AHSEC Class 12 Biology 2015 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Biology Previous Year Question Paper]

Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper 2015

Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2015? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Biology Question Paper 2015 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper For students preparing for board exams, previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.

AHSEC Class 12 Biology 2015 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Biology Previous Year Question Paper]

BIOLOGY (Theory)
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


Instructions: Use separate Answer scripts for Part-I (Botany) and Part-II (Zoology).

1. What is embryogenesis? [1 Mark]

2. What is GMO? [1 Mark]

3. The micro-organism used to produce lactic acid through the fermentation process is known as ____. [1 Mark]

4. Why is apple called a false fruit? [1 Mark]

5. (a) How many types of artificial asexual reproduction are found in plants? Which types of plants show grafting? [2 Marks]


(b) Describe the significance of sexual reproduction in plants. [2 Marks]

6. (a) Differentiate between chemical and biological origin of life. [2 Marks]


(b) What is meant by the geological time scale? Why is it necessary to determine the age of fossils? [2 Marks]

7. (a) What is fermentation? Which micro-organism converts sucrose into ethyl alcohol? [2 Marks]


(b) What is algal fertilizer? How does it help in agriculture? [2 Marks]

8. (a) What are the principles of biotechnology? [2 Marks]


(b) What are molecular scissors? Give two examples. [2 Marks]

9. (a) What is a genetically modified crop? Mention its disadvantages. [2 Marks]


(b) What is the full form of 'ELISA'? How does it help in detecting diseases? [2 Marks]

10. (a) What are the major abiotic factors of a habitat? [2 Marks]


(b) Differentiate between allelopathy and antibiosis. [2 Marks]

11. (a) Discuss the technique of hybridization. [3 Marks]


(b) Discuss the development of the female spore in flowering plants. [3 Marks]

12. (a) Write about the principle of Hardy-Weinberg. Give an equation of this principle with an example. [3 Marks]


(b) Discuss the chemical evolution of life. [3 Marks]

13. (a) What is SCP? Write about the advantages of SCP. [3 Marks]


(b) What is totipotency? How does it help in plant propagation? [3 Marks]

14. (a) What is an embryo? Describe with a suitable diagram the development of the embryo in dicot plants. [5 Marks]


(b) What is recombinant DNA technology? Write about the process of recombinant DNA technology. [5 Marks]

15. (a) What is an age pyramid? Describe the pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive ages of pyramids with a diagram. [5 Marks]


(b) Write briefly about three fiber-yielding plants of Assam, mentioning their botanical names, parts used, and purposes. [5 Marks]



1. Fill in the blanks: (Any two) [2 Marks] 

(a) Progesterone is secreted by _______.
(b) Typhoid fever can be confirmed by _______ test.
(c) There are _______ National Parks in Assam.

2. Answer any two: [2 Marks] 

(a) What is the special nutrient present in the milk of the transgenic cow, 'Rosie'?
(b) Name the amino acid which fails to convert to tyrosine in Phenylketonuria.
(c) Which enzyme transcribes hnRNA?

3. Write answers to any four of the following: [8 Marks] 

(a) Why is sex education necessary in schools?
(b) How is the translation of mRNA terminated?
(c) Why does a father never pass on the gene for hemophilia to his son?
(d) How is the placenta formed?
(e) What are the different types of sericogenic insects commercially cultured in Assam?
(f) Explain the Gause competitive exclusion principle.

4. Write the differences between: (Any two) [4 Marks] 

(a) Commensalism and mutualism
(b) Sex chromosome and autosome
(c) mRNA and tRNA
(d) Active immunity and passive immunity

5. Name three sexually transmitted diseases in humans. [3 Marks]


Draw a neat labeled diagram of human sperm. [3 Marks]

6. State three goals of the Human Genome Project. [3 Marks]


Describe briefly the Lac Operon model. [3 Marks]

7. Describe the mechanism of infection by HIV. [3 Marks]


State the important defense mechanisms in plants against herbivory. [3 Marks]

8. (a) What is a food chain? Describe two principal types of food chains. [5 Marks]


(b) What is global warming? Mention two major effects of global warming. What steps should be taken to control it?
[5 Marks]

9. (a) What is DNA fingerprinting? State its applications. [5 Marks]


(b) What is pedigree analysis? Explain with an example how such analysis can be useful. [5 Marks]


Also Explore: AHSEC HS Class 12 Biology Chapter Wise Notes For Upcoming Final Examination

Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper

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