The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers 2023 [AHSEC HS Class 11 English Prose Solution]

"The portrait of a lady" by Khushwant Singh is a beautiful Prose of AHSEC Class 11 English (Hornbill). Here you will find Brief Summary of....

Class 11 The Portrait of a Lady Questions Answers ,AHSEC H.S First Year English (Hornbill) Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers ,AHSEC H.S First Year English (Hornbill) Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers 2023,The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers 2023 [AHSEC HS Class 11 English Prose Solution],

Class 11 English (Hornbill) Prose "The Portrait of a Lady"

"The portrait of a lady" by Khushwant Singh  is a beautiful Prose  of  AHSEC Class 11 English (Hornbill). Here you will find Brief Summary of the Prose and  a detailed Question Answer of  The Portrait of a Lady  with  Previous Year Question Answers As well as Here you will see 1 marks Question- From The Portrait of a Lady and  you can prepare for MCQ. Also 2 & 5 marks Questions for your Upcoming Examinations.

UNIT - 1
~ By Khushwant Singh

Class 11 English The Portrait of a Lady Summary in English 

Story in brief "The Portrait of a Lady' by Khushwant Singh is a narrative prose where the author has given an account of his grandmother. He draws a life-like portrait of her. She was a short lady, slightly bent and fat. She held a rosary and her lips constantly moved in prayer. On white clothes she looked like snowy mountains in winter. She was a picture of peace and contentment. She was very old and perhaps she could not have looked older, she looked the same for the last 20 years.

The author's parents lived in the city. They left him with his grandmother in the village. The author and his grandmother were good friends. Grandmother took good care of him. She used to wake him up in the morning and get him ready for school. After a breakfast of a thick, stale chapati with a little butter and sugar spread on it, they went to school. His grandmother always went to school with him because the school was attached to the temple. While the author and other children sat in rows on either side of the verandah singing the alphabet or the prayer in a chorus, his grandmother sat inside reading the scriptures. They even walked back together.

When the author's parents were comfortably settled in the city, the author and his grandmother were sent for. That was the turning point of their relationship. His grandmother no longer accompanied him to school. The author used to go to an English school. in a motor bus. As the years rolled by, they saw less of cach other, when the author went to university, he was given a room of his own. The common link of friendship was snapped. His grandmother accepted her seclusion with resignation. From sunrise to sunset she sat by her wheel spinning and reciting prayers.

When the author decided to go abroad for further studies. he thought his grandmother would be upset. But his grandmother was not upset, she showed no emotion. She even came to the railway station to see him off. She kissed his forehead silently. The narrator thought that it was the last sign of physical contact between them. But that was not so. After five years when the narrator returned home his grandmother met him at the station. She did not look even a day older. She held him in her arms and went on reciting her prayers.

In the evening a change came over her. She didn't pray. but collected the women of the neighborhood. She got an old drum, continued thumping the drum for several hours and started singing. She sang about the homecoming of the warriors. The next morning she fell ill with fever. She told that her end was near. She didn't want to talk. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling beads. Then her lips stopped moving and the rosary fell down from her lifeless fingers. Her face looked pale but peaceful.

Class 11 English The Portrait of a Lady - Summary in Hindi

संक्षेप में कहानी खुशवंत सिंह की 'द पोर्ट्रेट ऑफ ए लेडी' एक कथात्मक गद्य है जहां लेखक ने अपनी दादी का लेखा-जोखा दिया है। वह उनका एक सजीव चित्र बनाता है।  जपमाला थामे और होंठ लगातार प्रार्थना में हिलते थे। सफेद वस्त्रों पर वह सर्दियों में बर्फीले पहाड़ों की तरह दिखती थी। वह शांति और संतोष की तस्वीर थी। वह बहुत बूढ़ी थी और शायद वह बड़ी नहीं दिखती थी, वह वैसी ही दिखती थी।  पिछले 20 साल।

