AHSEC Class 12 Biology 2018 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Biology Previous Year Question Paper]

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Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2018? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Biology Question Paper 2018 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper For students preparing for board exams, previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.

AHSEC Class 12 Biology 2018 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Biology Previous Year Question Paper]

BIOLOGY (Theory)
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours


Page Nos.: 1-8

1. What is meant by Clone? [1 Mark]

2. Define the term Apomixis. [1 Mark]

3. How are the ages of fossils calculated? [1 Mark]

4. Write the scientific name of the microorganism used to produce ethanol. [1 Mark]

5. What is Triple Fusion? Name the nuclei involved in triple fusion. [2 Marks]


Explain any two outbreeding devices that flowering plants have developed to encourage cross-pollination.

6. Mention four objectives for improving the nutritional quality of crops by the process of biofortification. [2 Marks]


What is totipotency of the cell? What is the importance of totipotency in Plant Science?

7. Write a brief note on Biochemical Oxygen Demand. [2 Marks]


What are Antibiotics? Name two microorganisms used to produce antibiotics.

8. How do insecticidal proteins act on pests?

[2 Marks]


Describe briefly about Bioreactors.

9. What is Single Cell Protein (SCP)? Name two algae used to produce SCP. [2 Marks]


Write an account on the role of microbes in biogas production.

10. Explain briefly: (any one) [2 Marks]
(a) Molecular diagnosis.
(b) Molecular Scissors.

11. What is Mutualism? Explain mutualism with suitable examples. [3 Marks]


How do biofertilizers enrich the fertility of soil?

12. Write the scientific names and parts used of the following plants. [3 Marks]
(a) Tulsi
(b) Kalmegh
(c) Bahak tita.


Write a note on adaptation of plants to water scarcity.

13. Discuss the methods of breeding for disease-resistant crops. [3 Marks]


What do genetically modified organisms (GMO) do to the food? How are they useful to us?



1. Fill in the blanks: (any two) [2 Marks]
(a) _________ cells present in mammalian testes help to nourish sperm.
(b) The genes located in Y chromosome are called ________.
(c) The major reservoir of carbon on earth is _________.
(d) Typhoid fever can be confirmed by ______ test.

2. Answer any two: [2 Marks]
(a) Why do sperms contain mitochondria?
(b) What are Okazaki fragments?
(c) What are the two basic amino acids which are found in high amounts in histone protein?
(d) What is a transgenic organism?

3. Answer any four: [8 Marks]
(a) Describe the formation of Placenta during pregnancy.
(b) Why were coacervates called primitive cells?
(c) Write the applications of DNA fingerprinting.
(d) What is Amniocentesis? Why is amniocentesis banned?
(e) Define the chromosomal theory of inheritance.
(f) What is the Red Data Book? Which endemic animal of Assam is presently listed in the Red Data Book?

4. Write differences between: (any two) [4 Marks]
(a) Homologous organ and analogous organ
(b) Linkage and crossing over
(c) In-situ conservation and Ex-situ conservation
(d) Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA

5. Express diagrammatically the various phases of spermatogenesis. [3 Marks]


Also Explore: AHSEC HS Class 12 Biology Chapter Wise Notes For Upcoming Final Examination

Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper

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