Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2020? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Biology Question Paper 2020 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). Assam Board Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Paper For students preparing for board exams, previous year question papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
MARKS - 35
MARKS - 35
Part - I (Botany)
1. What do you mean by Bt? 1
2. What is conidia? 1
3. Give an example of endomycorrhiza. 1
4. What is gene pool? 1
5. Write on adaptation of xerophytes. 2
6. How plant tissue culture has helped in improvement of crops? 2
7. How is insulin produced through genetic engineering? 2
What is palindrome? Give an example of palindromic sequence.
8. What is triple fusion? Write the significance of it. 2
Write briefly on artificial vegetative reproduction in plants.
9. What is cellular totipotency? What is the importance of it in plant science? 2
10. Explain briefly? (any two) 2+2=4
(i) Genetic therapy
(ii) PCR
(iii) Endonuclease.
11. Write the scientific names with utilities of the following plants: (any three) (0.5+0.5)x3=3
(a) Teak
(b) Jute
(c) Cinchona
(d) Tea
12. What is single cell protein (SCP)? Name two algae that are used to produce SCP. 2
13. What are the advantages of cross-pollination? 3
What is parthenocarpic fruit? How can the formation of such fruits be induced?
14. Describe the facts on which Darwin’s theory is based. 4
What is Organic evolution? What briefly about any one evidence of Organic evolution. 1+3=4
15. Define biotechnology. Write the applications of biotechnology in medical science. 1+4=5
What is plasmid? Write briefly on the main aims of biotechnology.
Part-II (Zoology)
1. Fill in the blanks: (any two) 1x2=2
(a) The germinal epithelium of gonads is called _________.
(b) The animals that are created with genes introduced from other organisms are called _______.
(c) Gross Primary Productivity – Respiratory losses = ________.
(d) ______is a starting codon.
2. Answer any two: 1x2=2
(a) What is genetic code?
(b) What is the function of mitochondria in sperm?
(c) What are the coacervates?
(d) In which year the Government of India Promulgated the Environment (Protection) Act?
3. Answer any four: 2x4=8
(a) What is sex-linked inheritance? Give one example.
(b) Write briefly about ‘Central Dogma’ of Molecular biology.
(c) What is genetic drift? Give one example.
(d) What is ecological niche? Give one example.
(e) Write four primary signs of Cancer.
(f) What are the characteristics of Acquired Immunity?
4. Write the differences between: (any two) 2x2=4
(a) B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes
(b) Food chain and food web
(c) Linkage and crossing over
(d) Blastula and Morula.
5. Draw a labelled diagram of T.S. of ovary. 3
Draw a labelled diagram of replicating fork in DNA helix. 3
6. What is drug? Write about Psychotrophic and Psychedelic drugs. 1+2=3
What is Pisciculture? Write the various types of ponds. 1+2=3
7. What is Human Genome Project? Write about the goals of Human Genome Project. 1+2=3
Write the scientific name of Muga Silkworm. Mention two host plants of Muga Silkworm. 1+2=3
8. Describe the structure of Ecosystem. 5
Describe the mechanism of transcription. 5
9. Describe various Assisted Reproductive Technologies used to solve the Infertility problems. 5
Describe the various chromosomal disorder genetic diseases. 5
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