 लेखक के माता-पिता शहर में रहते थे।  वे उसे गांव में उसकी दादी के पास छोड़ गए।  लेखक और उसकी दादी अच्छे मित्र थे।  दादी ने उसका खूब ख्याल रखा।  वह उसे सुबह जगाकर स्कूल के लिए तैयार करती थी।  एक मोटी, बासी चपाती पर थोड़ा मक्खन और शक्कर फैलाकर नाश्ते के बाद, वे स्कूल चले गए।  उनकी दादी हमेशा उनके साथ स्कूल जाती थीं क्योंकि स्कूल मंदिर से जुड़ा हुआ था।  जबकि लेखक और अन्य बच्चे बरामदे के दोनों ओर पंक्तियों में बैठकर कोरस में वर्णमाला या प्रार्थना गा रहे थे, उनकी दादी अंदर शास्त्र पढ़ रही थीं।  वे एक साथ वापस भी चले गए।

जब लेखक के माता-पिता आराम से शहर में बस गए, तो लेखक और उसकी दादी को बुलवाया गया।  यही उनके रिश्ते का टर्निंग प्वाइंट था।  उनकी दादी अब उनके साथ स्कूल नहीं जाती थीं।  लेखक एक अंग्रेजी स्कूल में जाता था।  एक मोटर बस में।  जैसे-जैसे साल बीतते गए, उन्होंने एक-दूसरे को कम देखा, जब लेखक विश्वविद्यालय गया, तो उसे अपना एक कमरा दिया गया।  दोस्ती की आम कड़ी टूट गई।  उनकी दादी ने इस्तीफे के साथ अपना एकांत स्वीकार कर लिया।  सूर्योदय से सूर्यास्त तक वह अपने पहिये के पास बैठी कातती और प्रार्थना करती थी।

जब लेखक ने आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए विदेश जाने का फैसला किया।  उसने सोचा कि उसकी दादी परेशान होगी।  लेकिन उनकी दादी परेशान नहीं थीं, उन्होंने कोई भाव नहीं दिखाया।  वह उसे विदा करने रेलवे स्टेशन भी आई थी।  उसने चुपचाप उसका माथा चूम लिया।  वर्णनकर्ता ने सोचा कि यह उन दोनों के बीच शारीरिक संपर्क का अंतिम संकेत था।  लेकिन ऐसा नहीं था।  पांच साल बाद जब वर्णनकर्ता घर लौटा तो उसकी दादी ने उसे स्टेशन पर मुलाकात की।  वह एक दिन भी बड़ी नहीं लग रही थी।  उसने उसे अपनी बाहों में पकड़ लिया और अपनी प्रार्थना पढ़ती रही।

शाम को उसके ऊपर एक बदलाव आया।  उसने प्रार्थना नहीं की।  लेकिन आस-पड़ोस की औरतों को इकट्ठा कर लिया।  उसे एक पुराना ढोल मिला, वह कई घंटों तक ढोल पीटती रही और गाना शुरू कर दिया।  उन्होंने योद्धाओं की घर वापसी के बारे में गाया।  अगली सुबह वह बुखार से बीमार पड़ गई।  उसने बताया कि उसका अंत निकट है।  वह बात नहीं करना चाहती थी।  वह शांति से बिस्तर पर लेटी हुई प्रार्थना कर रही थी और माला जप रही थी।  फिर उसके होठों का हिलना बन्द हो गया और माला उसकी निर्जीव उँगलियों से नीचे गिर पड़ी।  उसका चेहरा पीला लेकिन शांत लग रहा था।

Class 11 English The Portrait of a Lady Summary in Assamese 

'দ্য প’ট্রেইট অব দ্য লেডী' হৈছে ঘুশৱন্ত সিঙৰ দ্বাৰা ৰচিত এটি বর্ণনাত্মক গদ্য য'ত লেখকে তেওঁৰ আইতাকৰ বৰ্ণনা দিছে। লেখকে তেওঁৰ আইতাকৰ এক জীবন্ত বর্ণনা আগবঢ়াইছে। তেওঁ এগৰাকী চুটি-চাপৰ, সামান্য কুঁজা আৰু শকত মহিলা আছিল । হাতত তেওঁ এডাল জপমালা লৈ ফুৰিছিল আৰু সেই মালাৰ মণিবোৰ গণি গণি তেওঁ অনবৰতে প্ৰাৰ্থনা কৰি থাকিছিল। শুধ বগা-কাপোৰেৰে তেওঁক শীতকালীন তুষারাবৃত পর্বত যেন দেখাইছিল। তেওঁ সুখ আৰু সন্তুষ্টিৰ প্ৰতিমূৰ্তি আছিল। তেওঁ খুবেই বৃদ্ধা আছিল আৰু বিগত বিশ বছৰ ধৰি তেওঁক এইটো বলতে দেখা পোৱা গৈছিল।

