AHSEC Class 12: Education 2018 Solved Question Paper

Get the AHSEC Class 12 Education 2018 solved question paper with detailed answers. Perfect for HS 2nd Year exam preparation and revision.

Are you searching for the AHSEC Class 12 Education Solved Question Paper 2018? Look no further! This article provides a detailed analysis and HS 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2018 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) Now Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB). For students preparing for board exams, solved papers are a crucial resource for understanding question patterns, marks distribution, and important topics.

AHSEC Class 12: Education 2018 Solved Question Paper



Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 30

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions:                                1x12=12

a) Multipurpose secondary schools in Assam were established on the basis of recommendations of Kothari Commission.

b)  Absence of direct contact between teacher and student is an important characteristic of distance education.

c)  Stimulus has no influence on duration and capacity attention.

d) Through repeated attempts a student succeeds in computing a sum by himself. Such learning is supported by theory of trial and error method of learning method of learning.

e) Counseling is Help a person cope with their troubles function of mental hygiene.

f) All scores are taken into consideration in finding out the mean as a measure of central tendency.

Give short answer to one sentence:

g)  What is the objective of ‘Early Childhood Care and Education’?

Ans:- Early childhood care and education aims to facilitate optimal development of the child's full potential and lay the foundation for all round development and lifelong learning.

h) Who introduced the concept of population education?

Ans:- The concept of population education was introduced in 1935 by Columbia University professor S. R. Presented by Wayland. Population education brings more awareness among students and teachers and brings about a positive change in their attitude.

i) ‘Learning involves totality of perception’ – Which method of Learning is related with this statement?

Ans:- Perceptual learning.

j) Is it correct to say that memory always aims at the past? – Justify your answer.

Ans:- Yes. It is correct to call memory and past goals. Explanation: Since we make mistake many times and we want to fix it, we remember our past and become aware to make that mistake again.

k) Mention an objective of mental hygiene.

Ans:- Preservation of mental health: One of the important aims of mental hygiene is the preservation of mental health of the individual and the group life.

l) 25% of the scores in a distribution is less than the score 10 and 25% is more than the score 40. Find out the quartile deviation of the distribution.


2. Describe two important problems of Secondary Education in Assam.                                  2

Ans. Some important problems of secondary education in Assam are –

1)     Lack of propaganda or mass appeal.

2)     Defective curriculum.

3. Mention two important features of Distance Education.         2

Ans. Nature or Features of Distance Education –

1)     Distance education is a lifelong and continuous process.

2)     Each and every strata of society can join this type of education.

4. Write two objectives of Environmental Education. 2

Ans. Following are the aims and objectives of environmental education –

1) To awaken the world population with environment and the related problems.

2)  To help in the development of awakening and sensitiveness towards environment and its related problems.

5. Mention two benefits of imparting Physical Education in school. 2                        

Ans:- (i) Physical activity promotes healthy habits

An hour of physical exercise will put your baby to sleep at the right time. This will ensure proper metabolism which will trigger hunger. And when your baby wakes up for breakfast, he'll eat almost everything he wants without complaint.

(ii) It has a positive effect on their mental health

Studies have shown that physically active students are able to deal with stress better than inactive students. PE encourages positive thinking, makes students comfortable in taking on new challenges and boosts their overall confidence.

6. Mention two educational applicability of conditioning method of learning.  2

Ans:- Educational implications of Pavlov's classical conditioning theory: Many school-subjects are learned more adequately through this process. Reading, writing, spelling or habits are learned more effectively through the process of conditioning.


“Learning is nothing but a process of solving problems” – What is your view?

Ans:- This is a correct statement because learning is just a process of solving problems in our life which we always do in our daily life. Learning never dies or stops we can learn anytime anywhere and we can learn from anyone

7. Briefly show the difference between ‘trial and error method’ and ‘insightful method’ of learning.                       2

Ans. Following are the differences between trial and error and insightful method of learning –

1) In trial and error method of learning more stress is on psychological efficiency. On the other hand in insightful learning main stress is on the brain functions.

2) In trial and error method learning is a goal directed activity. Whereas, insightful learning is done by the subconscious mind.

