If you are preparing for the HS First Year English exam, using the ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2012 can be very useful. Solved question papers help you understand how the exam is set and what kinds of questions might come. In this article, we will explain how the HS First Year English Solved Question Paper 2012 can help you and why it is important for Assam Board Class 11 English students.
AHSEC Class 11 English Solved Paper 2012
Subject: General English
Full Marks: 100
1. Read any two of the following passages and answer the questions given below: (5+5=10)
(A)"The mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s," said Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, as he leaned over the body for a long first look. Carter—Howard Carter, that is—was the British archaeologist who in 1922 discovered Tut's tomb after years of futile searching. Its contents, though hastily ransacked in antiquity, were surprisingly complete. They remain the richest royal collection ever found and have become part of the pharaoh's legend. Stunning artifacts in gold, their eternal brilliance meant to guarantee resurrection, caused a sensation at the time of the discovery and still get the most attention. But Tut was also buried with everyday things he'd want in the afterlife: board games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments, cases of food, and wine.
Questions and Answers:
(a) Who was Zahi Hawass?
Zahi Hawass was the Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
(b) Who discovered Tut's tomb and when?
Howard Carter, a British archaeologist, discovered Tut's tomb in 1922.
(c) What were the articles placed inside the tomb of Tut?
The articles placed inside Tut's tomb included gold artifacts, board games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments, cases of food, and wine, intended for use in the afterlife.
(B) Hor was a grim, miserable place. There was no vegetation whatsoever, just dust and rocks, liberally scattered with years of accumulated refuse, which was unfortunate given that the town sat on the shore of Lake Manasarovar, Tibet's most venerated stretch of water. Ancient Hindu and Buddhist cosmology pinpoints Manasarovar as the source of four great Indian rivers: the Indus, the Ganges, the Sutlej, and the Brahmaputra. Actually, only the Sutlej flows from the lake, but the headwaters of the others all rise nearby on the flanks of Mount Kailash. We were within striking distance of the great mountain, and I was eager to forge ahead.
Passage Questions and Answers:
(a) Give a brief description of Hor.
Answer:- Hor was a grim and miserable place with no vegetation, just dust and rocks. It was scattered with years of accumulated refuse, despite being located on the shore of Lake Manasarovar.
(b) According to whom is Manasarovar the source of great Indian rivers?
Answer:- According to ancient Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, Manasarovar is the source of four great Indian rivers.
(c) Name the river that has its source from Manasarovar.
Answer:- The Sutlej River has its source from Lake Manasarovar.
(C) In fifteenth-century Antwerp, a master blacksmith called Quinten Metsys fell in love with a painter's daughter. The father would not accept a son-in-law in such a profession. So, Quinten sneaked into the painter's studio and painted a fly on his latest panel, with such delicate realism that the master tried to swat it away before he realised what had happened. Quinten was immediately admitted as an apprentice into his studio. He married his beloved and went on to become one of the most famous painters of his age. These two stories illustrate what each form of art is trying to achieve: a perfect, illusionistic likeness in Europe, the essence of inner life and spirit in Asia.
Passage Questions and Answers:
(a) Who was Quinten Metsys?
Quinten Metsys was a master blacksmith in fifteenth-century Antwerp who later became a famous painter.
(b) How did he marry his beloved?
Quinten Metsys painted a fly with such delicate realism on a painter's panel that the master mistook it for a real fly. Impressed by his skill, the master accepted Quinten as his apprentice, allowing him to marry his daughter.
(c) What was Quinten's job in the painter's studio?
Quinten's job in the painter's studio was as an apprentice.
2. Answer any one of the following questions: (1x5=5)
(a) The author’s grandmother was a religious person. What are the different ways in which we come to know this?
Answer: The grandmother spent her time praying, chanting, and reading scriptures. She was deeply spiritual and disapproved of modern education.
(b) Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4th and 5th January.
Answer: The voyagers were terrified and exhausted. They faced a severe storm, feared for their lives, but held onto hope through teamwork.
(c) Elucidate in your own words about Tut and his ancestors.
Answer: Tutankhamun was a young Egyptian pharaoh from the 18th dynasty. His father, Akhenaten, introduced religious reforms, and Tut’s tomb revealed their legacy.
(d) What do you understand by the terms 'Outsider Art' and 'Art Brut' or 'Raw Art'?
Answer: 'Outsider Art' and 'Art Brut' refer to works by self-taught artists, often raw, imaginative, and created outside traditional art culture.
3. Answer any six of the following questions: (2x6=12)
(a) Why did the narrator not believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty?
Answer: The narrator could not imagine his grandmother as young and pretty because she always appeared old, wrinkled, and traditional in her demeanor. Her physical appearance and calm, spiritual nature made it hard to associate her with youth or beauty.
(b) Why did the narrator and his family want to duplicate the round-the-world voyage?
Answer: The narrator and his family wanted to duplicate the voyage of Captain James Cook to experience the challenges and adventures of a sea journey and to explore the vastness of the oceans while testing their endurance.