লেখকৰ মাক-দেউতাক নগৰত বাস কৰিছিল। তেওঁক তেওঁলোকে গাঁৱৰ ঘৰত আইতাকৰ লগত ৰাখিছিল। লেখক আৰু তেওঁৰ আইতাকৰ মাজত প্রগাঢ় বন্ধুত্ব আছিল। আইভাকে তেওঁৰ খুব যতন লৈছিল। পুৱাতে টোপনিৰ পৰা জগাই স্কুললৈ বুলি সাজু কৰি উলিয়াইছিল। প্রাতঃরাশ হিচাপে সামান্য মাখন মনা আৰু চেনি ছটিয়াই থোৱা বাহী টা এখন খুওৱাৰ পিছত তেওঁলোক স্কুললৈ গৈছিল। আইতাকে সদায় তেওঁৰ লগত স্কুললৈ গৈছিল, কাৰণ লগন মন্দিৰটোৰ গাতে লাগি আছিল। বাৰাণ্ডাত ল'ৰা-ছোৱালীবোৰে দুটা শাৰীত বহি যেতিয়া আত্ৰবোৰ আৰু প্ৰাৰ্থনা-গীত সমস্তৰে আওৰাইছিল, তেতিয়া আইতাকে মন্দিৰত বহি ধৰ্মপুথি পঢ়িছিল। দুয়ো একেলগে উভটিও আহিছিল।

লেখকৰ মাক-দেউতাকে চহৰত থিতাপি লোৱাৰ পিছত দুয়োকে মাতি পরিয়ালে। এইখিনিতে তেওঁলোকৰ আউল লাগিল। আইতাকে তেওঁৰ লগত স্কুললৈ যোৱা নাছিল। লেখকে এখন ইংৰাজী স্কুললৈ বাছেৰে অহা-যোৱা কৰিছিল। বছৰবোৰ আগবঢ়াৰ লগে লগে দুয়োৰে দেখা সাক্ষাৎ ক্ৰমান্বয়ে কমি আহিছিল। লেখকে যেতিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ত পঢ়িবলৈ গ'ল তেওঁক নিজাকৈ এটা কোঠা দিয়া হ'ল আইতাক আৰু তেওঁৰ মাজত বৰ্তি থকা যোগসূত্ৰডাল ছিগি গ'ল। আইতাকে নীৰৱেই তেওঁৰ একাকীত্ব মানি ল'লে। ৰাতিপুৱাৰ পৰা সন্ধিয়ালৈকে তেওঁ যঁতৰত সুতা কাটি আৰু প্ৰার্থনা-গীত গুণ গুণায়ে পাৰ কৰিবলৈ ধৰিলে।

উচ্চশিক্ষা লাভার্থে লেখক যেতিয়া বিদেশলৈ যাবলৈ ওলাইছিল তেওঁ ভাবিছিল তেওঁৰ আইতাক উদ্বিগ্ন হৈ পৰিব। কিন্তু তেওঁৰ আইতাক নিরুদ্বিগ্ন হৈ আছিল। তেওঁ আনকি লেখকক বিদায় দিবলৈ ৰেল ষ্টেচনলৈও গৈছিল। নিঃশব্দে তেওঁ লেখকৰ কপালত চুমা এটা খাইছিল। এয়াই তেওঁলোকৰ মাজৰ অন্তিম শাৰীৰিক স্পর্শ বুলি লেখকৰ ধাৰণা হৈছিল, কিন্তু তেনেকুৱা নহৈছিল। পাঁচ বছৰৰ মূৰকত লেখক যেতিয়া উভতি আহিছিল, আইতাকে তেওঁক ৰেল ষ্টেচনত লগ ধৰিছিল। আইতাকক সেই একেই ৰূপতে দেখা গৈছিল। লেখকক দুবাছৰে আঁকোৱালি লৈ তেওঁ প্ৰাৰ্থনা-গীত আওৰাই গৈছিল।

