H.S 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2020 - [ AHSEC Class 12 Education Solved Paper 2020 ]

1. Answer the following questions: 1x12=12 (a) The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in 1985.

AHSEC Class 12 / H.S 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2020,H.S 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2020 - [ AHSEC Class 12 Education Solved Paper 2020 ]

AHSEC Class 12 Education Solved Question Paper 2022

Pass Marks: 30
Time: Three hours
Full Marks: 100

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions:      1x12=12

(a) The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in 1985.

(b) The nature of first secondary school of Assam is Guwahati Seminari.

(c) The concept of ‘Population Education’ was developed by the American Sociologist Kingsley Davis.

(d) Castalt is a German word which means ‘whole’ or ‘total pattern’.

(e) The attention which is paid by an individual without any outside interference or force is known as Voluntary attention.

(f) In a polygon, frequencies are plotted on Y axis.

(g) Which Education Commission suggested the structure of education?

Ans:- Kothari Commission had suggested 10+2+3 structure of education.

(h) Who first introduced the concept of Correspondence Education system?

Ans:- Sir Isaac Pitman.

(i) Write the name of the first Open University in India.

Ans:- Established in 1982, the Andhra Pradesh Open University (APOU), now called Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University (Dr. BRAOU), was the first full-fledged open university to be set up in India.

(j) What is logical memory?

Ans:- Logical memory is a type of memory that involves using reasoning, understanding, and critical thinking to remember information. It is the opposite of rote memory, where a person simply repeats information over and over again until it is memorized

(k) “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action.” Who said this statement?

Ans:- Mc. Dougall.

(l) Write the formula for finding out third quartile from group date.

2. Write two aims of secondary education recommended by Secondary Education Commission of 1952-53.  2

Ans:- The Secondary Education Commission of 1952-53 recommended two primary aims for secondary education in India.

Firstly, the development of democratic citizenship, where the education system should aim to instill values such as discipline, tolerance, patriotism, cooperation, and equality in students, enabling them to become responsible citizens who uphold and practice these values. This would help create an ideal citizenry that is capable of making democracy a success.

Secondly, the improvement of vocational ability and efficiency, where vocational education and training should be given due emphasis in all secondary schools. Diversification of courses of study at the secondary level would enable students to take up agriculture or other technical and vocational courses, increasing the productive capacity of the country. This would help create a skilled and efficient workforce, which is essential for the economic development of the country.

3. Write two importance of Vocationalisation of secondary education.2

Ans:- The Vocationalisation of secondary education has two key benefits:

Practical skill development: Vocationalisation helps students acquire practical skills that are necessary for their future careers. By offering courses in various vocational fields, students can gain knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the workforce. This can help them to become self-sufficient and contribute to the economy.

Reduced unemployment: Another important benefit of Vocationalisation of secondary education is the potential to reduce unemployment. By providing vocational education and training, students can become skilled workers who are in demand in the job market. This can lead to lower unemployment rates and contribute to the economic growth of the country. Additionally, it can help address the issue of skill mismatch in the labor market by producing workers who have the skills that are in demand by employers.

4. Mention two salient features of Non-formal Education. 2

Ans:- The important features or salient features of non-formal education can be stated as follows:

(i) Informal education is education organized outside the formal system.

(ii) Unlike the formal system, which is very rigid, non-formal education programs are flexible with respect to time, place, duration, attendance, curriculum, methods and evaluation etc.

5. Why distance education is important for the present society? 2

Ans: Distance education is a modern method of learning that allows students to study within their own place and time without being physically present at the school/college/university. Since distance education plays an important role in today's education system, it has increased the number of programs year after year.

6. ‘Physical education leads to a healthy life.’ Give two reasons. 2

Ans:- (i) Important for healthy growth and development.

(ii) Physical education makes a person flexible and happy.

7. Write two importance of women empowerment. 2

Ans:- Two Importance of Women Empowerment:

(i) Every girl should get free and compulsory primary education.

(ii) To remove illiteracy among women folk.

