Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Important Questions for 2025 [Swadesh Adhyayan Important Question Bank]

ASSEB/AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Important Questions for Upcoming Final Exam English Medium

As the 2025 AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan exams approach, every student aims to score well and achieve academic success. Swadesh Adhyayan is one of the most important subjects for Class 12 students, and knowing the key topics and questions can help students secure a high score. This article outlines the important questions of Swadesh Adhyayan for the 2025 AHSEC exam, which will guide you in your preparation and boost your chances of success. The questions are prepared based on the latest syllabus issued by Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB) and previous exam patterns.

Getting ready for the AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Important Questions for Upcoming Final exam English Medium is easier with the right resources. This Assam Board Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Question Bank for 2025 includes previous years' questions and other important ones that are frequently asked in exams. These HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Important Questions English Medium will help you focus on key topics and prepare effectively for high scores.

Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Important Questions for 2025 [Swadesh Adhyayan Important Question Bank]

Part-I: Geography 

Chapter-I: Assam in North East India: Environment, Physiography, Climate, Soil

  1. In which district is the Nameri National Park situated? (2 marks, HS 2020)

  2. Nameri National Park is located in which region? (2 marks, HS 2023; Repeated from HS 2020)

  3. How many types of soils are there in Assam? (3 marks, HS 2023)

  4. Write a note on the red soil of Assam. (4 marks, HS 2024)

Chapter-II: Demography of Assam

  1. Name the districts of Assam with the highest and lowest population density. (3 marks, HS 2020)

  2. Give two reasons for the high population growth in Assam. (2 marks, HS 2023)

  3. As per the 2011 Census, the total population of Assam was 3.12 crores. (1 mark, HS 2023)

  4. As per the 2011 Census, the literacy rate of Assam is 73.3%. (1 mark, HS 2024)

Chapter-III: Biodiversity

  1. Name two indices used to measure species diversity. (2 marks, HS 2020)

  2. Discuss briefly the biodiversity indices. (5 marks, HS 2022; 5 marks, HS 2023; Repeated)

  3. How many bamboo species are found in Assam? (1 mark, HS 2020)

  4. Discuss briefly the importance of Bamboo and Cane craft in Assam. (4 marks, HS 2022; 4 marks, HS 2023; Repeated)

  5. Write a note on the conservation of biodiversity. (4 marks, HS 2023)

  6. Write a note on the need for biodiversity conservation and explain the present status of Assam's biodiversity. (6 marks, HS 2024)

Chapter-IV: Economic Structure and Potentialities

  1. Name two places in Assam where petroleum refineries are located. (2 marks, HS 2022)

  2. Discuss the beginning of the petroleum industry in Assam. (6 marks, HS 2024)

  3. Write the problems faced by the bell and brass-metal industries of Assam. (5 marks, HS 2020)

  4. Write a note on the Bell and Brass-Metal industry of Assam. (6 marks, HS 2024; Repeated from HS 2020)

Chapter-V: Map Reading and Geographical Data Presentation

  1. Write the definition of map scale and mention the main types. (4 marks, HS 2020)

  2. What are the types of map scales? (4 marks, HS 2024; Repeated from HS 2020)

  3. Discuss briefly the application of GIS in geographical studies. (6 marks, HS 2020; 6 marks, HS 2024; Repeated)

  4. Explain how GIS helps in geographical studies. (5 marks, HS 2024)

Part-II: History 

Chapter-VI: Political Development of Assam (1826-1985)