সন্ধিয়া পৰত, হঠাৎ তেওঁৰ এক ৰূপান্তৰ ঘটিল। তেওঁ প্ৰাৰ্থনা কৰিবলৈ এৰি, চুবুৰীৰ মাইকী মানুহবোৰক গোট খুৱাই লৈছিল। পুৰণি ঢোল এটা যোগাৰ কৰি, হাতেৰে কেইবাঘণ্টা ধৰি চপৰিয়াই তেওঁ গীত গাবলৈ ধৰিছিল। তেওঁ যুঁজাৰুসকল ঘৰলৈ উভটি অহাৰ গীত গাইছিল। পাছদিনা তেওঁ নৰিয়াত পৰিল। তেওঁ কৈছিল যে তেওঁৰ শেষ সময় চমু চাপি আহিছে, তেওঁ কথা ক'ব বিচৰা নাছিল। বিছনাখনত শান্তিৰে বাগৰ দি জপমালাৰ মণি গণি গণি তেওঁ প্ৰাৰ্থনা কৰি আছিল। তেনেতে, তেওঁৰ ওঠৰ কঁপনি বন্ধ হৈ গ'ল আৰু নিৰ্জীৱ হাতখনৰ পৰা জপমালাধাৰ সৰি পৰিল। তেওঁৰ শেতা মুখখনত পৰম প্ৰশাস্তি বিৰাজ কৰিছিল।


1.What is the title of the story?

Answer: The title of the story is "The Portrait of a Lady."

2.Who is the author of the story?

Answer: The author of the story is Khushwant Singh.

3.What is the story about?

Answer: The story is about the author's grandmother and their relationship over the years.

4.How does the author describe his grandmother?

Answer: The author describes his grandmother as a short, slightly bent, and fat lady who held a rosary and constantly prayed.

5.Where did the author live with his grandmother?

Answer: The author lived with his grandmother in a village.

AHSEC H.S First Year English (Hornbill) Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers

6.Why did the author go to school with his grandmother?

Answer: The author went to school with his grandmother because the school was attached to the temple where his grandmother read scriptures.

7.What happened when the author's parents moved to the city?

Answer: The author and his grandmother were sent for, and their relationship changed as they saw less of each other.

8.Where did the author go for further studies?

Answer: The author went abroad for further studies.

9.How did the author's grandmother react when he decided to go abroad?

Answer: The grandmother showed no emotion and even came to the railway station to see him off.

10.What did the author think was the last sign of physical contact between him and his grandmother?

Answer: The author thought that the kiss on his forehead at the railway station was the last sign of physical contact between them.

11.Did the grandmother look any older when the author returned home after five years?

Answer: No, the grandmother did not look any older when the author returned home after five years.

12.What did the grandmother do when she collected the women of the neighborhood in the evening?

Answer: The grandmother thumped an old drum and started singing about the homecoming of the warriors.

13.What happened to the grandmother the next morning after she sang and played the drum?

Answer: The grandmother fell ill with a fever.

14.What did the grandmother do when she fell ill?

Answer: The grandmother prayed and told beads while lying peacefully in bed.

15.What happened when the grandmother stopped reciting her prayers?

Answer: Her lips stopped moving, and the rosary fell down from her lifeless fingers.

16.What was the grandmother's face like when she died?

Answer: Her face looked pale but peaceful when she died.

17.How did the author feel about his grandmother's passing?

Answer: The author does not express his feelings about his grandmother's passing.

AHSEC H.S First Year English (Hornbill) Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers

18.What was the common link between the author and his grandmother?

Answer: The common link between the author and his grandmother was their friendship.

19.How did the author and his grandmother get to school in the village?

Answer: The author and his grandmother walked to school in the village.

20.What did the author have for breakfast before going to school?

Answer: The author had a thick, stale chapati with a little butter and sugar spread on it for breakfast before going to school.


1.Describe the author's relationship with his grandmother before and after he went to the city.

Answer: Before the author went to the city, he had a very close relationship with his grandmother. She took care of him, accompanied him to school, and they spent a lot of time together. After he went to the city, their relationship changed. They saw each other less frequently, and the common link of their friendship was broken. The author went to an English school and eventually left for further studies abroad. When he returned after five years, his grandmother was still there, but their relationship was not as close as it had been before.