(c) What were the things placed beside Tut’s dead corpse? Why were they placed there?
Answer: Items like gold, food, wine, and ornaments were placed beside Tut’s corpse. These were placed as offerings for his afterlife, reflecting ancient Egyptian beliefs in life after death.
(d) What is the Green Movement? Explain briefly.
Answer: The Green Movement refers to a global effort that began in 1972 to raise awareness and take action for environmental conservation and sustainable development, aiming to protect the planet.
(e) What is the concept of ‘Shanshui’?
Answer: ‘Shanshui’ is a Chinese concept of art that means ‘mountain-water.’ It symbolizes the harmony between nature and human existence, focusing on the spiritual connection.
(f) What surprised the narrator when Mourad came to his window early morning?
Answer: The narrator was surprised to see Mourad riding a beautiful white horse, as their family was poor and could not afford such an expensive animal.
(g) Why was the narrator distressed knowing Ranga’s views about his marriage?
Answer: The narrator was distressed because Ranga wanted to marry only after finding the right girl and being financially stable, which was unusual in their traditional society.
(h) Why and how did Albert decide to get rid of his school?
Answer: Albert disliked the rote learning and oppressive environment of his school. He convinced his doctor to issue a certificate recommending a break from school due to his poor mental health.
4. Answer any two of the following questions: (4x2=8)
(a) What obstacles or problems could the narrator and his friend face in their journey towards Mount Kailash?
Answer: The narrator and his friend could face several obstacles during their journey to Mount Kailash. The harsh climate, with extremely cold temperatures and high-altitude conditions, would make breathing difficult. The rugged terrain with steep and treacherous paths posed physical challenges. They could also encounter unpredictable weather, snowstorms, and strong winds. Furthermore, the lack of proper facilities and basic amenities like food, water, and shelter would add to their difficulties during this arduous pilgrimage.
(b) Who was Jean Dubuffet? What concept of art did he propound?
Answer: Jean Dubuffet was a French painter and sculptor who introduced the concept of "Art Brut," or "Raw Art." He advocated for art created by untrained individuals, such as psychiatric patients, prisoners, or those on the margins of society. Dubuffet believed that such art was pure, uninhibited, and free from the influence of traditional art forms. Art Brut focused on raw creativity and originality, emphasizing the artist’s unfiltered emotions and imagination.
(c) What do you gather about Crocker-Harris from the play The Browning Version?
Answer: Crocker-Harris is depicted as a strict and disciplined teacher who commands respect but is also feared by his students. He follows rules rigidly and does not grant grace marks, earning him the nickname “the Crock.” Despite his stern exterior, he is a deeply sensitive and self-respecting man. His deteriorating health and the lack of affection from his wife add to his personal struggles, making him a tragic yet dignified character.
(d) Give a brief account of Professor Gaitonde’s bitter experience in the Azad Maidan.
Answer: Professor Gaitonde experienced chaos and hostility at Azad Maidan when he attempted to give a speech on history. The crowd, gathered for a political rally, became agitated and unruly as they were uninterested in his historical perspective. When he insisted on addressing them, the mob grew violent and threw him off the stage. This incident highlighted the disconnect between academic pursuits and public interests, leaving Gaitonde humiliated and disillusioned.
5. Answer any five of the following questions: (1x5=5)
(i) What has the camera captured in the poem A Photograph?
Answer: The camera has captured a photograph of the poet's mother as a young girl at the beach.
(ii) Who is the poet of the poem The Laburnum Top?
Answer: Ted Hughes.
(iii) What does the phrase ‘Strange to Tell’ mean?
Answer: It means something surprising or hard to believe.
(iv) What did the poet Markus Natten realize about Hell and Heaven when he was a child?
Answer: He realized they were not physical places, but abstract concepts.
(v) For how long have the father and son been staying together in the same house?
Answer: The duration is not specified, but they have lived together for a long time.
(vi) From where does the rain rise eternally?
Answer: The rain rises from the sea.
6. Answer any two of the following questions: (2x2=4)
(i) How is the father’s helplessness brought out in the poem?
Answer: The father’s helplessness is shown in the poem as he struggles to communicate with his son, unable to understand his changing emotions and needs.
(ii) Give a brief description of the Laburnum tree top before the arrival of the goldfinch.
Answer: Before the goldfinch arrives, the Laburnum tree top is quiet, still, and lifeless, with no movement or sound.
(iii) Why is the rain so essential on the earth?
Answer: The rain is essential as it nourishes plants, replenishes water sources, and maintains life on Earth by supporting ecosystems.
(iv) What is the opinion of the poet about the hypocrisy of adults?
Answer: The poet criticizes adults for being hypocritical, hiding their true feelings and pretending to be wiser, while actually being confused or unsure about life.
7. Answer any two of the following questions: (3x2=6)
(i) Give the substance of the poem Childhood.
Answer: The poem "Childhood" reflects the poet's realization of the loss of innocence and the disillusionment that comes with growing up. It explores the contrast between the carefree nature of childhood and the complex, confusing world of adulthood.
