AHSEC Class 12 Biology 2017 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Biology Previous Year Question Paper]

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Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2017? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Biology Question Paper 2017 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper For students preparing for board exams, previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.

AHSEC Class 12 Biology 2017 Question Paper [HS 2nd Year Biology Previous Year Question Paper]




Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 21

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.



MARKS – 35



MARKS - 35

Part-I (Botany)

1. Who is regarded as the father of green revolution? 1

2. The pollination done by snails is called ………... 1

3. What is GMO? 1

4. Name the bacterium which was controlled with penicillin by Alexander Flemming. 1

5. What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction? 2


Define parthenogenesis. Give an example of natural parthenocarpic fruit. 1+1=2

6. What is biofortification? What are the objectives of it? 1+1=2


What is selection? Name two methods of selection. 1+1=2

7. What is transgenic plant? Give two examples. 1+0.5+0.5=2


What is recombinant DNA? How does enzyme endonuclease help its formation? 1+1=2

8. Give the full form of ELISA. Name two diseases for the detection of which ELISA technique is used. 1+0.5+0.5=2


What is EcoR1? 1+1=2

9. Write short note on: (any one) 2

(a) Biopiracy

(b) Gene Cloning

10. How insulin is produced through genetic engineering? 2


Explain Gene therapy by citing the example of Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. 2

11. Describe the process of development of male gametophyte in Angiosperms with suitable diagrams. 3


What are the advantages of cross pollination? 3

12. What do you mean by GEAC? How it controls the genetic engineering research? 1+2=3


What is the full form of PCR?  How amplification of DNA is done by sing PCR? 3

13. Describe the application of microbes in sewage treatment. 3


State the utility of the following plants and mention their scientific name. 1+1+1=3

(a) Indian Ginseng (Ashwagandha)

(b) Neem

(c) Hill teak (Gamari)

14. Describe the facts on which Darwinian theory is based upon. 5


Describe the factors involved in the process of organic evolution. 5

15. Write a note on abiotic factors influencing the growth and development of plants. 5


What is tissue culture? How it has helped us in crop improvement? 5

Part-II (Zoology)

1. Fill in the blanks: (any two) 1x2=2

(a) The primary food plant of Eri silkworm is _________.

(b) Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to express an extra (foreign) gene are known as ________animals.

(c) The process of release of ovum from a mature follicle is called ______.

(d) Group of individuals in a well-defined geographical area, share or compete for similar resources, potentially interbred, constitute _______.

2. Answer any two: 1x2=2

(a) What substances are present in birth control pills?

(b) Which sex chromosome is present only in male (man)?

(c) Write the equation of ‘Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth’ of population.

(d) Why genetic code is said to ‘degenerate’?

3. Answer any four of the following: 2x4=8

(a) Write the locations of Untranslated regions (UTR) in mRNA and state its function.

(b) How seminal plasma is formed? Write one function of seminal plasma.

(c) Write how sex is determined in man.

(d) Describe briefly the structure of nucleosome.

(e) What is auto immune disease? Give one example.

(f) Name the disease of silkworm caused by protozoan parasite. Mention the preventive measures against this disease.

4. State the differences between: (any two) 2x2=4

(a) DNA and RNA

(b) Acquired and Innate immunity

(c) Production and decomposition

(d) Klinefelter syndrome and turner syndrome.

5. Draw a labelled diagram of molecular structure of human foetus in the uterus. 3


Draw a label diagram of molecular structure of antibody. 3

6. Write briefly the importance of bee keeping. 3


Why should we conserve biodiversity? 3

7. A child has blood group. O. If the father has blood group A and mother blood group is B; Write the genotypes of parents and possible genotypes of other offsprings. 3


Explain co-dominance with example. 3

8. What is the infective stage of malarial parasite? Describe the life cycle of malarial parasite in brief. 1+4=5


What are the probable causes of cancer? Write briefly on its detection and diagnosis. 2+1.5+1.5=5

9. What are the different stages of gene regulation? Explain the Lac-Operon model of transcriptional regularation. 2+3=5


Explain the southern blot hybridization technique of DNA finger printing. 5


Also Explore: AHSEC HS Class 12 Biology Chapter Wise Notes For Upcoming Final Examination

Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper

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