AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper'2012 | HS 2nd Year | Business Studies Previous Year Question Paper

1. Answer the following questions: 1x10=10 (a) Name the book authored by Henry Fayol on Management. (b) Which principle of management promotes

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper'2012 | HS 2nd Year | Business Studies Previous Year Question Paper

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2012 | HS 2nd Year Business Studies 2012 Question Paper 

In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2012 | AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies Question Paper 2012 |  Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question asked in AHSEC HS Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2012

Business Studies 
Times: 3 hours
Full marks: 100

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions: 1x10=10

(a) Name the book authored by Henry Fayol on Management.

(b) Which principle of management promotes team sprite.

(c) Which policy of govt. has moved India towards globalization?

(d) Mention one responsibility on consumer under consumer Protection Act.

(e) Which function of management is considered as the base of all other function?

(f) Name the process concerned with searching for prospective candidates for various jobs in an organization.

(g) Give any two benefit of training to the organization.

(h) Name the techniques of control by which all operations are planned in advance in the form of budget.

(i) Ahmed wants to buy iron. As an aware customer, how can he be sure about the quality of iron?

(j) Which act aims at controlling production, supply and distribution of essential commodities? 

2. Mr. Hazarika has retired as managing Director of a manufacturing company. At what level of management was he working? Write two functions at that level. 1+2=3

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies 2012 Question Paper 

3. Explain three importance of financial planning. 3

4. Explain three factors affecting the requirement of working capital. 3

5. Give three distinctions between money market and capital market. 3

6. Explain three models of sales promotion. 3

7. "Management is considered as an art or a science or both Elucidate the statement. 4

8. How does social and technological influence the working of a business? 4

9. Distinguish between functional structure and divisional structure on the basis of:

(a) Formation

(b) Management development

(c) Suitability

10. Discuss four elements of directing. 4

AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies 2012 Question Paper

11. State any four right of a consumer. 4

12. Discuss the technique of scientific management. 5


Discuss five principle of management evolved by Henry fayol.

13. Explain the steps involved in planning process. 5 


Explain any five objectives of SEBI.

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14. "Control is considered important for many reasons. Explain any five such reasons. 5

15. Discuss in brief, any five function of stock exchange. 5


Explain any five objectives of management.

16. Explain, in brief, the factors that are taken into consideration while taking decision on pricing the product. 5


What is motivation? Explain its importance in business.

17. "Delegation of authority is necessary in all types of organization." Give reasons in support of your answer. 6


Explain the terms "authority" and "responsibility" and "accountability"

18. Explain the various steps involve in staffing process? 


What is meant by recruitment? Explain any four source of recruitment. 2+4=6

19. What is meant by capital structure? What are the factors to be kept in mind while determining the capital structure of a company? 2+4=6


"The dividend decision of a company is determined by a number of factors." any six such factors: Discuss

20, Define leadership and bring out its four importance to an organization. 2+4=6


AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2012

Those students who are preparing for the Assam Board Class 12th exam must understand the exam pattern, marking scheme and other important information.

For this reason students must refer to AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2012

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies  Notes - 2023





Nature and Significance of Management

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Principles of Management

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Business Environment

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Business Finance 

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Financial Market 

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Marketing Management 

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Consumer Protection Act. 

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By referring to the Assam Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2012 students will get an opportunity to explore the various questions that were asked in the actual exam.In addition, they can use question papers to assess their preparation and work on gaps.

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