8. Write two subjective factors of learning.  2

Ans:- Two subjective factors of learning are:

a).Quality of feedback: Feedback is an essential part of learning and can significantly impact the effectiveness of educational applications. The quality of feedback that a learner receives can influence their attention, focus, and progress, allowing them to modify their strategies and improve their learning outcomes.

b).Quality of learning material: The quality of learning material is crucial for effective learning, especially when the learning objectives are challenging, technical, or uninteresting. The way learning material is presented can impact the learners' perception and understanding of the content, and it should be integrated seamlessly into the learning process.

9. Write briefly the two types of law of exercise in learning.    2

Ans:- The Law of Exercise has two parts:

(i) Rule of use.

(ii) Rule of non-use.

This law states that when a variable relationship is made between a condition and a response, so is the strength of that relationship, other things being equal. When a variable connection is not made between a condition and a response over a long period of time, the strength of the connection decreases.

10. Write two marks of good memory. 2

Ans:- Two marks of good memory are:

a).Rapid learning: A good memory allows for fast and efficient learning, as the person is able to concentrate and retain information quickly.

b).Retention power: A good memory has the ability to retain information for longer periods of time, which allows the person to recall information when needed.

11. Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene. 2

Ans:- Two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene are:

a).Education promotes mental health: Education provides knowledge and skills that are essential for maintaining mental health. It helps individuals to develop healthy habits and attitudes, cope with stress, and deal with emotional and psychological issues.

b).Education addresses mental health issues: Education helps to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduces the stigma associated with mental illness. It also provides individuals with the knowledge and resources to seek help and treatment for mental health problems.

12. Mention two importance of statistics in education.   2

Ans:- There are two importance of statistics in education:

(i) Study of educational problems.

(ii) Determination of reliability test.

13. Find the mean and median from the following data:   1+1=2


Ans:- Mean: 

X = 42,28,34,52,65,71,50,56

14. Write briefly the suggestions given by Kothari Commission regarding structure of secondary education. 4

Ans:- The Kothari Commission made the following suggestions regarding the structure of secondary education:

a).The commission recommended a 10-year secondary course of education, divided into two stages - the first stage (Classes 6-8) and the second stage (Classes 9-10).

b).The commission suggested that the first stage of secondary education should be general and common to all students, while the second stage should be diversified to suit the varied interests and aptitudes of students.

c).The commission recommended that vocational education should be an integral part of secondary education, and that it should be designed to provide practical training in various trades and professions.

d).The commission suggested that the medium of instruction at the secondary level should be the student's mother tongue or the regional language, and that English should be taught as a subject.

15. Write four provision of the Secondary Education Act of Assam (1961). 4

Ans:- The Assam Secondary Education Act 1961 has four provisions:

(i) It extends to the whole of Assam.

(ii) The University or any Board shall have no controlling authority over secondary schools recognized by the Government.

(iii) The Government shall, by special notification, constitute a 'Board of Secondary Education' for the control, management and development of secondary education.

(iv) The Secretary of the Board shall be appointed by the Government.

16. Discuss four merits of Open Education.     4

Ans:- Open education has four key merits: 

Firstly, it allows higher education to reach individuals who need it the most, such as working professionals, housewives, and people with conservative views. 

Secondly, it facilitates access to education for people living in remote, rural, and hilly areas, as well as for dropouts and adults who are unable to receive education in a traditional setting. 

Thirdly, the fee structure for open education is moderate, making it accessible to a larger number of people. It is also typically one-third the cost of traditional education. 

Finally, the admission process is easy and the eligibility criteria are flexible, allowing for greater access to education for a wider range of individuals.

17. What is Environmental Education? Write three principles of Environmental Education. 1+3=4

Ans:- Proceedings of the Organization of America's State Conference on Education and the Environment in America, 1971 states that "Environmental education includes teaching about values, judgments, and the ability to think clearly about complex problems regarding the environment - Which are political, economic and philosophical, Technological.

The principles of environmental education are:

(i) Acquire a basic understanding of the interrelationship of the components and factors of the environment and the processes taking place in it.