2.How does the author's grandmother handle his departure to go abroad for studies?

Answer: When the author decides to go abroad for further studies, he thinks his grandmother will be upset. However, she shows no emotion and even comes to the railway station to see him off. She kisses his forehead silently, and the narrator thinks that it is the last sign of physical contact between them. However, after five years, when the narrator returns home, his grandmother is there to meet him at the station, showing that she still cares for him.

4.What is the significance of the drumming and singing that the grandmother does before she falls ill?

Answer: The drumming and singing that the grandmother does before she falls ill is significant because it represents a celebration of the narrator's return home. She gathers the women of the neighborhood and sings about the homecoming of the warriors. This is a way for her to express her happiness and joy at seeing her grandson again. However, it also foreshadows her impending death, as she falls ill the next day and eventually passes away peacefully in her bed.

5.What is the theme of the story "The Portrait of a Lady"?

Answer: One possible theme of the story is the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. The story portrays the close relationship between the author and his grandmother, who takes care of him and accompanies him to school. However, as the author grows up and moves away, their relationship changes. Despite this, the grandmother continues to care for the narrator and is happy to see him when he returns. The story also touches on themes of tradition and spirituality, as the grandmother is shown constantly reciting prayers and reading scriptures, even as the world around her changes.

6.How does the author describe his grandmother physically? What is the significance of this description?

Answer: The author describes his grandmother as a short lady who is slightly bent and fat. She holds a rosary, and her lips constantly move in prayer. She wears white clothes that make her look like snowy mountains in winter. This physical description is significant because it reflects the grandmother's age and spirituality. Her bent posture and the fact that she looks the same for the last 20 years suggest that she is very old and has lived a long, traditional life. Her constant prayer and reading of scriptures reinforce her spirituality and devotion.

AHSEC H.S First Year English (Hornbill) Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers

7.What is the significance of the breakfast that the author and his grandmother share before going to school?

Answer: The breakfast that the author and his grandmother share before going to school is significant because it reflects their simple way of life. They eat a thick, stale chapati with a little butter and sugar spread on it. This breakfast is not only economical, but it also reflects the grandmother's traditional way of cooking and the simple lifestyle they lead in the village. This breakfast is a routine part of their day, and it shows the closeness of their relationship.

8.How does the author feel about leaving his grandmother when he goes to the city?

Answer: The author feels sad and worried about leaving his grandmother when he goes to the city. He knows that she is very old and may not be able to take care of herself without him. He feels guilty for leaving her alone, but he knows that he must go to the city to pursue his education. When he returns after five years, he is surprised and relieved to see that she is still alive and well.

9.What is the grandmother's attitude towards her own impending death?

Answer: The grandmother's attitude towards her own impending death is one of acceptance and resignation. She tells the author that her end is near, but she doesn't want to talk about it. She spends her time peacefully praying and telling beads, and her lips stop moving just before she passes away. This suggests that she is at peace with her own mortality and is ready to move on to the next stage of her spiritual journey.

10.How does the author's relationship with his grandmother change over time? What factors contribute to these changes?

Answer: The author's relationship with his grandmother changes over time as he grows older and becomes more independent. When he is young and living in the village, they are close friends who spend a lot of time together. However, when he moves to the city for school, they see each other less frequently. When he goes to university, they become even more distant, and the common link of friendship is broken. This change is due to the physical distance between them and the fact that the author is growing up and becoming more independent. As he becomes more involved in his own life, he has less time to spend with his grandmother.

AHSEC H.S First Year English (Hornbill) Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers

11.What is the significance of the grandmother's lack of emotion when the author leaves for abroad?

Answer: The grandmother's lack of emotion when the author leaves for abroad is significant because it suggests that she has accepted her role in life and is at peace with the changes happening around her. She understands that the author needs to pursue his own goals and dreams and is not upset by his departure. This lack of emotion also shows the strength of her spiritual faith and her ability to let go of attachments and accept the natural course of life.

12.How does the grandmother's behavior change before her death, and what does this reveal about her character?

