AHSEC CLASS 12 Education Question Paper 2015
Hello Readers, in this Article we Have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2015, Reading Previous Year's Question Papers are very helpful and Important if you want to Score good marks, by Reading Previous Year Question Papers You can easily Judge the difficulty of Questions, and also you can understand the Question Paper Pattern, It is very important to Read AHSEC HS 2nd Year Education Question Paper 2015.
If you want to know what type of Questions are asked in AHSEC 2015 Education Examination from Education Different Chapter, Just follow this Article from Top to Bottom, We have attached Education Question paper '2015 on this page.
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper Overview:
Name of Board: AHSEC
Subject: Education
Year: 2015
Class: HS 2nd Year
Type: Text
Official website: ahsec.assam.gov.in
Category: AHSEC Education Previous Year Question Papers, Class 12 Education Question Papers 2015.
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer the following questions :
Fill in the blanks :
(a) The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established in _________
(b) The full form of KKHSOU is __________________
(c) The World Population Day is observed on —.
(d) The basis of 'reward and Punishment’ in education is law of ______ of learning.
(e) A man indentifies a friend whom he has not met for a long time with the help of — process.
(f) The score that appears in maximum number in a distribution of scores is known as —.
Give short answer in one sentence :
(g) What was the name of the programme adopted for improvement of Primary Education in India on the basis of National Education Policy, 1986?
(h) What is meant by the word 'open' in Open Education?
(i) In which year 'Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill' was passed?
(j) The driver of a car stops the car when he sees a red signal in a traffic point. Which method of learning seems to operate in this case?
(k) Mention any one environmental factor of interest.
2. What is ECCE? ECCE ?
3. What do you mean by vocationalization of Secondary Education?
What is ‘work experience' as suggested by Kothari Commission?
4. Why is Non-formal Education considered as a flexible system of education?
5. Write two characteristics of Distance Education.
6. What do you mean by Value Education?
7. "Learning depends upon maturation." Explain with example.
8. "Attention is a selective process." Briefly explain.
9. Mention two important characteristics of mental health.
10. What do you mean by preservative function of mental hygiene?
11. Mention two important characteristics of learning.
12. The third quartile of a distribution is 60-44 and the quartile deviation is 6-5. Find out the first quartile of the distribution.
13. The mean of 10 scores is 27. If one score is excluded, their mean is 25. Find out the excluded number.
14. Suggest four measures to overcome problems of Secondary Education in Assam.
What are the suggestions forwarded by National Education Policy, 1986 regarding Secondary Education? Discuss.
15. Describe briefly about the .mportance of Non-formal Education ^ in present society.
Mention four important characteristics'of Open Education.
16. Explain the relationship between education and women empowerment.
17. Discuss about the importance of physical education in school.
What are the objectives of physical education? Discuss.
18. Mention four major objectives of environmental education.
19. Discuss briefly the educative value of law of readiness of learning.
20. Distinguish between trial and error and insightful learning.
21. Describe briefly any two economic methods of memorization.
"Interest is precondition of attention." Explain,
22. What is bar diagram? Discuss about its different types.
23. Draw a frequency polygon from the following data :
24. Describe the aims of Secondary Education as suggested by Mudaliar Commission.
25. What is memory? Discuss briefly about the factors of memory.
Discuss how a teacher can improve the attention of students in the classroom environment.
26. Explain briefly the conditioned response method of learning. Discuss about the bearing of this method in classroom situation.
What is mental health? Discuss about the role of school in promoting mental health of students.
27. Find out mean from the following table using Assumed Mean Method.
Only for blind students.
(In lieu of Question Nos. 1(f), 1(1), 12, 13, 22, 23 and 27 )
28. Answer the following questions in brief (any four)
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