(ii) To develop desirable values and attitudes, special concern and responsibility towards the protection and enhancement of the environment.

(iii) To acquire and refine skills in identifying, assessing and solving environmental problems.

(iv) To develop a sense of urgency to respond to environmental issues and problems and to take action towards their solution.

18. Discuss the characteristics of learning.    4

Ans:- The characteristics of learning:

(i) Learning involves change: It is a Reconstruction, combined thinking, skill, information and appropriation into a single unitary process.

For example, when a child learns to read, he can retain this knowledge and behavior for the rest of his life. This is not always reflected in performance. Change from learning may not be apparent until a situation arises in which the new behavior can occur.

(ii) All learning involves activities: These activities involve either physical or mental activity. They can be simple mental movements to complex ones, involving various muscles, bones, etc.

Similarly mental activities can also be very simple involving one or two activities of the mind or complex involving higher mental activities.

(iii) Learning requires interaction: At the time of learning, the individual continuously interacts with the environment and is affected by it. This experience prompts him to change or modify his behavior to deal with it effectively.

(iv) Constituent learning: Change must be permanent in order to constitute learning. Temporary changes may only be reflective and may fail to represent any learning.

AHSEC H.S 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2020

19. Discuss the four stages involved in the process of memory.  4

Ans:-  The various steps involved in the memory process are given below:

(i) Registration: This is the first stage of memory. Whenever something is heard, seen or learned, its impression gets registered in our brain in the form of memory marks.

(ii) Retention: Every experience leaves behind traces which are retained in the mind, passed first to short-term memory and then to long-term memory.

(iii) Recall: Recall is the reproduction of material that is learned and retained in the mind. Recall can be spontaneous or deliberate.

(iv) Recognition: An experience should be recognized as the same which was registered and maintained.

20. Discuss four characteristics of a mentally healthy person.   4

Ans:- Mentally healthy individuals have certain distinctive characteristics.

Such characteristics may be discussed as under:

(i) Mentally healthy persons have a strong personality;

(ii) mentally healthy individuals are emotionally stable;

(iii) mentally healthy persons do not have any major adjustment problems;

(iv) they are physically fit persons;

(v) he is free from mental illness;

(vi) The driving force is strong in them.

21. Discuss the role of school in promoting proper mental health of students.  4

Ans:- The roles of the school in the prevention of mental illness are:

(i) The school helps in developing all the psycho-physical abilities and qualities of the human child;

(ii) it helps to realize the value of good mental health;

(iii) It helps to know the problems of mental life;

(iv) It helps in developing all the qualities and capabilities of human personality;

(v) It helps to make man emotionally strong;

(vi) the school helps to know the need for proper adjustments and its means;


“A mentally health person is also in need of mental hygiene”. Give reasons.  4

Ans:- Mental hygiene includes measures to reduce the incidence of mental illness and promote mental health through prevention and early treatment. It is needed for a healthy life for the following reasons.

(i) It helps us to know the importance of mental health.

(ii) It helps to know the causes of mental illness.

(iii) It is helpful to know the ways and means to get rid of mental problems.

(iv) Knowing that mental illness is more or less inherited.

(v) Knowing that mental illness can be cured.

22. What is histogram? Draw a histogram from the following distribution table. (Use graph paper). 1+3=4

Class Interval




















Ans:- This is another means where the class interval is represented by a separate rectangle. The area of each rectangle of the histogram is directly proportional to the measures within the interval.

H.S 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2020 - [ AHSEC Class 12 Education Solved Paper 2020 ]


What is a Bar Diagram? Discuss the different types of bar Diagram with examples. 1+3=4

Ans:- When statical data are represented by rectangular bars, the diagrams so drawn are called bar diagrams. They consist of a group of equidistant rectangles, one for each group or category of data in which the values are represented by the height of the rectangles.

Different Types of Bar Diagrams:

Double bar graph: A double bar graph is a graphical display of data using two bars at different heights apart from each other.

Subdivided bar diagram: Sub-divided bar diagram is a method of data representation in which the total length of the bar is divided into different parts/components in particular proportions depending on the contribution of the different components.