8. Write a note on the differences between Retroactive Inhibition and Proactive Inhibition.       2

Ans:- Prohibition, which can be either retroactive or active. In retrospective inhibition, new learning interferes with the retention of old memories; In active inhibition, old memories hinder the retention of new learning. Both phenomena have great implications for all types of human learning.

9. “Instinct is an important condition of attention” – explain.                2

Ans:- Instinct, an instinctive impulse or motivation for action is usually carried out in response to specific external stimuli. Today instinct is generally described as a stereotyped, apparently illiterate, genetically determined behavior pattern.

10. Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene.                2

Ans: There is a very close relationship between education and mental hygiene. Mental hygiene is one of the most important aspects of education. It is education that helps to understand the causes of mental problems and also suggests ways and means to cure them. Society, family etc. can create problems which education helps to understand them.

11. “Mental health depends upon adequate satisfaction of our needs”. – Explain this statement.  2

Ans:- Mental health is of great importance for better and balanced development of personality. To lead a good life, one should have good mental health. Mental health should also be strong enough for the progress of personal and social life. No person can lead a peaceful life without healthy mental health. Healthy mental health is also necessary for education. If our children become mentally weak then they are not able to use their mental abilities properly.

12. Why is Median considered as a positional measure of central tendency? Write the formula for finding out median from grouped data.    1+1=2


13. Mention two uses of statistics in education.

  1. Statistics help in analyzing students' performance and progress over time.

  2. They assist in planning and making decisions related to curriculum and teaching methods.

14. Write four functions of ‘Board of Secondary Education, Assam’ as given by ‘Secondary Education Act, Assam, 1961’.

  1. To conduct examinations for secondary education.

  2. To prepare and revise syllabi and textbooks for secondary education.

  3. To grant recognition to schools for secondary education.

  4. To promote and improve secondary education in Assam.

15. Write briefly the suggestions given by Kothari Commission regarding the structure of Secondary Education.

  1. Secondary education should be divided into two stages: lower secondary (classes 6 to 8) and higher secondary (classes 9 to 12).

  2. Emphasis on diversified courses to cater to different talents and interests.

  3. Focus on vocational and job-oriented education at the secondary level.

  4. Introduction of work experience and social service as part of the curriculum.

16. Describe the suggestions given by Mudaliar Commission for improvement of vocational efficiency among students.

  1. Introduction of practical subjects like agriculture, craft, and technical education.

  2. Development of vocational courses that prepare students for specific careers.

  3. Establishment of vocational guidance and counseling services.

  4. Provision of better facilities for practical training and workshops.


Discuss the suggestions given by National Policy of 1986 to equalize educational opportunity.

  1. Special focus on the education of girls, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes.

  2. Establishment of Navodaya Vidyalayas to provide quality education to rural students.

  3. Promotion of adult and continuing education programs.

  4. Strengthening of educational facilities in rural and backward areas.

17. Suggest four measures for imparting population education in educational institutions.

  1. Integrating population education topics in the school curriculum.

  2. Organizing seminars and workshops on population issues.

  3. Encouraging students to participate in projects and activities related to population awareness.

  4. Training teachers to effectively deliver population education.


Discuss the scope of Environmental Education.

  1. Raising awareness about environmental issues and challenges.

  2. Teaching the importance of conserving natural resources.

  3. Promoting sustainable development practices.

  4. Encouraging students to participate in environmental protection activities.

18. Write the educational importance of the ‘Law of Effect’ of learning.
The ‘Law of Effect’ states that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are likely to be repeated, while those followed by negative outcomes are less likely to be repeated. This helps in encouraging desirable behaviors and discouraging undesirable ones in students.

19. Mention four educative values of ‘insightful method’ of learning.

  1. Helps students understand the underlying principles of a problem.

  2. Encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  3. Promotes deeper understanding rather than rote memorization.

  4. Enhances the ability to apply learned concepts to new situations.

20. Explain the concept of analytical and synthetic attention with example.
Analytical attention focuses on breaking down information into smaller parts to understand it better. For example, analyzing each part of a sentence to understand its meaning.
Synthetic attention involves combining different pieces of information to form a complete idea. For example, combining different paragraphs to understand the main theme of a story.


