AHSEC CLASS 12 Education Question Paper 2018
Hello Readers, in this Article we Have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018, Reading Previous Year's Question Papers are very helpful and Important if you want to Score good marks, by Reading Previous Year Question Papers You can easily Judge the difficulty of Questions, and also you can understand the Question Paper Pattern, It is very important to Read AHSEC HS 2nd Year Education Question Paper 2018.
If you want to know what type of Questions are asked in AHSEC 2018 Education Examination from Education Different Chapter, Just follow this Article from Top to Bottom, We have attached Education Question paper '2018 on this page.
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper Overview:
Name of Board: AHSEC
Subject: Education
Year: 2018
Class: HS 2nd Year
Type: Text
Official website: ahsec.assam.gov.in
Category: AHSEC Education Previous Year Question Papers, Class 12 Education Question Papers 2018.
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following questions: 1x12=12
a) Multipurpose secondary schools in Assam were established on the basis of recommendations of _____ Commission.
b) Absence of direct contact between teacher and student is an important characteristic of _____ education.
c) Stimulus has no influence on _____ attention.
d) Through repeated attempts a student succeeds in computing a sum by himself. Such learning is supported by _____ method of learning.
e) Counseling is _____ function of mental hygiene.
f) All scores are taken into consideration in finding out _____ as measure of central tendency.
Give short answer to one sentence:
g) What is the objective of ‘Early Childhood Care and Education’?
h) Who introduced the concept of population education?
i) ‘Learning involves totality of perception’ – Which method of Learning is related with this statement?
j) Is it correct to say that memory always aims at the past? – Justify your answer.
k) Mention an objective of mental hygiene.
l) 25% of the scores in a distribution is less than the score 10 and 25% is more than the score 40. Find out the quartile deviation of the distribution.
2. Describe two important problems of Secondary Education in Assam. 2
3. Mention two important features of Distance Education. 2
4. Write two objectives of Environmental Education. 2
5. Mention two benefits of imparting Physical Education in school. 2
6. Mention two educational applicability of conditioning method of learning. 2
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
“Learning is nothing but a process of solving problems” – What is your view?
7. Briefly show the difference between ‘trial and error method’ and ‘insightful method’ of learning. 2
8. Write a note on the differences between Retroactive Inhibition and Proactive Inhibition. 2
9. “Instinct is an important condition of attention” – explain. 2
10. Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene. 2
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
11. “Mental health depends upon adequate satisfaction of our needs”. – Explain this statement. 2
12. Why Median is considered as a positional measure of central tendency? Write the formula for finding out median from grouped data. 1+1=2
13. Mention two uses of statistics in education. 2
14. Write four functions of ‘Board of Secondary Education, Assam’ as given by ‘Secondary Education Act, Assam, 1961’. 4
15. Write briefly the suggestions given by Kothari Commission regarding structure of Secondary Education. 4
16. Describe the suggestions given by Mudaliar Commission for improvement of vocational efficiency among students. 4
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
Discuss the suggestions given by National Policy of 1986 to equalize educational opportunity.
17. Suggest four measures for imparting population education in educational institution. 4
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
Discuss the scope of Environmental Education.
18. Write the educational importance of the ‘Law of effect’ of learning. 4
19. Mention four educative value of ‘insightful method’ of learning. 4
20. Explain the concept of analytical and synthetic attention with example. 4
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
Describe four mental causes of forgetting.
21. Write four important objectives of mental hygiene. 4
22. What is Pie diagram? Represent the following data of students’ enrolment in a primary school by a Pie-diagram. 1+3=4
23. Construct a histogram and polygon of data given in the following table on same axis (use graph paper) 4
24. What is Non-formal Education? Describe the importance of Non-formal Education in present day society. 2+4=6
25. What is Value? What measures we can take for imparting value education in school? 2+4=6
What do you mean by women empowerment? Discuss the role of education in women empowerment. 2+4=6
26. Explain the process of memorization. Briefly describe four marks of good memory. 2+4=6AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
What is Interest? Discuss the characteristics of interest. 2+4=6
27. What is Central Tendency? Find out Mean of the following distribution table by Assumed Mean Method. 2+4=6
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2018
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