The table shows the number of different vehicles (brands A, B and C) purchased from a particular vehicle showroom in a year.

23. What is Quartile Deviation? Write three advantages of measure of Quartile Deviation. 1+3=4

Ans:- The quartile deviation is the half-distance between the first and third quartiles, or the 25th and 75th percentiles, of a frequency distribution.

The measurement of quartile deviation has three advantages:

(i) It is easy to calculate and easy to follow.

(ii) It is not affected by extreme value and hence, is useful in skewed distribution.

(iii) This is the only method of expansion applicable in the case of open-ended classes.

24. What is Population Education? Suggest four measures for imparting Population Education in educational institution. 2+4=6

Ans:- Declared at the South-East Asia Regional Workshop held in Berkak (UNESCO in 1970). "Population education is an educational program that studies the situation of population, family, community, nation and the world, with the aim of developing rational and responsible attitudes and behavior in students towards that situation."

Some of the general measures that can be adopted by the school for imparting population education are as follows:

(i) The concept of small family and its good effects on family life may be suitably and adequately explained to the children at the primary stage.

(ii) The history of population explosion and its comparative study can be presented to the students at secondary level.

(iii) The impact of rapid growth of population on the economic, social, political and cultural life of an individual can be clearly discussed and analyzed.

(iv) Sex education should be introduced as a part of science education at the secondary stage.

(v) The rapid growth of population which is responsible for taking down the standard of our personal and social life needs to be discussed clearly.


What is Value Education? Discuss the need and importance of Value Education. 2+4=6

Ans:- Education for human values or value education refers to an educational program that is geared to the realities of a society as envisaged in its constitution for the betterment of society and the individual. It covers all aspects of personality development aesthetic, intellectual, moral, social and spiritual.

The need and importance of value education can be underlined as follows:

(i) It can develop a healthy and balanced personality.

(ii) It develops professional efficiency.

(iii) It helps in the development of character and morality of the children.

(iv) Enables the child to adjust with his environment.

(v) It promotes social efficiency.

(vi) To inculcate ideas about national integration.

(vii) Develops cultural values.

(viii) Helps the child to spend his leisure time properly.

25. What is meant by an insightful method of learning? Write the education significance of an insightful method of learning. 2+4=6

Ans:- Insightful method of learning is a holistic approach that involves the ability of learners to perceive and understand the whole situation, rather than just memorizing the parts. It is based on the Gestalt theory of learning, and emphasizes the use of perception, power of insight, and intellectual activity of learners. The educational significance of this method lies in encouraging students to acquire knowledge using their own understanding and insight, and to move beyond the limitations of rote memorization and trial-and-error learning.

Here are six educational significance of insightful method of learning:

  1. Encourages critical thinking: Insightful learning requires learners to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information. This process encourages learners to think critically and develop their cognitive abilities.

  2. Enhances retention and recall: When learners acquire knowledge through insight, it is more likely to be retained and recalled over a longer period of time. This is because the information is understood and connected to prior knowledge, making it more meaningful and relevant.

  3. Promotes creativity: Insightful learning encourages learners to think creatively and solve problems in novel ways. This promotes the development of creativity and innovation in learners.

  4. Fosters independence: Insightful learning encourages learners to be independent and take responsibility for their own learning. This develops self-motivation and helps learners become self-directed learners.

  5. Enables deeper understanding: Insightful learning enables learners to understand concepts and ideas on a deeper level. This understanding goes beyond surface level comprehension and involves connecting and synthesizing ideas.

  6. Enhances transferability of knowledge: Insightful learning helps learners to transfer knowledge and skills from one context to another. This makes learning more meaningful and relevant, and enables learners to apply their knowledge in different situations.


What is meant by Learning by Conditioning? Write four educational implications of the conditioning method of learning? 2+4=60

Ans: Learning by conditioning refers to the process of acquiring a new behavior or response through repeated associations between stimuli and responses. There are two types of conditioning: classical and operant. Classical conditioning occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with a meaningful stimulus (like food) to produce a learned response (like salivation). Operant conditioning, on the other hand, involves learning through consequences. Behaviors that are reinforced (rewarded) are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors that are punished are less likely to be repeated.