(ii) Cite the reasons behind the unhappiness of the father. What is his problem?
Answer: The father is unhappy because he feels disconnected from his son, who is growing up and becoming independent. The father's problem is his inability to communicate and relate to his son, leading to a sense of helplessness and sadness.
(iii) Describe the cyclic movement of the rain.
Answer: The rain follows a cyclic movement: it evaporates from the sea, forms clouds, and falls as rain back to the earth. This process then repeats itself, ensuring the continuous supply of water to the planet.
8. Insert appropriate determiners in the blanks:
(a) There is some milk in the glass.
(b) We have very little information.
(c) Kalidas is the Homer of India.
(d) Could you give me a few examples?
(e) Many people were present there.
9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliaries:
(a) I will meet you tomorrow.
(b) He will be ten next month.
(c) It may rain now.
(d) You should consult a doctor.
(e) She can speak English well.
10. Write the verb in the brackets in their correct tenses:
(a) The sun rises in the east.
(b) Before we reached the station, the train had arrived.
(c) I have seen the Taj Mahal.
(d) He has lived here for a long time.
(e) I wish I had known all this.
11. Rewrite the following sentences correctly:
(a) It is a nice poetry.
(b) I know to swim.
(c) He prefers coffee than tea.
(d) The Man is Mortal.
(e) Diganta is a MA in English.
(a) It is nice poetry.
(b) I know how to swim.
(c) He prefers coffee to tea.
(d) Man is mortal.
(e) Diganta has an MA in English.
12. Make meaningful sentences out of the jumble words:
(a)Physical exercise/for/essential/is/health/good.
(b) Diseases/take/avoid/daily/exercise/and.
(c) Discipline/the/life/necessity/of/is.
(d) Ideals/life/of/his/is/food.
(e) The/station/has/at/arrived/train/the.
(a) Physical exercise is essential for good health.
(b) Daily exercise helps avoid diseases.
(c) Discipline is a necessity of life.
(d) Ideals are the food of his life.
(e) The train has arrived at the station.
13. Point out the principal and subordinate clauses:
(a) Tell me where he lives.
(b) I shall do it if I work hard.
(c) What have I done that you dislike me.
(d) As he is ill, he cannot come.
(e) This is the boy who did it.
(a) Tell me (principal) where he lives (subordinate).
(b) I shall do it (principal) if I work hard (subordinate).
(c) What have I done (principal) that you dislike me (subordinate)?
(d) As he is ill (subordinate), he cannot come (principal).
(e) This is the boy (principal) who did it (subordinate).
14. Write a letter to a newspaper appealing for help for the victims of flood.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, PIN Code]
The Editor
[Newspaper Name]
[Newspaper Address]
[City, State, PIN Code]
Subject: Help for Flood Victims
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to ask for help for the victims of the recent floods in our state. Many people have lost their homes and belongings. They are in urgent need of food, water, clothes, and medical help.
I request your readers to kindly donate whatever they can to support the victims. Donations of money, food, clothes, and medicines are needed. Volunteers to help with the relief work are also welcome.
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these people.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
15. Write a report on the following:
You are an eyewitness to a road accident in which a school-going boy was killed, and many passengers were injured.
Report on Road Accident
Date: January 17, 2025
Location: ABC Road, City
On January 17, 2025, around 2:30 PM, I witnessed a tragic road accident on ABC Road. A bus was speeding and tried to overtake another vehicle. It crashed into a small car and then hit a schoolboy who was crossing the road. The boy, around 12 years old, was killed in the accident.
Many people on the bus were injured, some seriously. The bus driver and passengers were trapped and needed help to get out. The injured were taken to the hospital by ambulance.
The police arrived quickly and are investigating the cause of the accident. The bus driver is being questioned. This sad incident shows the importance of safe driving.
Also Read PYQs Solutions:
What Topics Are in the Solved Paper?
The HS First Year English Solved Question Paper 2012 covers many topics from the Assam Board Class 11 English syllabus, such as:
- Reading Comprehension: Understanding a passage and answering questions about it.
- Writing Skills: Writing letters, articles, essays, and more.
- Literature: Questions about the stories, poems, and plays you studied.
- Grammar: Questions on English grammar, like tenses and sentence structure.
Why Are Solved Question Papers Helpful?
- The ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2012 is useful because it shows you what the exam will be like. By solving these papers, you can practice answering different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-answer questions.
- The HS First Year English Solved Question Paper 2012 also helps you understand the exam pattern and how to manage your time. Solving these papers makes you feel more confident and helps you improve your writing skills.
In conclusion, the HS First Year English Solved Question Paper 2012 is a very helpful tool for students who are getting ready for the Assam Board Class 11 English exam. It helps you understand the exam, improve your writing skills, and manage your time better. By practicing with solved papers, you will feel more confident and be well-prepared for your exam.
Make sure to use the ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2012 to help you get better marks and be ready for the exam.