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If you are a student of Assam University: Silchar B.Com 1st (odd) sem and looking for Assam University: Silchar Microeconomics Question Paper 2019 Bcom 1st Sem CBCS then you are in right place here in this page we have Shared Assam University Silchar Microeconomics Question Paper 2019 Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming examinations.
Reading previous year question papers have great advantage not only in semester exam but for any examinations student must familiar with the question asked in previous year and prepare accordingly. In this page Assam University Silchar Microeconomics Question Paper 2019 can help you in Better Analysis of Questions and Question Paper Patterns.
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Assam University Silchar TDC 1st Sem Microeconomics Question Paper 2019
Micro Economics Question Paper Assam University B.Com 2nd Sem
TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam., 2019
COMMERCE (2nd Semester)
Course No.: BCHGEC – 201T
Macroeconomics Question Paper’ 2019
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 28
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer any two from the following questions: 2x2=4
(a) Define short run.
(b) What do you mean by circular flow?
(c) Mention the conditions of equilibrium.
2. What do you mean by macroeconomics? Discuss the various components of expenditure. 3+7=10
3. Write a note on static macroeconomic analysis during short run. 10
4. Answer any two from the following questions: 2x2=4
(a) Mention any two objectives of monetary policy.
(b) What do you mean by aggregate demand?
(c) What are the reasons for shift of aggregate demand curve?
5. Write a note on aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis. 10
6. Discuss how monetary policy of a developing economy can control, inflation. 10
7. Answer any two from the following questions: 2x2=4
(a) Define inflation.
(b) What do you mean by frictional unemployment?
(c) Write a note on Philips curve.
8. Mention five causes of rising inflation. Also discuss the social cost of inflation. 5+5=10
9. Discuss different types of unemployment. 10
10. Answer any two from the following questions: 2x2=4
(a) What is meant by open economy?
(b) Define exchange rate with examples.
(c) Mention one difference between fixed and flexible exchange rate.
11. Write a note on interest rate differentials case of a large economy. 10
12. Write a note on savings and investment equilibrium in a large open economy. 10
13. Answer any two from the following questions: 2x2=4
(a) Mention any two determinants of supply of money.
(b) Mention the relation between p (price) and value of money.
(c) What is income elasticity of demand?
14. Write a note on transaction theories of demand for real balances. 10
15. Discuss the determinants of business fixed investment. 10
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