr. Andrew Bell?

a. Monitorial System

b. Dual System

c. Centralized System

d. Gurukul System

Answer: a) Monitorial System

14. Who emphasized the need for compulsory education in India through a bill in 1910-11?

a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

b. Mahatma Gandhi

c. Lord Curzon

d. Thomas Munro

Answer: a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

15. Which resolution followed King Emperor George V's visit to India?

a. Charter Act of 1813

b. Woods Despatch of 1854

c. Resolution on Educational Policy, 1913

d. Hunter Commission

Answer: c) Resolution on Educational Policy, 1913

16. What was the significant contribution of the Wardha Conference (1937)?

a. Industrial education

b. Free higher education

c. Craft-based primary education

d. Privatization of schools

Answer: c) Craft-based primary education

17. Who played a significant role in spreading education in Assam through missionary efforts?

a. Alexander Duff

b. Miles Bronson

c. Raja Rammohan Roy

d. William Jones

Answer: b) Miles Bronson

18. What percentage of funding for DPEP was borne by the Government of India?

a. 75%

b. 50%

c. 85%

d. 95%

Answer: c) 85%

19. In which year was the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan launched?

a. 1995

b. 2000

c. 2001

d. 2005

Answer: c) 2001

20. What was the focus of the Assam Primary Education Act, 1926?

a. Compulsory primary education

b. Higher education reforms

c. Establishment of universities

d. Adult education programs

Answer: a) Compulsory primary education

21. Which scheme was introduced to provide free mid-day meals to primary school children?

a) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

b) National Literacy Mission

c) Mid-Day Meal Scheme

d) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Answer: c) Mid-Day Meal Scheme

22. Who is known as the 'Father of Modern Education in India'?

a) Raja Rammohan Roy

b) Thomas Macaulay

c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

d) Charles Wood

Answer: a) Raja Rammohan Roy

23. Which report emphasized female education in India?

a) Macaulay's Minute

b) Hunter Commission

c) Wood’s Despatch

d) Curzon Commission

Answer: b) Hunter Commission

24. What is the age group covered under the Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009?

a) 5-12 years

b) 6-14 years

c) 4-10 years

d) 7-15 years

Answer: b) 6-14 years

25. Which state was the first to implement compulsory primary education in India?

a) Assam

b) Maharashtra

c) Kerala

d) Baroda

Answer: d) Baroda

26. Which body monitors the implementation of primary education in Assam?

a) State Education Board

b) Assam State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)

c) UGC


Answer: b) Assam SCERT

27. What is the main aim of Operation Blackboard?

a) Providing free meals to children

b) Improving infrastructure in primary schools

c) Training teachers

d) Promoting adult literacy

Answer: b) Improving infrastructure in primary schools

28. Who was the first Education Minister of Independent India?

a) Mahatma Gandhi

b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

29. Which committee recommended three-language formula in Indian education?

a) Radhakrishnan Committee

b) Kothari Commission

c) Hunter Commission

d) Curzon Committee

Answer: b) Kothari Commission

30. Which constitutional amendment made education a fundamental right?

a) 42nd Amendment

b) 73rd Amendment

c) 86th Amendment

d) 91st Amendment

Answer: c) 86th Amendment

31. Who is responsible for implementing the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan at the state level?

a) State Education Minister

b) District Education Officer

c) State Project Director

d) School Principal

Answer: c) State Project Director

32. What was the aim of the National Policy on Education (1986)?

a) Industrial education

b) Universalization of elementary education

c) Privatization of education

d) Increase technical education

Answer: b) Universalization of elementary education

33. Which year did the Government of India launch the National Literacy Mission?

a) 1985

b) 1988

c) 1990

d) 1995

Answer: b) 1988

34. Who was associated with the introduction of free and compulsory education in India?

a) Mahatma Gandhi

b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

c) Jawaharlal Nehru

d) Rabindranath Tagore

Answer: b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

35. Which mission emphasized on 'Education for All'?

a) Operation Blackboard

b) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

c) Mid-Day Meal Scheme

d) Adult Literacy Mission

Answer: b) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

36. When was the Assam State Literacy Mission Authority (ASLMA) formed?

a) 1995

b) 1997

c) 1999

d) 2001

Answer: b) 1997

37. Which body prepares the curriculum for primary education in Assam?




d) UGC

Answer: b) SCERT

38. What does 'DPEP' stand for?

a) District Primary Education Programme

b) Development of Primary Education Policy

c) Digital Primary Education Programme

d) Direct Primary Education Plan

Answer: a) District Primary Education Programme

39. What is the literacy rate of Assam according to the latest census?

a) 70%

b) 72%

c) 74%

d) 76%

Answer: c) 74%

40. Which constitutional article emphasizes promoting the education of weaker sections?

a) Article 15

b) Article 29

c) Article 46

d) Article 32

Answer: c) Article 46

41. Which state has the highest literacy rate in India?

a) Kerala

b) Tamil Nadu

c) Maharashtra

d) Gujarat

Answer: a) Kerala

42. When was the first primary school in Assam established?

a) 1840

b) 1850

c) 1860

d) 1870

Answer: a) 1840

43. Which policy aimed to improve teacher training in primary schools?

a) SSA


c) NPE 1986

d) RTE Act 2009

Answer: c) NPE 1986

44. Who is responsible for primary school management in Assam?

a) Village Council

b) School Management Committee

c) State Education Department

d) District Collector

Answer: b) School Management Committee

45. Which year marked the implementation of the Education Commission (Kothari Commission) report?

a) 1964

b) 1966

c) 1968

d) 1970

Answer: c) 1968

46. Which scheme promotes girl child education?

a) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

b) SSA

c) NPE


Answer: a) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

47. What does RTE ensure?

a) Right to Technology

b) Right to Education

c) Right to Employment

d) Right to Equality

Answer: b) Right to Education

48. When was the New Education Policy (NEP) launched?

a) 2019

b) 2020

c) 2021

d) 2022

Answer: b) 2020

49. What was the goal of the Operation Blackboard scheme?

a) Train teachers

b) Infrastructure development

Answer: b) Infrastructure development

50. What year was SSA integrated with RTE?

a) 2009

Answer: a) 2009


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