Describe four mental causes of forgetting.

  1. Lack of attention while learning new information.

  2. Lack of rehearsal or practice of learned information.

  3. Interference from learning similar types of information.

  4. Emotional stress or anxiety affecting memory recall.

21. Write four important objectives of mental hygiene.

  1. Promote emotional well-being: Help individuals maintain a balanced and positive emotional state.

  2. Prevent mental disorders: Reduce the risk of developing mental health issues through early intervention and awareness.

  3. Develop coping skills: Teach strategies to handle stress, anxiety, and other challenges effectively.

  4. Encourage self-confidence: Build self-esteem and a positive self-image for better mental health.

22. What is Pie diagram? Represent the following data of students’ enrolment in a primary school by a Pie-diagram. 1+3=4


No. of Students










23. Construct a histogram and polygon of data given in the following table on same axis (use graph paper)       4
















24. What is Non-formal Education? Describe the importance of Non-formal Education in present-day society.
Non-formal education is a type of education that happens outside formal school systems. It is flexible, learner-centered, and focuses on skills or knowledge needed for practical purposes.

Importance of Non-formal Education in present-day society:

  1. Provides lifelong learning: It helps people of all ages acquire skills and knowledge at any stage of life.

  2. Promotes skill development: It focuses on practical and job-oriented skills like vocational training.

  3. Reaches marginalized groups: It provides education to people who cannot access formal schools, such as women, rural populations, and dropouts.

  4. Supports economic growth: By equipping individuals with skills, it helps them earn a livelihood and contribute to society.

  5. Improves literacy: It plays a crucial role in reducing illiteracy through programs like adult education.

  6. Encourages community participation: Non-formal education fosters learning through community activities and participation.

25. What is Value? What measures can we take for imparting value education in schools?
A value is a belief or principle that guides behavior and helps individuals differentiate between right and wrong.

Measures for imparting value education in schools:

  1. Incorporating values in the curriculum: Teach values through subjects like moral science and literature.

  2. Organizing activities: Conduct debates, group discussions, and role-play to teach values like honesty, respect, and teamwork.

  3. Setting examples: Teachers and school staff should act as role models for students.

  4. Promoting community service: Encourage students to participate in social activities like helping the needy and environmental conservation.

What do you mean by women empowerment? Discuss the role of education in women empowerment.
Women empowerment means giving women the power, rights, and opportunities to make decisions and lead independent lives.

Role of education in women empowerment:

  1. Improves awareness: Education helps women understand their rights and fight for equality.

  2. Enhances skills: It equips women with the skills needed for employment and economic independence.

  3. Encourages leadership: Educated women are more likely to take up leadership roles and participate in decision-making.

  4. Reduces social barriers: Education helps in breaking stereotypes and eliminating discrimination.

26. Explain the process of memorization. Briefly describe four marks of good memory.
Process of memorization:

  1. Learning: Acquiring new information through reading, listening, or observation.

  2. Retention: Storing the learned information in the brain.

  3. Recall: Retrieving the stored information when needed.

Four marks of good memory:

  1. Quick learning: Ability to grasp and understand information easily.

  2. Long retention: Storing information for a long period without forgetting.

  3. Accurate recall: Retrieving the correct information whenever required.

  4. Relearning efficiency: Learning forgotten information more quickly than before.


What is Interest? Discuss the characteristics of interest.
Answer: Interest refers to the feeling of curiosity or attention towards a particular activity or subject.

Characteristics of interest:

  1. Personalized: Interest varies from person to person based on their likes and preferences.

  2. Dynamic: It can change over time due to experiences or exposure.

  3. Motivating: It encourages individuals to explore and engage in the activity they like.

  4. Focused attention: Interest helps in concentrating better on the chosen activity or subject.

27. What is Central Tendency? Find out Mean of the following distribution table by Assumed Mean Method.  2+4=6























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AHSEC Assam Board Class 12 Education Previous year Question Paper Solution

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