AUS Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018 | TDC 1st Sem BCOM | Assam University: Silchar

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AUS Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018 | TDC 1st Sem BCOM | Assam University: Silchar

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Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

Assam University B.Com 1 Sem Question Papers TDC as per NEW (CBCS) 


(1ST Semester) Course No.: COMDSC-1037

(Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018)

Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours:

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions Answer all questions


1. Answer any four from the following as directed: 1x4=4 

a) Mention the important characteristics of services.

b) Mention the upper limit for investment of medium enterprises manufacturing sector.

C) Liberalisation helps in accelerating the rate of (production/growth) 

(Choose the correct answer)

d) When was Make in India Programme launched? 

e) Define business ethics.

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

2. Answer any one from the following questions:

a) What is Small-scale industry?

b) What is meant by Skill Development? 

3. Define Social Responsibility of Business Discuss the responsibility of busin towards different interest groups of the society. 2+6=8


4. What is E-Commerce? Explain the important merits and demerits E-commerce. 2+6=8

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

UNIT -ii

5. Answer any four from the following as directed: 1x4=4

a) Mention one important advantages of Sole Proprietorship Busines

b) Who takes decisions in a Joint Hindu Family?

c) A partnership can be formed by at leas_____persons. (2/7/3) (Choose the correct answer)

d Mention the voting rights to a cooperative society. 

e) Write-one important objective of Public Enterprises. 

6. Answer any one question from the following: 2

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

a) What do you mean by a Multinational Company?

b) Define Joint Stock Company. 

7. Define Partnership Firms Discuss the essential characteristics of Partners Firms 2+6=8

8. What is Memorandum of Association? Explain the contents of Memorandum Association. 2+6=8

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018


9. Answer any four from the following as directed: 1x4=4

a) Write one important feature of Management.

b) The main aim of planning is to set_____(objectives/standar)(Choose the correct Answer)

c) Name one step for evaluating strategies

d) Mention one distinction between Formal Organization and Information Organization.

e) Mention one benefit of Functional Departmentation.

10. Answer any one question from the following: 2

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

a) What is meant by Organization Structure? 

b) What is Authority?

11. What is meant by Decision Making? 


Explain the process of Decision Maki 2+6+8

12. Define Group. Discuss various types of Groups. 2+6=8

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018


13. Answer any four questions from the following: 1x4=4

a) What are the types of Autocratic leaders? 

b) Mention two important factors of Herzberg's Motivation, Hypla theory.

c) Write one distinction of Theory X and Theory Y.

(d) Mention one element of communication.

e) What is the objective of control?

14. Answer any one question from the following: 2

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

a) What is meant by communication? 

b)Explain the concept of control.

15. Explain Maslow's need Hierarchy theory. 8


16. Discuss the process of control in a modern business concern. 8

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018


17. Answer any four questions from the following: 1x4=4

a) Write the names of Four P's. 

b) Mention one important objective of Financial Management.

c) What are the two forms of corporate securities? 

d) When was SEBI Act passed?

e) Which management function deals with performance appraisal employees?

18. Answer any one question from the following:

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018

a) What is the meaning of personnel management? 

b) Define industrial relations

19. Define Financing Decisions Discuss various factors affecting financial decisions. 2+6=8


20. Define Debentures. Distinguish between Debentures and Shares 2+6=8

Assam University Silchar TDC 1st  Sem Business Organization and Management Question Paper 2018


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