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If you are a student of Assam University: Silchar B.Com 1st (odd) sem and looking for Assam University: Silchar English Communication Question Paper 2018 Bcom 1st Sem CBCS then you are in right place here in this page we have Shared Assam University Silchar English Communication Question Paper 2018 Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming examinations.
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Assam University Silchar TDC 1st Sem English Communication Question Paper 2018
Assam University English Communication Question Paper '2018 | B.com 1st SemAssam University Question Paper | As per New CBCS Pattern
Assam University B.Com 1st Sem English Communication Question Papers 2018
ENGLISH (1ST Semester)
Course No.: ENGAEC - 101T
(English Communication)
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 20
Time: 3 hours
Assam University
B.Com 1st Sem English Communication Question Papers New CBCS PATTERN
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions Answer all questions
1. Answer any three questions of the following: 1x3=3
a) What is communication?
b) Name the two major types of communication.
c) Define written communication.
d) Define interpersonal communication.
2. Answer any one of the following: 2
a) Explain briefly the meaning of business communication
b) State any two demerits of verbal communication.
3. Answer any one of the following question:
a) Bring out the salient features of verbal communication
b) State the importance and objectives of business communication
4. Answer any three of the following questions: 1x3=3
a) Define monologue
b) What is effective communication?
c) What is dialogue?
d) What do you mean by group discussion?
5. Answer any one of the following questions:
a) Mention any two skills required to participate in a group discussion.
b) State any two steps of effective communication.
6. Answer any one of the following questions:
a) State some possible causes of miscommunication.
b) Suggest some essential steps for conducting a job interview.
7. Answer any three of the following questions: 1x3=3
a) What do you mean by close reading?
b) What is comprehension?
c) What do you mean by summarizing a text?
d) What is paraphrasing?
8. Answer any one of the following questions: 2
a) Briefly describe the meaning of comprehension. Mention two features of comprehension.
b) Suggest two steps to be taken care of while paraphrasing a text.
9. Answer any one of the following questions: 5
a) Discuss close reading of a text.
b) Describe the strategies of text comprehension
10. Answer any three of the following questions: 1x3=3
a) What do you mean by a document?
b) State the importance of note malting
c) Mention one of the features of a good note.
d) What is documenting?
11. Answer any one of the following questions:
a) Briefly explain the meaning of note making.
b) State the importance of documenting.
12. Answer any one of the following questions:
a) Describe the types of documenting
b) Describe the various stages of note making.
13. Answer any three of the following questions. 1x3=3
a) What do you mean by report writing?
b) Name one type of informal letter.
c) What are lateral reports?
d) What is the importance of business letters?
14. Answer any one of the following questions: 2
a) Show the difference between formal and informal letters.
b) What are functional reports?
15. Answer any one of the following questions: 5
a) Write a report on the poor road condition of your locality.
b) Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the activities of antisocial elements in your locality.
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