Answer: Before her death, the grandmother's behavior changes significantly. She stops praying and begins to drum and sing about the homecoming of warriors. This change in behavior suggests that she is preparing for her own journey home and is perhaps anticipating a reunion with loved ones who have passed away. It also reveals her deep connection to her cultural and spiritual roots and her ability to express herself through music and song. Her peaceful acceptance of death and her final moments of prayer and bead-telling demonstrate her strength of character and her deep spirituality.

AHSEC Class 11 Previous Year Questions & Answers 

[Year Wise Solution]

1.After the author returns home from abroad, how does the grandmother celebrate his homecoming? A.H.S.E.C 2022

Answer: After the author returns home from abroad, the grandmother celebrates his homecoming by gathering the women of the neighborhood and playing an old drum while singing about the homecoming of warriors. This is significant because it reflects the grandmother's strong sense of tradition and her belief that her grandson has returned home like a warrior. The celebration also shows the grandmother's joy at seeing her grandson again after such a long absence. The fact that she is able to play the drum and sing for several hours despite her age suggests her resilience and her enduring devotion to her family.

2. In "The Portrait of a Lady" by Khushwant Singh, why does the grandmother always accompany the author to school?


Why did grandmother always accompanied the author to the school? A.H.S.E.C 2022

Answer: The grandmother always accompanies the author to school because the school is attached to the temple, and she wants to read the scriptures while the author is attending class. The author and his grandmother live in a rural village where the school is located, and the grandmother is deeply religious. She spends most of her time reciting prayers and reading scriptures, so accompanying the author to school allows her to continue her religious practice while also ensuring that the author gets to school safely. Additionally, the grandmother and the author have a close relationship, and she enjoys spending time with him and taking care of him. By accompanying him to school, she is able to spend more time with him and strengthen their bond.

3. What are the different ways in which we come to know that the author's grandmother was a deeply religious person. 5 A.H.S.E.C 2022

Ans. The author's grandmother was a deeply religious person. The different ways of her behavior show this. 

i). She visited the temple every morning and read scriptures. 

ii).At home she continuously recited her inaudible prayer and kept telling the beads of the rosary.

iii). She would repeat her prayer in a sing-song manner while getting the author ready for school hoping that he would learn it by heart.

iv) She didn't like English school as there was no teaching God and scriptures.

v) Even while spinning at her spinning-wheel she would recite prayers.

vi) She continued praying and telling beads of her rosary till her last breath.

4. Mention three reasons how the author's grandmother spent her days after he grew up? 2  A.H.S.E.C 2011

Ans. After the author had grown up he was given a room of his own, and the common link of friendship with his grandmother was snapped. The grandmother found new ways of spending her time.

i) She spent her time at the spinning wheel. 

ii) While spinning she recited her prayers.

iii)She relaxed for a while in the afternoon to feed the sparrows.

More updating soon….

Additional Question Answers:

1. Give a short description of the narrator’s grandfather as he appeared in the portrait.

Ans. The narrator’s grandfather’s portrait which hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing-room depicted him as hundred years old. He had a long, white beard which covered the best part of his chest, and wore a big turban and loose-fitting clothes. Hedid not appear as one who had a wife or children, but as one who had lots and lots of


2. Why did the narrator not believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty?

Ans. It was hard to believe for the narrator that his grandmother was once young and pretty because he had always seen his grandmother’s face crisscross of wrinkles running from everywhere to everywhere. She had been looking at the same terribly old lady for the last twenty years.

3. What was the turning point in their friendship?

Ans. The turning point in the author’s friendship with his grandmother was their shift to the city. There, she could neither accompany him to school nor could help him with his studies as a result a gap developed between them. As time passes, they saw very little of each other.

4. Describe the grandmother's feeding of the village dogs.

Ans. When they would walk back home together, the village dogs met them at the temple door. They followed them almost home. The grandmother would throw chapattis to them. The dogs would growl and fight with each other for the crumbs. 

5. What was the grandmother's opinion about the English school in the city?

Ans. The narrator's grandmother had a very poor opinion about the English school in the city. She was quite sad and disappointed they didn't teach anything about God and the scriptures at the school. Moreover, she did not like that music lessons were given in English school as she thinks it was not meant for gentle folks.