  1. Discuss the pre-conditions and results of the Yandaboo Treaty. (5 marks, HS 2020)

  2. Write briefly about the background of the Treaty of Yandaboo. (4 marks, HS 2023; Repeated)

  3. Explain the provisions of the Treaty of Yandaboo. (6 marks, HS 2024; Repeated)

  4. Explain the causes of the Phulaguri Peasant Movement of 1861. (5 marks, HS 2020)

  5. Discuss the Peasant Uprising in different parts of Assam under British rule. (6 marks, HS 2023)

  6. Explain the causes and consequences of the Peasant Uprising at Phulaguri. (6 marks, HS 2024; Repeated from HS 2020)

Chapter-VII: Population Growth and Foreigners Issue

  1. Discuss the problems caused by population migration to Assam. (5 marks, HS 2022)

  2. Discuss the historical background of the migration of East Bengal farmers to Assam. (6 marks, HS 2024)

Chapter-VIII: Crafts and Industries

  1. Who discovered tea plants in Assam? (1 mark, HS 2022)

  2. Write a note on the Tea Industry of Assam. (5 marks, HS 2023)

  3. Mention two places in Assam famous for the bell-metal industry. (2 marks, HS 2020)

  4. Discuss briefly the importance of Bamboo and Cane craft in Assam. (4 marks, HS 2023; Repeated)

Chapter-IX: Environmental Movements

  1. In which state did the Chipko movement start? (1 mark, HS 2020)

  2. Discuss the Chipko Movement. (6 marks, HS 2023; Repeated)

  3. Explain the causes of environmental degradation in Assam. (6 marks, HS 2022)

  4. Write about the causes and impact of environmental changes in Assam after 1947. (6 marks, HS 2024)



MCQs (1 Mark Each)

  1. What is the rank of Assam in tea production in India? (HS 2023)

  2. The Kaziranga National Park was established in which year? (HS 2020)

  3. The major river island in Assam is: (HS 2024)

  4. Which community primarily practices Jhum cultivation in Assam? (HS 2023)

  5. The Assam Sahitya Sabha was founded in: (HS 2022)

Short Questions (2 Marks Each)

  1. Name two important coal mining areas in Assam. (HS 2023)

  2. Mention two causes of soil erosion in Assam. (HS 2020, 2024)

  3. Write a short note on Majuli as a river island. (HS 2023)

  4. What are the main agricultural crops of Assam? (HS 2022, 2024)

  5. Define the term ‘Biodiversity Hotspot’ and name the biodiversity hotspot in Assam. (HS 2020)

Long Questions (5 Marks Each)

  1. Describe the role of the Assam Sahitya Sabha in preserving the culture and literature of Assam. (HS 2024)

  2. Discuss the causes and effects of deforestation in Assam. (HS 2023, 2024)

  3. Explain the impact of floods on the economy and society of Assam. (HS 2023, 2024)

  4. Write an essay on the socio-economic effects of tea plantation in Assam. (HS 2024)

  5. Discuss the significance of Majuli and the Satras in Assamese culture. (HS 2023, 2024)

  6. Elaborate on the role of river systems in shaping Assam’s geography and economy. (HS 2022, 2024)


Also Explore: Assam HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Important Question Answers

Assam Board Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Papers

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2020 Question Paper

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2022 Question Paper

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2023 Question Paper

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2024 Question Paper

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2025 Question Paper

Assam Board Swadesh Adhyayan Previous Year Question Papers Solution

AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan 2025 Solved Question Paper


Frequently Asked Questions

Will these Swadesh Adhyayan questions guarantee full marks?

These questions help you focus on critical topics and patterns, but consistent effort in all areas is essential for success.

Are these Swadesh Adhyayan Important questions useful for all AHSEC Class 12  students?

Yes, they are based on the AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Latest syllabus and are helpful for everyone.

How often should I practice these questions?

Regular practice, weekly revisions, and writing answers are key to improving your understanding and performance.

Where can I get Important Question Answers for HS 2nd Year Swadesh Adhyayan Subject?

You Can find chapter wise Swadesh Adhyayan important question answers only one The Treasure Notes website which is the Assam's No. 1 Educational Website

Final Advice

The AHSEC Class 12 Swadesh Adhyayan Important Questions 2025 are designed to make your preparation focused and effective. Use these resources wisely, stay determined, and give your best effort. Good luck with your exams!

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