Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2023 English Medium? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Biology Question Paper 2023 English Medium under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper For students preparing for board exams, previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
MARKS - 35
MARKS - 35
Part - I (Botany)
1. Name the enzyme which help in unwind of the DNA helix. 1
2. Where is occurred coleoptile? 1
3. What is cellular totipotency? 1
4. What is meant by speciation? 1
5. What do you mean by Biofertilizer? 2
6. Name the microbes used for production of curd and vinegar. 1+1=2
7. How DNA isolated in purified from a bacterial cell? 2
What is recombinant DNA? List the tools of genetic engineering. 2
8. Write briefly about application of electrophoresis. 2
Write brief account on ethical issues on biotechnology. 2
9. Write the applications of mycorrhizae. 2
10. Explain briefly: (any two) 2+2=4
(i) Cry protein
(ii) Transgenesis
(iv) Bioreactor
11. Write the scientific name with their utility of the following plants: (1/2+1/2)x3=3
(i) Sarpagandha
(ii) Beladona
(iii) Arjun
(iv) Teak
12. Write the characteristics of population. 2
13. What are the major steps of gene cloning? Write briefly on each steps of gene cloning. 1+2=3
Write an account of biotechnological application in agriculture. 3
14. Write brief account on organic evolution. 4
What is coacervate? How do fossils evidence organic evolution? 1+3=4
15. Write an account on the development of dicotyledonous embryo with labelled diagram. 5
Write an account on the structure of a typical ovule with labelled diagram. 5
PART - II (Zoology)
1. Fill in the blanks: (any two) 1x2=2
(a) Ovulation is induced by __________.
(b) DNA finger printing is first discovered by _____________.
(c) The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2022 is awarded in _________________.
(d) AIDS is caused by ______________.
2. Answer any two: 1x2=2
(a) What is transgenic animal?
(b) What is menopause?
(c) What is DNA finger printing?
(d) Mention one cause of sound pollution.
3. Answer any four: 2x4=8
(a) What is sex linked inheritance? Give one example.
(b) Write the scientific name of Muga silk worm. Mention one host plant of Muga silk worm.
(c) What is CuT? Write its use.
(d) What is world heritage site? Mention one world heritage site of Assam.
(e) Define drug. Write one Psychotropic drug.
4. Write the differences between: (any two) 2x2=4
(a) Morula and blastula
(b) Parturition and lactation
(c) Incomplete dominance and co-dominance
(d) Active Immunity and Passive Immunity
(e) Transcription and Translation
5. Draw a labelled diagram of the matured human sperm. 3
Draw a labelled diagram of Watson and Crick model of semiconservative replication of DNA. 3
6. What do you mean by biodiversity hotspot? Write the name of biodiversity hotspot of India. 1+2=3
What is transcription unit? Write about types of RNA. 1+2=3
7. What is gene migration? Write about the genetic drift. 1+2=3
8. Describe the Miller's experiment to provide idea about the origin of life. 5
Describe the process of energy flow in different trophic level in the ecosystem. 5
9. Describe the chromosomal theory of inheritance. 5
Describe the Hardy-Weinberg principle. 5
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