AHSEC Class 11 English Hornbill Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers 2023

6. Why did the grandmother go to the school along with the narrator?

Ans. The narrator's grandmother was a very loving and caring woman. When the narrator's parents left him in her charge when they went to the city, she looked after him in every possible way. She not only looked after him even accompanied him to the school and stayed in the temple attached to the school till his school gets over. It was her love for her grandson that she cared for him so much.

7. What did the priest teach at the village school?

Ans. The priest taught alphabets and Morning Prayer at the village school. He made the children stand in rows on either side and they would sing the alphabets or the prayer in a chorus.

8. Why did the grandmother keep one hand on her waist?

Ans. The grandmother was very old. She was slightly bent in her physique. So she couldn't stand and walk with her body in an upright position. She had to keep one of her two hands on her waist. She did so to balance her stoop.

9. What were her views on music?

Ans. The grandmother did not like the idea of music lessons being taught in English school. She was very upset and disturbed when she came to know about it as to her music had loud associations. It was the monopoly of harlots and beggars and was not meant for gentlefolk.

10. How did the narrator and his grandmother develop a deep-rooted friendship?

Ans. When the narrator was quite young, his parents moved to the city and left him in charge of his grandmother. He and his grandmother stayed back in the village where she was his constant companion. She looked after him, woke him up, and got him ready for school in the morning. She would give him breakfast and even accompany him to school which was attached to a temple and came back together. Thus, the narrator and his grandmother develop a deep-rooted friendship.

AHSEC Class 11 English Hornbill Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers 2023

11. What did the priest teach at the village school?

Ans. The priest taught alphabets and Morning Prayer at the village school. He made the children stand in rows in either side and they would sing the alphabets or the prayer in a chorus.

12. How did the strong bond of friendship snap?

Ans. A gap developed between the narrator and his grandmother when they shifted to the city. Later when the narrator reached university, he was given a separate room of his own. This led to their separation and the bond of friendship that existed between them finally snapped

Class 11 The Portrait of a Lady Questions Answers 

13. What was the happiest hour of the day for the grandmother?

Ans. The happiest hour of the day for the grandmother in the city was when she took a break from the spinning wheel and feed the sparrows. Hundreds of these birds gather around her every afternoon as she threw bread crumbs to them.

14. Describe the grandmother's feeding the sparrows?

Ans. When the narrator went up to university the grandmother was left alone. She spent her time by feeding the sparrows in the afternoon. She took a break from the spinning wheel, sat in the verandah, broke the crumbs of bread to them. Hundreds of birds gather around her and sat on her legs, shoulders, and even head. She only smiled and never shooed them away.

AHSEC Class 11 English Hornbill Prose The Portrait of a Lady Important Questions Answers 2023

15. What was the reaction of the grandmother when the narrator decided to go abroad?

Ans. When the narrator decided to go abroad for further studies, the grandmother was not upset. She was not even sentimental. She kept silent and did not show her emotions. Her lips moved in prayer and her fingers were busy telling the beads of her rosary. Then she silently kissed his forehead before departing.

Class 11 The Portrait of a Lady Questions Answers 

16. How did the grandmother celebrate the homecoming of the narrator from abroad?

Ans. The narrator's grandmother gave a heroic welcome when he come back from abroad. Her excitement was seen in the way she fed the sparrows. In the evening she collected the women of her neighborhood, took an old drum, and kept singing for several hours to celebrate the homecoming of the narrator. 

17. Did the narrator find any transformation in the appearance of his grandmother after he returned from abroad?

Ans. No, the narrator did not find any transformation in the appearance of his grandmother. She did not look a day older and still was the same religious lady reciting her prayer when she clasped the narrator in her arms.

18. What did she do while lying on the bed before her death? 

Ans. Just before the grandmother died, she said that her end was near. She did not want to waste any more time talking to others. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling her beads. Her lips stopped moving and the rosary fell from her lifeless figures. There was peace on her face and the author and his family know that she was dead.

AHSEC Class 11 Year English The Portrait of a Lady Questions Answers & Solution

19. What is the difference between village school education and urban school education as brought out in the lesson "The Portrait of a Lady?

Ans. In the village school, the priest taught the alphabet and Morning Prayer. There were lessons on scriptures and prayers were recited in chorus near the temple. But in the Urban school, there were lessons in science and math. There were no lessons about God and scriptures. Moreover, music lessons were also imparted in an urban school.


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