AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2018 | HS 2nd Year Business Studies 2018 Question Paper
In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018 | AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies Question Paper 2018 | Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question asked in AHSEC HS Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions: 1x10=10
1. (a) Which function of management ensures work accomplishment according to plan? 1
(b) Give one example of policy adopted by business enterprises? 1
(c) Responsibility flows downward. (Indicate whether True or False)
(d) In which year NSE was established?
(e) Which technique of scientific management violated the principle of 'unity of command? 1
(f) A decision is taken to raise capital for long term financial needs of a company
from certain sources. What is this decision called? 1
(g) What is the other name of New Issue Market? 1
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
(h) Which is the most risky capital for a company? 1
2. What is strategy? 2
3. What is planning premises? 2
4. Write a short note on 'return on investment as a modern technique of control.
5. Why principles of management are important? 2
6. Distinguish between delegation and decentralisation of authority. 2
7. Write three limitations of planning. 3
8. How does technological environment influence the working of a business?
9. Briefly explain three principles of directing. 3
10. Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting the interests of consumers. 3
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
Why entrepreneurship is regarded as a creative activity? Briefly explain. 3
11. Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of consumers. 3
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
Briefly explain any three functions of an entrepreneur. 3
12. Explain the techniques of scientific management. 5
13. How globalisation has affected business in India? Explain. 5
14. What is organisation structure? Write three features of divisional organisation structure. 2+3=5
15. Explain five non-financial incentives which motive the employees of an organisation. 5
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
Explain the elements of directing 5
16. Analyse the relationship between planning and controlling. 5
17. What is publicity? Distinguish between advertising and publicity. 2+3=5
18. Explain the functions of marketing. 5
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
Explain five advantages of packaging. 5
AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
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AHSEC Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018
Those students who are preparing for the Assam Board Class 12th exam must understand the exam pattern, marking scheme and other important information.
For this reason students must refer to AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2018
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By referring to the Assam Board Class 12 Business Studies Question paper 2018 students will get an opportunity to explore the various questions that were asked in the actual exam.In addition, they can use question papers to assess their preparation and work on gaps.