AHSEC CLASS 12 Education Question Paper 2017
Hello Readers, in this Article we Have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2017, Reading Previous Year's Question Papers are very helpful and Important if you want to Score good marks, by Reading Previous Year Question Papers You can easily Judge the difficulty of Questions, and also you can understand the Question Paper Pattern, It is very important to Read AHSEC HS 2nd Year Education Question Paper 2017.
If you want to know what type of Questions are asked in AHSEC 2017 Education Examination from Education Different Chapter, Just follow this Article from Top to Bottom, We have attached Education Question paper '2017 on this page.
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper Overview:
Name of Board: AHSEC
Subject: Education
Year: 2017
Class: HS 2nd Year
Type: Text
Official website: ahsec.assam.gov.in
Category: AHSEC Education Previous Year Question Papers, Class 12 Education Question Papers 2017.
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following questions: 1x12=12
Fill in the blanks:
a) Name the first secondary school in Assam.
b) _____ University is the first Open University in India.
c) International Women’s Day is observed on _____.
d) Attention paid by students to study at the time of examination is _____ attention.
e) Treatment of mental diseases is the _____ function of mental hygiene.
f) Satisfaction and practice are basic factors in _____ method teaching.
Give short answer in one sentence:
g) Mention one characteristic which distinguishes ‘Non-formal Education’ from ‘Formal Education’.
h) Objectives of Environmental Education were determined in _____ conference.
i) Write a common characteristic of maturation and learning.
j) Why recognition is easier than recall?
k) What is Mean? In a distribution ∑fx =1480N = 50, find out the Mean of the distribution.
l) Which is the positional measure of central tendency?
2. What do you mean by ECCE? 2
3. What were the suggestions forwarded by Mudaliar Commission regarding ‘Development of Vocational Efficiency’ as aim of secondary education? 2
4. Why ‘Non-formal Education’ is considered as a supportive system of education? 2
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2017
‘Distance Education is a flexible system of education’ – explain.
5. Write two important characteristics of correspondence education. 2
6. What is Population Education? 2
7. What is conditioned response? Which was the conditioned response in Pavlov’s experiment on conditioning? 1+1=2
8. Describe the two parts of ‘Law of exercise’ of learning. 1+1=2
9. ‘Forgetting is a blessing’ – explain this statement. 2
10. What is ideational attention? Give an example. 1+1=2
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2017
Why attention is considered as an exploratory process? 2
11. Write two demerits of Mode as a measure of central tendency. 2
12. What is the preventive function of mental hygiene? 2
13. What is Quartile Deviation? In a distribution Q3 = 78.43 andQ1 = 61.44. Find out the Quartile Deviation. 1+1=2
14. Write four provisions of ‘Assam Secondary Education, Act, 1961’. 4
15. ‘Non-formal Education is based on democratic principles’ – Discuss.
16. What is physical education? Discuss three measures to impart Physical Education in school. 1+3=4
17. What is value? Discuss briefly the importance of value education in present society. 1+3=4
18. Discuss about four important areas within the scope of Environmental Education. 4
What do you mean by ‘Women Empowerment’? Write three important objectives of ‘Women Empowerment’. 1+3=4
19. What is learning by insight? Mention two limitations of this method of learning. 2+2=4
20. Distinguish between true memory and habit memory. 4
21. Describe four objective conditions of attention. 4
“Attention and interest are two sides of the same coin” – explain the statement. 4AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2017
22. What is frequency? What are the different parts of a frequency distribution table? 1+3=4
23. What is a bar diagram? What are its types? – Explain with example (draw). 1+3=4
Draw a histogram from the following distribution table (use graph) 4
24. Discuss the suggestions of Kothari Commission regarding aims of secondary education. 6
Discuss about the suggestions of National Education Policy, 1986 regarding secondary education. 6
25. What is learning? Mention four major characteristics of learning. 2+4=6
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2017
What are the primary laws of learning? Discuss the application of any one of those laws in the class-room situation. 3+3=6
26. What do you mean by mental health? What are the characteristics of a mentally healthy person? – Discuss. 1+5=6
27. What is Median? Compute Median from the following table: 1+5=6
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