Four educational implications of conditioning method of learning are:

  1. Reinforcement: In the conditioning method of learning, reinforcement plays a significant role. Positive reinforcement can be used to encourage desired behavior, while negative reinforcement can be used to discourage undesired behavior. Teachers can use these techniques to shape the behavior of their students and encourage them to learn.

  2. Repetition: Conditioning involves repetition of the stimuli and responses. Repeated exposure to a particular stimulus can lead to learned responses. Teachers can use this technique to help students learn concepts that may be difficult to grasp at first.

  3. Individualization: Conditioning methods can be customized to suit the learning style of individual students. For example, some students may respond better to positive reinforcement, while others may respond better to negative reinforcement. By tailoring the conditioning method to each student, teachers can maximize their effectiveness.

  4. Use of feedback: Conditioning methods rely on feedback to reinforce or discourage behavior. Teachers can provide immediate feedback to students on their performance, which can help them learn more effectively. By providing feedback, teachers can help students understand what they are doing well and what they need to improve

AHSEC H.S 2nd Year Education Solved Question Paper 2020

26. What is forgetting? Discuss four physical causes of forgetting. 2+4=6

Ans:- Forgetting can be described as the inability to remember something. More precisely forgetfulness is the failure of the individual to revive in consciousness the impressions of past experiences without the aid of the original stimulus. If a person fails to revive the image of learning in the mind, forgetfulness may occur.

Some of the major causes of forgetting can be described as follows:

(i) Passage of time: The impressions left by the experiences in our nervous system gradually disappear with the passage of time. Ebbinghaus was the pioneer of experiments on the subject of forgetting due to lack of time.

(ii) Lack of interest: Lack of interest is an important cause of forgetting as it prevents later recall. Therefore, the teacher should try to create interest in the class.

(iii) Old age: A common physical cause of forgetfulness can be attributed to the old age of a person. An old person may experience general nervous weakness and physical inactivity for which he fails to notice the image of the experience.

(iv) Over-learning: According to Ebbinghaus learning beyond a certain point may lead to inattention, boredom and fatigue which again may lead to forgetfulness in some cases.


What is Attention? Discuss the importance of Attention and interest in education. 2+4=6

Ans:- Attention is the ability to focus one's mind on a particular stimulus or information, while ignoring other distractions. It is an important mental process that enables us to concentrate and perceive information accurately.

In education, attention and interest play a vital role. Here are some points highlighting their importance:

  1. Attention is necessary for effective learning: Without attention, learning cannot take place. Students need to pay attention to their teachers and study material to understand and remember what they are taught.

  2. Interest fosters attention: When students are interested in a topic, they are more likely to pay attention and engage with it. Teachers can generate interest by using teaching methods that are interactive, creative and relevant to the students.

  3. Attention and interest aid in memory retention: When information is perceived with attention and interest, it is better retained in memory. This helps students to recall the information when needed, for exams and in their future academic and professional lives.

  4. Attention and interest promote critical thinking: When students pay attention and are interested, they are more likely to engage in critical 

  5. Thinking and analysis : This helps them to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and to apply it in real-life situations.

In summary, attention and interest are essential components of effective learning. Teachers should strive to generate interest in their students, and encourage them to pay attention to their studies. When attention and interest are present, learning becomes enjoyable, meaningful, and long-lasting.

27. What is Median? Compute median from the following distribution table:   1+5=6

Class Interval
























N = 60

Ans:- The median is defined as the point in the variable that divides the distribution into two equal parts. The position of the median in a series is such that half the scores are below the median and half the scores are above.

Class Interval


Cumulative Frequency


































N = 60

27. What is Median? Compute median from the following distribution table:   1+5=6  Class Interval  Frequency  60-64  55-59  50-54  45-49  40-44  35-39  30-34  25-29  20-24  15-19  10-11  2  4  5  8  10  12  8  5  2  2  2   N = 60


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