AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper '2020 | HS 1st Year English Question Paper '2020

উচ্চতৰ মাধ্যমিক প্ৰথম বৰ্ষৰ ইংৰাজী 2020 প্ৰশ্ন কাকত | একাদশ শ্ৰেণীৰ 2020 ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্ন কাকত In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 11 English Ques


AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper '2020 | HS 1st Year English Question Paper '2020

In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 11 English Question paper 2020 (AHSEC HS First Year English Question Paper 2020), Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question asked in AHSEC HS Class 11 English Question paper 2020.

Ahsec Class 11 English Question Paper 2020 | HS First Year English Question Paper 2020 

উচ্চতৰ মাধ্যমিক প্ৰথম বৰ্ষৰ ইংৰাজী 2020 প্ৰশ্ন কাকত  | একাদশ শ্ৰেণীৰ 2020 ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্ন কাকত



Full Marks: 90

Pass Marks: 27

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.



1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: On his return from South Africa, Gandhi's first Ashram in India was established in the Kochrab area of Ahmedabad on 25 May 1915. The Ashram was then shifted on 17 June 1917 to a piece of open land on the banks of the river Sabarmati. Reasons for this shift included: he wanted to do some experiments in living e.g. farming, animal husbandry, cow breeding, Khadi and related constructive activities, for which he was in search of this kind of barren land; mythologically, it was the ashram site of Dadhichi Rishi who had donated his bones for a righteous war; it is between a jail and a crematorium as he believed that a satyagrahi has to invariably go to either place. The Sabarmati Ashram (also known as Harijan Ashram) was home to Mohandas Gandhi from 1917 until 1930 and served as one of the main centres of the Indian freedom struggle. Originally called the Satyagraha Ashram, reflecting the movement toward passive resistance launched by the Mahatma, the Ashram became home to the ideology that set India free. Sabarmati Ashram named for the river on which it sits, was created with a dual mission. To serve as an institution that would carry on a search for truth and a platform to bring together a group of workers committed to non-violence who would help secure freedom for India.

By conceiving such a vision Gandhi and his followers hoped to foster a new social construct of truth and non-violence that would help to revolutionize the existing pattern of like. While at the Ashram, Gandhi formed a school that focused on manual labour, agriculture, and literacy to advance his efforts for self-sufficiency. It was also from here on the 12 March 1930 that Gandhi launched the famous Dandi march 241 miles from the Ashram (with 78 companions) in protest of the British Salt Law, which taxed Indian salt in an effort to promote sales of British salt in India. This mass awakening filled the British jails with 60,000 freedom fighters. Later the government seized their property, Gandhi, in sympathy with them, responded by asking the Government to forfeit the Ashram. Then Government, however, did not oblige. He had by now already decided on 22 July 1933 to disband the Ashram, which later became asserted place after the detention of many freedom fighters, and then some local citizens decided to preserve it. On 12 March 1930 he vowed that he would not return to the Ashram until India won independence. Although this was won on 15 August 1947, when India was declared a free nation, Gandhi was assassinated in January 1948 and never returned.


(i) When was Gandhi's first ashram in India established ?

(ii) How was Sabarmati Ashram originally known as ?

(iii) How far is Dandi from Sabarmati Ashram ?

(iv) What did Gandhi vow on 12 March, 1930? 

(v) Why did Gandhi shift his Kochrab Ashram to Sabarmati?

(vi) What was the dual mission of Sabarmati Ashram ?

(vii) Why did Gandhi launch the famous Dandi march? 

(b) Pick out words in the passage that mean the following: 1×2=2

(i) Unable to produce plants or fruits (ii) To lose the right to have something

2. Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. When Man first began to settle down, to live in groups in villages and to cultivate land, he found that he had to learn many new skills. One of these new skills was the ability to measure, to count and to calculate. He had to be able to count the animals he possessed. He had to be able to make simple measurements to enable him to build and to mark out the boundaries of his land; he had to be able to measure the passing of time and record it; and he had to trade. Therefore he began to think in terms of length, breadth, time and weight.

2.For many years, units of measurement were of a simple kind. For example, if Man had to measure, he used a part of his body as a unit. As a result, these units often differed from person to person. Therefore when Man settled down, the need for standardization arose. 

3.Before Man settled down, his life was not governed by the seasons, nor did he have to know what time of the day it was. Once he settled down to the agricultural way of life, he had to be able to calculate the change of seasons on which agriculture depended. So Man began to measure time, and first he looked for convenient units of measurements, one of which was the day. No one knows when Man first began to divide the day into twenty-four hours, and the hour into sixty minutes. But we know that Ptolemy, the famous Egyptian, used and recorded these divisions in the second century A.D. In order to calculate the passing of time, it was necessary for Man to record the number of days in each season. This was done by making a mark for each day on a tree trunk or on a piece of stick.

4.The next step was for Man to find longer units of time. He had observed the gradual changes in the shape of the moon. He discovered that from one full-moon to the next it took twenty eight days. And so he had another unit of time-a month. Then he observed that, if he added two days to some of the months, twelve of them nearly covered the four seasons which followed each other. This was the first simple calendar.


