In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2015 (Non-CBCS) Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students. This question paper is now highly relevant for Gauhati University FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2015, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar. We recommend reading this question paper thoroughly for better preparation.
Gauhati University BCom Question Papers
Principles and Practice of Management
Full Marks: 80
Human resource management courses
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Answer either in English or Assamese
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Choose the correct answer: 1x10=10
a) Who advised substitution of functional organisation structure in place of line organisation structure?
1) Henry Fayol.
2) F. W. Taylor.
3) M. Farland.
4) L. A. Allen.
b) MBO (Management of Objective) is also known as:
1) MBE (Management of Exception)
2) Management of Results.
3) Management of Change.
4) Professional Management.
c) DELPHI METHOD is associated with:
1) Forecasting Technique.
2) Operational control.
3) Communication Network.
4) Strategic Planning.
d) Which of the following is not a base of departmentation?
1) Customers.
2) Employees.
3) Product.
4) Process.
e) What does not exist is a formal organisational relationship?
1) Entrustment of responsibility for job.
2) Granting autonomy to take decisions.
3) Relations arising out of socio-cultural values.
4) Holding subordinates responsible for results.
f) The author of the book “The Human Side of Enterprise” is:
1) P. F. Drucker.
2) Max Weber.
3) A. H. Maslow.
4) Douglas McGregor.
g) One of the characteristics of Laissez Faire leadership is:
1) Leaders exercise authority absolutely.
2) Give high degree of freedom to the followers.
3) Leaders decentralize authority to the followers.
4) Leaders take all the decisions.
h) Job enlargement indicates:
1) Horizontal job loading.
2) Vertical job loading.
3) Higher work performance.
4) Higher productivity.
i) PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) is:
1) A traditional technique of control.
2) A technique to prepare master budget.
3) A technique of scheduling activities of a project.
4) A technique of information technology.
j) ‘Jargon’ is a practice in:
1) Science of meaning.
2) Informal communication.
3) Gestural communication.
4) Filtering of information.
2. Write short answers on the following: 2x5=10
a) Write briefly about universality of management.
b) Creativity in decision making.
c) State two factors affecting span of management.
d) Give two components of extrinsic motivators of employees.
e) What do you mean by Management by Exception?
3. Answer any five of the following questions: 4x5=20
a) What are the findings of Hawthorne studies?
b) Mention the types of planning premises.
c) Explain matrix Organisation Structure.
d) Write a note on ‘Graicunas Theory’.
e) Suggest measures to make delegation of authority effective in an organisation.
f) What are the external barriers of communication?
g) Explain the contingency approach of motivation.
h) How do technological changes affect management? Discuss.
4. How is scientific management approach different from Human relations approach of management? Critically explain. 10
What are the stages of evolution of management thoughts? Discuss the important features of classical theories of management. 5+5=10
5. How does strategic planning differ from operational planning? What are the limitations of forecasting? 5+5=10
Enumerate the basic characteristics of decision making. What are the stages of the process of rational decision making? 5+5=10
6. Explain the various bases of Departmentation. Also state the benefit of departmentation. 10
Discuss the difference between Line and Functional organisation structure. Explain the scope of authority of a functional manager. 6+4=10
Draw the distinction between Authority and Responsibility. Mention the limits of authority. 5+5=10
7. Explain the relevant features of William Ouchi’s theory ‘Z’ of motivation. Also identify three distinctions between American management style and Japanese Management style. 7+3=10
“Leadership is the function of leader, follower and situation.” – Elucidate the statement. Briefly analyse the approaches to the study of leadership behaviour. 5+5=10
How is communication important for effective management performance? State the advantages and disadvantages of informal communication. 4+6=10
8. What are the steps in controlling process? State the reasons for employee’s resistance to control. 5+5=10
What do you mean by planned change? Describe the causes and remedies for employees resistance to change. 2+8=10