Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2019? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Biology Question Paper 2019 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper For students preparing for board exams, previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.
BIOLOGY (Theory)
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
MARKS – 35
1. Name the edible part of an apple. (1)
2. Why grafting is not possible in monocot plants? (1)
3. Name the micro-organism that converts milk to curd. (1)
4. What is the function of DNA ligase? (1)
5. What is a missing link? Describe briefly with an example. (1+1=2)
Define Recapitulation theory with examples. (2)
6. What is a transgenic plant? Mention two advantages and one example of a transgenic plant. (1+1=2)
Write on the importance of biopiracy. (2)
7. Differentiate allelopathy and antibiosis. (1+1=2)
What is an age pyramid? Draw the expanding age pyramid and label its parts. (1+1=2)
8. Write a short note on any one: (2)
(i) Gene gun
(ii) Tools of genetic engineering
(iii) Gene cloning
9. What are the conditions of biopatent? (2)
Write about the function and principle of the ELISA technique. (2)
10. Write the scientific name and utility of any two plants: (1+1=2)
(a) Teak
(b) Indian ginseng
(c) Chinchona
(d) Sissoo
11. Write briefly about the chemical origin of life on earth. (3)
"Survival of the fittest." Explain the statement with the help of Darwin's theory. (3)
12. What is tissue culture? Write the advantages of tissue culture. (1+2=3)
What is meant by somatic hybridization? Give an account of the necessary steps of the method with an example. (1+2=3)
13. Define fermentation and describe briefly how alcohol is produced in this process. (1+2=3)
What are biopesticides? Write briefly on biopesticides with examples. (1+2=3)
14. What is double fertilization? Describe the process with diagrams from the stage of megaspore formation to zygote formation. (1+4=5)
Why is meiosis essential at the time of sporogenesis in angiosperms? Explain the process of development of male gametophyte in angiosperms with suitable diagrams. (1+4=5)
15. What is genetic engineering? Describe the major steps of gene cloning technology. (1+4=5)
Write an account of biotechnological applications in medicine. (5)
MARKS – 35
1. Fill in the blanks (any two): (1x2=2)
(a) Anterior part of sperm is called _______.
(b) Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between reptiles and ________.
(c) Genetic constitution of an organism is called _________.
(d) Cancer-causing viruses are known as ________.
2. Answer any two: (1x2=2)
(a) What is interspecific hybridization?
(b) What are restriction enzymes?
(c) What is the first infective stage of malarial parasite in man?
(d) What is ex-situ conservation?
3. Answer any four: (2x4=8)
(a) What is the significance of crossing over?
(b) Write briefly on haemophilia.
(c) What do you mean by adaptive radiation?
(d) Write the various components of the immune system.
(e) Write the various causes of water pollution.
(f) What are the factors of population growth?
4. Write differences between any two: (2x2=4)
(a) Parturition and lactation
(b) Down's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome
(c) Vaccination and immunization
(d) Convergent evolution and divergent evolution
5. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a human sperm. (2+1=3)
Diagrammatically express Watson and Crick's semiconservative model of DNA replication. (3)
6. What are sexually transmitted diseases? Write its various preventive measures. (1+2=3)
Write the various methods of cancer detection and diagnosis. (3)
7. Describe the Pedigree analysis. (3)
Describe the greenhouse effect. (3)
8. Describe Mendel's laws of inheritance. (5)
"DNA is a genetic material." Explain the statement with the help of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase's experiment. (5)
9. Describe the process of the flow of energy in different trophic levels of an ecosystem. (5)
What is an ecological pyramid? Explain different types of ecological pyramids with diagrams. (2+3=5)
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