(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it, and add a suitable title to it. 5

(b) Make a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3



3. You are preparing for a picnic at Pobitora next week. Describe your preparations to your classmates in 100 words. 6


Your school/college observed "The World Blood Donation Day" on 14th June. Many students and teachers took part in the camp. Prepare a report on the event to be published in your school/college wall-magazine. 6

4.Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly of your school/college on the topic, Say no to Plastic Bags!. 6


Write an article for your school/college magazine on 'Importance of Traffic Rules'. 6

5. You are Rupali/Rupam. You have seen an advertisement in a regional newspaper for the post of an Office Secretary in a reputed company. Write an application to the manager of the company in response to the advertisement stating your qualifications and experience. 8


Write a letter to the editor of The Assam Tribune drawing attention of the authorities concerned to the problem of flash flood and poor drainage system in your locality. 8



6.(a) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: ¹/² x 2 = 1

(i) She has barely_______beautiful dress. (some/any)

(ii)_______care could have prevented the accident. (Little/A little)

(b) Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of the verb given in brackets: ¹/² x 2 = 1

(i) It (rain) now, we can't go out..

(ii) My uncle (arrive) from Mumbai last night. 

(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries (the sense of the sentence is indicated in the bracket) :

(i) You______not steal, (command)

(ii) ________you spare some time for me? (polite request)

(d)Correct the following:

(i) The honesty is the best policy.

(ii) She invited my husband and myself.

7. (a) Complete the following piece of conversation by choosing the correct alternatives from the brackets:

I said to him, "________" (what/when) are you doing now ?" He replied, "I am writing a few essays as part of my________(preparing/

preparation) for the examination."

(b)Rewrite the following sentences as directed.

(i) My friend lives in this house.

(Make it a complex sentence)

(ii) Greenland is the largest island in the world.

(Use the comparative degree of 'largest')

8.Rearrange the words in the following to form meaningful sentences: 1x2=2

(a) penguin I a seen never have.

(b) persons knows several he here.


(Textual Questions)

9. Read any one of the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Eternal 1 rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form'd, altogether changed, and yet the same,

I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe,

(i) Who is the speaker here ? 1

(ii) From where does the speaker rise?1

(iii) What is meant by 'altogether changed, and yet the same?1

(iv) What are 'atomies'?1

(v) How does the speaker go up and come down again on droughts, atomies and dust-layers?4


(b) Silence surrounds us. I would have

Him prodigal, returning to

His father's house, the home he knew,

Rather than see him make and move

His world. I would forgive him too,

Shaping from sorrow a new love.

(i) Who are the 'us' here ?1

(ii)What surround them?1

(iii) What is the meaning of 'prodigal'? 1

(iv) Who is supposed to return to his father's house, after being prodigal ? 1

(v) In what context, is the speaker talking about forgiveness and new love? 4

10. Answer any two of the following questions: 3×2=6

(a) What is the 'laboured ease of loss' in the poem 'A Photograph'?

(b) What does the speaker of the poem 'Childhood' speak about adults?

(c) Why is the father unhappy in the poem 'Father to Son'? 

(d) What does the phrase "strange to tell" mean in the poem "The Voice of the Rain'?  

11. Answer any five of the following questions: 2x5=10

(a) How did the author's grandfather look in his portrait ?

(b) How was 'outsider art' or 'art brut' defined at the beginning? 

(c) How can population explosion be controlled ?

(d) When and where was the first nationwide Green Party founded?

(e) How did the author's grandmother prepare to take him to the village school?

(f) What are the things that Verrier Elwin loves about Assam? 

12. (a) "Man is the biggest enemy of mankind. Deforestation has become his habit." Elaborate this view.


(b) Describe the changing relationship between the author and his grandmother from his boyhood to adulthood. 6

13. Comment on the influence of English language on the way of Indian life as reflected in the story "Ranga's Marriage".


How do you distinguish between information gathering and insight formation from your reading of 'Albert Einstein at School"? 6

14. Answer any two of the following questions in brief: 2×2=4

(a) Why did Mr. Braun scold young Einstein?

(b) Write briefly about Gundabhatta, the doctor of Hosahalli village. 

(c) Why did Albert see no point in learning dates and facts from History books?


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AHSEC Class 11 English Previous Year Question Paper

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AHSEC Class 11 Previous Year Solved Question Paper | HS 1st Year Previous Year Solved Question Paper

*Available Soon*

Benefits of AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper 2020

AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper 2020 can be a valuable resource for students preparing for their upcoming examinations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I use the AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper 2020?

Ans: It is recommended to use the  question paper regularly as part of your overall study plan. You can use it to practice answering questions, review key concepts, and improve your time management skills. It's also a good idea to use it closer to the exam date as a final review tool.

Q: How can I get the AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper 2020?

Ans: The question paper can be obtained from (www.thetreasurenotes.in) The Treasure Notes Website one of the genuine and trustable site for Students in Assam.

Q: Can I use AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper 2020 for other boards exams as well?

Ans: The question paper is specifically designed for the AHSEC board exams. However, the concepts and topics covered in the paper are generally applicable to other boards as well, so it can be used as a practice tool. But it's always better to consult the official website of that particular board for more information.


Overall, AHSEC Class 11 English Question Paper 2020 can be an extremely helpful resource for students preparing for their upcoming examinations. It can be used to practice, review, and improve time management skills, and can also give you an idea about the exam pattern and previous year questions.

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