AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2016 | HS 2nd Year Business Studies 2016 Question Paper
In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016 | AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies Question Paper 2016 | Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question asked in AHSEC HS Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions: 1*10=10
a) Why is it said that management is pervasive? 1
b) What is the main objective of fatigue study? 1
c) What is the first step of staffing process? 1
d) When working capital becomes negative? 1
e) What is the other name of primary market? 1
f) What do you mean by Brand? 1
g) Name the association that has devised a code of conduct for Indian managers. 1
h) How management principles are derived? 1
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
2. Write two differences between authority and responsibility. 2
3. Give two points of distinction between training and development. 2
4. State two importance of supervision. 2
5. Mention two points of distinction between rules and policies. 2
6. Write two features of Capital Market. 2
7. Explain briefly the process of Controlling. 3
8. State three advantages of Management Information System. 3
State Return On Investment (ROI) as a technique of modern control.
9. Explain three factors affecting financing decision of a corporate organization. 3
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
Explain three basic areas of financial management.
10. State the importance of consumer protection from businessmen’s point of view. 3
Write three objectives of entrepreneurial development.
11. How complaints are redressed under the Consumer Protection Act 1986? 3
State any three functions of an entrepreneur in relation to economic development.
12. Outline briefly the process of planning. 5
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
State five leading importance of planning.
13. Distinguish between Taylor’s scientific management and Fayol’s principles of management. 5
14. What is liberalization? Explain the process of liberalization in India. 5
Discuss the impact of economic reforms on business and industry.
15. Explain five different off the job methods of training. 5
16. Give five reasons to support management as a profession. 5
17. State five functions of Stock Exchange in India. 5
18. What is packaging? What are its functions? 5
19. What do you mean by delegation of authority? What are its elements? Why delegation of authority is considered essential in management? 2+2+4=8
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
What are the steps in the process of organizing? State four points explaining the importance of organizing? 4+4=8
20. Explain Abraham Maslow’s theory on hierarchy of needs and mention the basic assumptions of the theory. 5+3=8
Outline the concept of leadership in management. What are the qualities of an ideal business leader? 2+6=8
21. Discuss four internal and external factors affecting capital structure decision of a company. 4+4=8
What are the aspects of dividend decision? Explain six factors affecting dividend decision of a company. 2+6=8
22. What is personal selling? State three advantages of personal-selling. How personal selling is helpful to the society? 2+3+3=8
State four components of physical-distribution. Why physical distribution is assuming greater importance day to day. 4+4=8
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
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AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016
Those students who are preparing for the Assam Board Class 12th exam must understand the exam pattern, marking scheme and other important information.
For this reason students must refer to AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2016
By referring to the Assam Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2016 students will get an opportunity to explore the various questions that were asked in the actual exam.In addition, they can use question papers to assess their preparation and work on gaps.