In this Post we have provided Gauhati University International Business Question Paper 2024 GU B.Com 6th Sem. which Can be Very Useful For Your GU B.Com 6th Semester Sessional or Final Examination, So read this question paper top to bottom.
GU International Business Question Paper 2024 CBCS Pattern
Full Marks: 80
Time: Three Hours
International Business
Paper Code: COM-HE-6046
6th Semester (CBCS) Honours Elective
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions: (1×10=10)
(a) Which one of the following is the oldest international trade theory?
(i) Comparative advantage theory
(ii) Mercantilism theory
(iii) Absolute advantage theory
(iv) Heckscher-Ohlin theory
(b) In which year was the product life cycle theory developed?
(i) 1972
(ii) 1978
(iii) 1970
(iv) 1976
(c) Which of the following nations is not a member of ASEAN?
(i) India
(ii) Brunei
(iii) Vietnam
(iv) Laos
(d) The G-20 Summit for the year 2023 was held in:
(i) Japan
(ii) Indonesia
(iii) India
(iv) Pakistan
(e) The IMF started functioning in:
(i) December 1945
(ii) January 1946
(iii) March 1947
(iv) April 1946
(f) Which environment is beyond the control of the business?
(i) Internal
(ii) External
(iii) Micro
(iv) Macro
(g) The foreign direct investment includes:
(i) Tangible goods
(ii) Intangible goods
(iii) Human resources
(iv) Intellectual property
(h) Write the full form of ASEAN.
(i) Import quota is considered a tariff tool of international business. (Yes/No)
(j) The current account in the balance of payments includes:
(i) Merchandise trade and services
(ii) Total of all the visible items of trade
(iii) Borrowing
(iv) Autonomous and accommodating flow
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2. Answer the following questions in about 50 words: (2×5=10)
(a) State two basic principles of SAARC.
(b) Why do nations trade internationally?
(c) State the meaning of 'tariff' in international business.
(d) What are the main purposes of special economic zones?
(e) State two objectives of WTO.
3. Answer any four questions from the following in about 150 words: (5×4=20)
(a) Write a note on green field investment.
(b) Explain the objectives of SAARC.
(c) Write a note on the positive impact of globalization.
(d) Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payments.
(e) What are the various sources of trade finance? Explain.
(f) Explain the benefits of international business.
4. Answer any four questions from the following in about 600 words: (10×4=40)
(a) What do you mean by international business? Explain the various modes of entry into international business. (2+8)
(b) Explain the role of FDI in promoting international business in India.
(c) Explain the objectives and functions of WTO.
(d) What do you mean by product life cycle theory? Explain the defects of product life cycle theory. (3+7)
(e) What are the main objectives of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ)? Discuss the contribution of SEZ in the economic development of a country. (4+6)
(f) Discuss the various reasons for implementing tariffs in international business.
(g) What are the objectives of the World Bank? How has it assisted developing countries? (4+6)
(h) Explain the role of information technology in international business.
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