AHSEC Class 12 Accountancy Notes, Questions, and Solved Papers (2025 Exam)

If you are preparing for the AHSEC Class 12 Accountancy exam, you are in the right place! This page has notes, important questions, and solved papers to help you get ready for the Assam Higher Secondary (HS) 2nd Year exams. These study materials are simple and easy to understand.

AHSEC CLASS 12 Accountancy Complete Notes and Important Questions,Solved Papers (2025 Exam)

About AHSEC/ASSEB (Assam State School Education Board)

The Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB), Division II, now manages the AHSEC Class 12 curriculum. ASSEB is responsible for higher secondary education (Class 11 and 12) in Assam, ensuring better organization, guidance, and resources for students across the state.

Why Use These Notes?

Getting good marks in exams is not easy. You need hard work, good guidance, and helpful materials. These Class 12 Accountancy Notes and Question Papers will:

  • Help you understand topics easily.
  • Give you all the important questions.
  • Provide solved papers from past years.
  • Help you prepare step by step.




UNIT 1 Accounting for Partnership: Basic Concepts

UNIT 2 Reconstitution of Partnership Firm-Admission of a Partner

UNIT 3 Reconstitution of Partnership Firm-Retirement/Death of a Partner

UNIT 4 Dissolution of Partnership Firm


UNIT 6 Accounting for Share Capital

UNIT 7 Issue and Redemption of Debentures

UNIT 8 Financial Statements of a Company

UNIT 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

UNIT 10 Accounting Ratios

UNIT 11  Cash Flow Statement

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Benefits of These Notes & Papers

  1. Clear Concepts: Learn topics step by step.
  2. Better Practice: Focus on important questions for exams.
  3. Save Time: Finish homework and revisions faster.
  4. Boost Confidence: Feel prepared for your exams.


Q: Where can I find AHSEC Class 12 Accountancy Notes 2025?
A: You can find these notes on Treasure Notes, a trusted website in Assam.

Q: Can I download the notes in PDF?
A: Yes, the notes are available in PDF format.

Q: Will these notes help me score good marks?
A: Yes, these notes are made to help students score well in exams.

Q: How should I use these notes?
A: Use these notes to understand topics, solve questions, and prepare for exams.

Final Words

We hope these AHSEC Class 12 Accountancy Notes and Question Papers help you prepare well for your exams under ASSEB. Work hard, follow the right materials, and you’ll surely succeed!

If you find these notes helpful, share them with your friends. Thank you for visiting!

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